President Michael Sata is on Wednesday December 4 expected in Siavonga district.
The purpose of his visit is to commission the ZESCO extension project generator number five (5) at Kariba North-bank Power Station.
Siavonga District Commissioner Brave Mweetwa confirmed the development to ZANIS in a statement today.
Mr. Mweetwa said that the President is expected to land in the district at around 09:00hrs.
I hope we get some relief from the notorious load shedding.
Wonder why MMD let the situation deteriorate
the one in the far end is the real president! watch this space!
hahahahahahah#…….all of a sudden he is all over the country commissioning even fridges for storing medicine.
@gen, the project was started by mwanawasa and implemented by rupiah. it has been under construction for 3yrs, add another pre construction planning of 2 yrs. mmd initiated so many projects in zesco. u just didnt follow events.
MMD didn’t get in power with Mwanawasa. Neither should it have taken a combined 10years of Mwanawasa and Rupiah misrule.
MMD was in power for 20years and they saw energy consumption steadily going up but did nothing to upgrade the generation capacity as they were preoccupied with stealing
@Gen. Sata was secretary General of MMD for 10 of those 20 years. If Sata had his way Chiluba would have continued for another 5 years or more.
Truth is all the current power projects under construction were started by the Levy and Rupiah administrations. Victoria Falls upgrade from 12 Mw to 40 Mw was started and under Mwanawasa. So was the Kafue upgrade from 900 to 990Mw.
The current upgrading of Kariba was started in 2009 under RB. So is the construction of 120 Mw ITT and 750 Mw Lower Kafue.
Honestly , you are unashamed liar to say that the MMD did nothingto upgrade the generation capacity. Is lying a congenital condition to you PF cadres. A simple googling of these projects will prove you who started them and when. There’s no picture of Sata commissioning these projects!
#PF Cadre , starting project is one thing. what is import is finishing. so the one who has finished it is the more important person.There projects, which has been on going for years and year
not knowing how much it has cost this nation to repair him. He seems to have responded well to this UK combination of cytotoxics
he is commissioning that so that there is enough power at his newly built Paul mushindo university
@Bwalya Chiselema, Alimwi tonyufwi. Which University is Paul Mushindo University??? Kikikikikikiki……………………………
In all honesty the whole president commissioning generators…leave some work for your ministers and just hold a press conference at State House! !
@Jay Jay. Make a visit to one of the major Power Stations such as Kafue Gorge or Kariba. Then you will understand why the entire Presidency can commission even a transformer. Beautiful and marvellous illustrations of engineering: Civil, Electrical and Mechanical. And to think that they are being run by Zambians!!!! A big feat. That is why the whole president commissioning generators my friend Jay Jay.
Spook you are right. I have seen it myself really marvellous. School must arrange trips for our young ones to see such things.
The whole president? Do you want half of him to do it? Let ’em work, Let ’em live!
Ask RB and MMD.He used to commission toilets
gud wrk mr president
it doesn’t matter who initiated the project, the incumbent is a ceremonial commissioning officer not the brain, kabimba has his own ways of changing this country but for now he know u can’t bit the finger that feeds u.
Waaa! The commissioning and appointments officer, lol…..
Why is my president always on the edge. In this photo it looks like he is scared of something and is about to jump out of the plane. Take it easy MCS.
akalufumo ba president ka nsokanda
I am shocked by comments from some bloggers. When the Prezido was planning all this quietly you and the watchdog were saying he is too ill to move. Now that he is everywhere, you say he should send ministers(delegate). What the hell of human animals are you?
@Jay Jay, when you see the finish of the technical work at the gorge then you will start to appreciate why the President has to go there. Basic generators is the visual I guess you have. Engineering at its best view.
Very true Lusaka Cholera!!!!
u hasnt the CEEC released the money to all citizenz….and why is the constitution delaying so many questions need to be answered… twapapata ba pf