Thursday, March 13, 2025

Health Deputy Minister, Chikusu dies after heart attack


Deputy Minister of Health Dr. Patrick Chikusu
Deputy Minister of Health Dr. Patrick Chikusu

Health Deputy Minister Patrick Chikusu has died.

Dr. Chikusu died last night at Milpark Hospital in South Africa where he was evacuated after suffering a heart attack.

This is in a statement released to ZANIS in Lusaka today by Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services, Mwansa Kapeya.

Mr. Kapeya said Dr. Chikusu had earlier been admitted to Coptic Hospital in Lusaka for a heart problem before being evacuated to South Africa for specialist treatment.

Mr. Kapeya who is also Chief Government Spokesperson said the nation will be advised on details of the funeral arrangements in due course.

He regretted that Zambia has been robbed of a patriotic Zambian who rendered selfless service as an eminent medical practitioner and servant to the people.



  1. Oh my God ! This is a big blow to the nation.What a wonderful and hardworking man that is going to an early grave.RIP doc

    • Another medical doctor, well well then its a loss to Zambia, not necessary to PF only. Under which ministry, they are so many of those deputies.
      But we need to know when, where and who may have attributed to that heart attack. I suspect it was in meeting with president Sata, there will be more.

    • The minister of health should lead by example and be treated at UTH, the institution which is under his ministry. What is he minister of healthy for? So Zambians who are being admitted at UTH and other Zambian hospitals are not human being enough to deserve propoer medical care?
      Nabalefwa mwee!

    • I tried to go down stairs to read what how others are mourning, sooooo bad, the guys have no remorse at all. They don’t even care that the Dr. had children and friends.
      I decided to come up here with abena Saulosi, Ndobo, Mushota (went for cooking). @ Mopao you better go downstairs too, ask Senior Citizen to come over here.

    • Ndobo, Sekeni was advised to come back and wait for his death because India could not do anymore to save him same as Ben Tentamashiba. But Dr Chikusu should have been first admitted to UTH and not Coptic that is not even a full hosptial. Eventhough doctors at UTH hop around these private hospitals, his friends at UTH with better equipment could have stabilized him before taking him to SA. Or atleast he should have gone to CFB which is fully equipped. Coptic? come’on!

    • Its a sorry side in PF government because we are expecting more deaths due to very old people holding on to positions.

    • Who remembers this?

      My evacuation to SA was mere PR, says Sata
      Time Posted: March 11, 2010 8:16 am
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      PARTIOTC Front president Michael Sata has said late president Mwanawasa’s decision to evacuate him to South Africa for treatment after he suffered a heart problem was a public relations gimmick.

      Mr Sata said in an interview on Tuesday that Dr Mwanawasa thought he (Mr Sata) had already died and the decision to send him for treatment would have been a mere formality.

    • A person with a heart attack is supposed to be stabilized right away not taken on an airplane! That’s instant death!

    • He was an eminent Pharmacist educated Doctor in Pharmacology with a PhD. This a true doctoral qualification not these dr Ba pa ridgeway u call doctors without a PhD but just a ka degree in medicine. DrChikusu was more educated than any average doctor u know. Shaaa

    • why re yu bitter abt medical doctors? chikusu just like most other pharmacists 1st choice career was medicine but couldn’t make it. in the end settled for pharmacy and endured bitterness. ..

    • Saulosi help me understand, what is wrong with mushota, its like she/he is an alienn, hw c0me she says she has never heard of him, thats wy i always tel her/him that ignorance is not good but an enemy to yourslf.I tel u if one didnt know the late Chikusu then that person has some thing wrong………………………..RIP…Doc.

    • Condolences to the Chikusu Family, to the President, to Ministry of Health, to MMD, to Katuba Constituency and to all mourning Zambians. This Doctor I personally respected him for being a commitment Anti-HIV/AIDS Activist. I only pray the Sondashi Formula progress is not going to die with this good Doctor! May His Soul Reat in Eternal Peace!

    • It’s very sad that someone has such bitterness and lack of self respect to suggest death is a consequence of someone’s political career. I hope you never have to deal with negativity when your mother or father dies.
      Rest in peace to a man who was educated and saw the bigger picture. Selfless and courageous.

    • Time for self introspection as a country. Why the minister of health has to be evacuated to South Africa leaving UTH when Zambia is not in civil strife other than the war of man made poverty. If ruined down why haven’t this regime improved our healthcare system in a country where billions are shredded on induced bye-elections???

      If Minister of health is running away from his own institutions, what is there for a commoner?

    • Evacuated Minister of health??? he deserved to die!!!! for the millions who cant be evacuated and die like flies in our local hosipitals

    • That is harsh. Have you forgotten that Tony Blair did his heart by-pass op in Germany, shaning his NHS. At the time the best specilaist treatment was in Germany and not in his Country. Similary Dr. Chikusu went to SA as that may have given him the best attention to his ailment. For all you know, this may have been as a result of private med cover, under which you choose where to be treated. MHRIP

    • @Amayama, dont compare UK to Zambia. UK is rich and can afford to send its leader to neighbouring Germany. Zambia is poor. The minister of health should lead by example and be treated at UTH, the institution which is under his ministry. What is he minister of healthy for? Nabalefwa mwee!

    • Tony Blair, heart by-pass? He had treatment for persistent irregular heart beat (signals), very different from a heart by-pass. However, that doesn’t change the fact that he didnt have it in the UK. However, I agree with the argument of @Mopao that Zambia needs to invest in its own infrastructure instead of relying on South Africa or India, when a lot of money is being spent on things of less importance. Bottom line is that when our leaders are ill, they have recourse to public funds and are evacuated to countries that can offer then second chance at life.

    • Please educate your self before making such a poorly informed comment. If you knew anything about his political position you would be aware of his impact on preventing HIV and malaria. I suggest you read and give an informed response. Clearly you have no idea what your talking about!

  2. my heart felt condolences. we are saddened by this and also alarmed of the rate at which government officials are dying. RIP Doc.

  3. Evacuating for a heart attack? Reminds me of the Mutharika incident… anyway condolences to the government and his family.

  4. He was a good man and he contributed greatly to AIDS research in Zambia in the late 80s when he was at Medical Stores. MHSRIEP.

  5. Sad luck Dr.Chikusu. May the good Lord preserve your in the realm of the departed until Christ’ s second advent. It’ s sad Zambia is losing such dedicated men at the time the country needs their services. My condolences to the bereaved family, may God Almighty strengthen you.

  6. Go well our dear Doc, you really ran your race. I pray that our Katuba Constituency gets another good son of the soil to take over the mantle from you. We have serious and able young men like the Clement Ngalatis of this world to take over. That constituency is remaining behind in real development as we are usually given time-wasters and imposters to masquarading as people’s representatives. That area has serious potential by virtue of its position and we really deserve better and more.

    • Good contribution banene. Let’s try that Ngalati you have mentioned. I am told he is in the corporate world somewhere.

    • I agree, Ngalati would really make a good candidate for that seat. The kwangalas have already started looking for wrong candidates even before the Doc is put to rest. We want a serious person for Katuba this time around.

  7. Very sad indeed. His heart was broken by someone, who knows their self.
    Anyway, point of correction Minister, Chikusu was not a medical practitioner but a pharmacist.

  8. Senior Citizen says:

    Time for self introspection as a country. Why the minister of health has to be evacuated to South Africa leaving UTH when Zambia is not in civil strife other than the war of man made poverty. If ruined down why haven’t this regime improved our healthcare system in a country where billions are shredded on induced bye-elections???

    If Minister of health is running away from his own institutions, what is there for a commoner?

  9. MHSRIP – However, Sata is busy with bye-elections instead of channelling that money into state of the art hospital. This will serve frequent trips by politicians to south africa. He promised so in his campaigns. University at Luapula or Mpika should be deferred as was the case with Livingstone stadium! How about that! Only that is not in Bemba land can be deferred to another date!

    • Ichisungu bane, please go back to night school! Who are you to judge another person? The doctors are patiently waiting for you at Chainama Hill Hospital where you escaped.

  10. im very much sorry my fellow Zambians for the death of our beloved and hardworking man, may the grace of our lord jesus Christ be with the family as they are going through difficult moments.

  11. Maybe Kasebanya will be appointed to take this vacant position for the time being before she officially becomes health minister and then the pf candidate in 2016 – more money in her pocket as she would have the deputy minister’s salary as well as the money she embezzled unconstitutionally for the non-existent first lady’s office. More photo opportunities as well – a win-win situation for her and her relatives.

  12. The man was a traitor and he has died, all i can say is that thi is an opportunity for Katuba constituency people to get an MP who will represent them not his own pockets.

  13. The minister of health should lead by example and be treated at UTH, the institution which is under his ministry. What is he minister of healthy for? So Zambians who are being admitted at UTH and other Zambian hospitals are not human being enough to deserve propoer medical care?
    Nabalefwa mwee! Just waiting for the big one.

  14. Sad Indeed he was one of few of our Indunas who was very positive about development of our Villages in Senior Chieftain es Nkomomeshya Mukamambo we will greatly miss you MHSRIP.

  15. Bafiqala mwalikalipa zoona! Even when someone has died you still attack and celebrate that they have died. The doc is not the reason UTH is the way it is and he was working to improve the services there. Besides he was in a condition that he could not make any decision whether to be treated in UTH or Milpark. MHSRP!

  16. Tony Blair was never treated in Germany he used the NHS
    Political leaders have to use the nhs because it is the
    Best in the world

  17. Big loss to the Nation. He was a professional in his dealings such that no one would tell theat he MMD MP. It takes more than seven (7) years to have a full fledged medical doctor. Let us learn one or two things from his good conduct. MHSRIEP.

    • He was not a medical doctor but a pharmacist. Nevertheless, it still adds to the same thing – He has died. I am sure he will be greatly missed by his family and friends.

  18. Dr Chikusu was a good man and was a medical Doctor and practitioner.

    No matter what his politics a good family man who contributed to his nation lost his life.

    The lack of empathy and respect shown is disheartening. This is not the time to point score over politics.

    • He was an eminent Pharmacist educated Doctor in Pharmacology with a PhD. This a true doctoral qualification not these dr Ba pa ridgeway u call doctors without a PhD but just a ka degree in medicine. DrChikusu was more educated than any average doctor u know. Shaaa

  19. Healthy Check would have done well. The deputy was obese and that could have lead to heart attack. Too much amafuta kumkoshi! MHSRIP

  20. Has anybody seen my old friend Patrick… children and I loved and knew Patrick and Edah and their children- our friendship spanned thirty years. We didn’t know the politian but we knew the Man. He was a brilliant academic and rejected many opportunities for lucrative careers around the world which would have taken him far from the poverty and strife of his native Zambia. But he was dedicated to improving the lives and the health of his people with no ambition for greatness himself. To those of you on both sides of the political divide – you have lost a true son of Zambia and to his family and friends our lives are devastaed today at the loss of this true gentle man.

  21. Ohhh my god. Death has robbed us again of a warrior. Condolences to the chikusu family and the nation at large… Chabipa

  22. ..we will be celebrating a jubilee independence next year and yet we do not have qualified/specialist doctors, facility, equipment to manage heart attack, heart failure, stroke…etc……???…eeish. The doctor or the authority which endorsed his evacuation must be ‘questioned’/ responsible for his demise….that two hours wasted on the plane was crucial to his survival…if those two hours were spent in UTH ICU bed surrounded by doctors, the story may have been different…..
    ..I have listened to the presido, then in opposition, on youtube making pronouncements on one of the radio phoenix talk show on anti-overseas medication for govt officials…….only if the same zeal being applied on road network rehab was applied on health, Dr Chikusu may still have been with us……

  23. It is sad that the Zambian government has totally ignored the cries of the people for decent medical services for all. The authorities would rather make the Millpark their departure lounge, but for how long.
    The huge sums of money they are spending on evacuating themselves could go a long way in improving health services country-wide but selfishness has blinded them.

  24. This is penalty kick for Shakafuswa of upend! He is getting it under what may. What a test match near Lusaka. I m sure pf is shivering like no mans business.

  25. What a world. The guys was a great and well qualified pharmacist but none of the drugs he new so well could save him.

  26. Heart attack in zambia is a death sentence. We dont have adequate skillful and knowledgeable man power. This is also worsened by like of equipment and government initiative. What government should do:
    1. Train more zambians in Interventional cardiology
    2. Establish cardiac cath Labs in major Hospitals
    3. In the meantime bring Indian Interventional cardiologist to build cardiac center in lusaka or any other town to handle cardiac cases while we work on point 1 and 2.
    This is what countries like Nigeria has done. It will save most of those sudden deaths. Dr Chisuku is partly to blame for his death is you know what i mean.

  27. sad news for the chikusu family.however, my concern is the place Milpark RSA?
    I was thinking there is something seriously amiss at UTH such that the government ministers shun the place.As PF govt. please ensure that you replenish the equipment required for UTH to run as a proper national hospital.many doctors have become administrators, besides ,doctors are busy with extra cash elsewhere , nurses are working under duress,common patient becomes sacrifical lamb.Shame shame!

  28. Dr. Chikusu so humble but diligent, dedicated & disciplined professional & politician. A great teacher & researcher. RIP hon. Chikusu. May the Almighty God strengthen and guide your family during this trying moment. I wll greatly miss Hon. Chikusu for the knowledge of pharmacology he imparted in me during my training in the medical school.

  29. Heartfelt condolences to the Chikusu family. Notwithstanding, the man will go down as one of the worst MPs for Katuba. Katuba now has a chance to select one of its many eminent sons and daughters to represent them as we await a change of government in 2016. UPND has been tried and stand no chance in Katuba. MMD is a spent force while PF is unwanted beginning from the top. Katuba can try a good independent or one from the new crop of politicians such as NAREP. This should be an election for a good individual. But for PF forget about Katuba- they see you as the murderers of livelihoods. You can still tar the road to the palace to give you a few votes.

  30. Heartfelt condolences. Dr. Chikusu was a very good person. He placed public interest before self. Some bloggers on this site who have posted hotile comments concerning the death of Dr. Chikusu are heartless. Infact they are beasts whose instincts are not supposed to be mingled with humane outpouring of grief. LT should have done well to block such stanic comments.

  31. Heartfelt condolences. Dr. Chikusu was a very good person. He placed public interest before self. Some bloggers on this site who have posted hostile comments concerning the death of Dr. Chikusu are heartless. Infact they are beasts whose instincts are not supposed to be mingled with humane outpouring of grief. LT should have done well to block such stanic comments.

  32. @J Zambia, you are are an ***** at best. How do you celebrate death of an eminent person just to please your ego? Watumpa nga pamusula wa kwa cula.

  33. It is double tragedy for the family as his father in law died on Sunday and will be buried on Wednesday. Sad for family. MHSRIP

  34. The bible says happy are those who mourn with others. Please Zambians, at time like this we really need not to be politicize and not forget our slogan: ONE ZAMBIA ONE NATION therefore Unity must work, why attacking the dead? pity for you guys, also should bear in mind that at one time we shall all die and leave unfinished business on earth the same words shall come back to us from the remains. Late us mourn together , Condolences to the DR Chikusu’s family, friends and the country at large.

  35. Zambians however we may be linked politically ,lets at least be civil and mourn someones death with dignity ……why do always write all the negatives ……Come on guys we should be more mature and dignified .
    I remember in the back old days when a funeral cortege passed by everyone stopped still until it went ,cyclist used to disembark from their cycles and stand with head raised down ……now look at us we even try to overtake a funeral car /van and no one stops …… look at the silly comments on this forum ………it makes sad reading and as Zambian really ashamed …..please let there be civility …at least the EDITORS please censure if it need be

  36. The inhumane responses on here are pitiful. we have to have respect for the dead, mew bantu. This is very unzambian. just because you are behind a computer and not in the public eye. This is shameful! MHSRIP. Apologies and shame on these heartless bastards who will themselves rot in hell.

  37. Condolences to the family.Dr Chikusu was a ‘gentle giant’ in every sense of the word.
    @ Membe Post-what have the locally (Ridgeway) trained doctors(LTDS) done to you?Are you one of those who failed to enter medical school and blamed it on the long years of training putting you off??? The fact that most bloggers aresayingb that UTH/ICU should have given it a go tells you theLTDs are dunderheads only in your head.My friend,sieving for LTDs starts from high scholl right through 1st,2nd and 3rd Year of varsity.The chap you see at the end of 7 years is ready for any form of training to whatever level right up to full professor but not all get that chance as scholarships are limited among the reasons.As a matter of fact,a number have PhD but you wont know as the title remains the same.Plse…

  38. @Membe post
    Plse grow up and lets focus on the issue at hand.A good number of Ridgeway trained doctors you are despising are competitively living their trade in the diaspora and doing very well,so are locally trained meturllagists,nurses,bankers etc.Let us all focus on important issues other than despising out locally trained people(which to me is an inferiority complex) when so many from various fields are gaining international awards and recognition.Good day
    Plse dont correct my error of scholl instead of school in the earlier post

    • @This is me. What do you expect from a useless UPND cadre? He has run out of insults on ZWD and so has decided to come and spew his hate speech here. MHSRIP

  39. Ala lesa ni malyotola. You can lie to the people but eventually you’ll get served. Deputy minister of Health, you opt to be evacuated and yet its your ministries responsiblity to make sure we have everything in our institutions. God does not like ugly and Dr Chikusu God has shown you who he is. RIP

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