Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Government warns UPND against attacking Police Officers


Deputy home affairs minister Stephen Kampyongo Deputy home affairs minister Stephen Kampyongo dancing with sista D Daputa Nkhata Zulu at the Christmas celebrations organized for the youths at Katombora Reformatory School in Kazungula district
Deputy home affairs minister Stephen Kampyongo Deputy home affairs minister Stephen Kampyongo dancing with sista D Daputa Nkhata Zulu at the Christmas celebrations organized for the youths at Katombora Reformatory School in Kazungula district

GOVERNMENT has warned the opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) against attacking police officers deployed to maintain order and peace at their rallies and other functions.

Home Affairs Deputy Minister Stephen Kampyongo said at a press briefing yesterday in reference to a latest case in Mazabuka where UPND officials beat up police officers after they were deployed to maintain law and order at the party’s fundraising braai last Saturday.

Mr Kampyongo said the UPND were on record of assaulting people including one police officer in Kalomo on May 30, this year and advised the nation to understand why police had been objecting to notifications from the UPND to hold public processions.

He expressed happiness that police had since arrested one suspect identified as Albert Tembo aged 37 of Lubombo ward within Mazabuka in connection with the violence and was expected to appear in court yesterday.

Mr Kampyonga said such harassment of police officers by UPND cadres would not be tolerated saying it was unfortunate that the officers were beaten even after they introduced themselves.

“We have noted with great concern that four of the police officers that were deployed at the UPND function to maintain law and order where attacked by cadres , this was done knowingly as they had introduced themselves as police officers to party officials earlier and were together since morning, “he said.

The deputy minister said UPND cadres’ behaviour of going to an extent of beating police officers was an indication that it was not possible for them to maintain law and order on their own.


  1. why didnt you warn PF panga yielding cadres or arrest them. those who where beaten were not police officers but PF cadres in police uniforms masquerading as police officers. continue beating them if they try to disrupt your meetings. when pf cadres are free to roam cairo road yielding machetes we dont want PF double standards


  2. The only folks mad enough to attack police officers are PF cadres due to their protection from high places.The other parties are violence free and squeeky clean model citizens.

  3. This headless, directionless, useless Pathetic government. Where are you when Pf cadres are violeting the piece we have been enjoying as country for so long? Pf should be shown the exit door by all sober Zambians come the genel election.

  4. Mr Kapyango, your are refering to May 30 incidence sure when recently your own cadres were slaping and commanding police officers in full view of city centre vendors. When will people have softier hearts.

  5. very easy to point fingers at others u are talking of 4 police officers how many pipo did ur pf cadres disturbed in lsk? i see why ignorance is very expensive coz we need to take u back to school to help u in reasoning…even ur micheal remained mute abt it….viva HH come next elections nitakula pf

  6. Government is our agent for helping people help themselves and each other hence it is a responsibility of every progressive Zambian to make sure government works. Violence towards our men in uniform will not yield anything. Our common enemy is poverty, disease and unemployment which we should all wage war.

  7. Very foolish Minister who just want to kill our democracy in this country for his own selfish reason. Why didn’t he condemn the PF carders in the past few weeks when they even killed their own; l find this thinking by this minister stupid and should not be left for public view. If the police are being beaten by upnd carders then it s because they have lost integrity by their conduct in the past; if they need to be beaten for them to stop behaving like dogs we will continue beating them. The PF must know one thing this time around, it is not the political rallies that is going to make upnd popular because they are already popular for offering best options and for this we will go out tell our relatives to vote them upnd into power.

  8. The Panga Family (PF) committed acts of violence against themselves and the Zambian people – I never heard this so called deputy minister speak against the Violence. Now he has found the voice because it is UPND! Bwana when you have position of Minister you serve the people of Zambia not just your Panga Family. I think you lack Isukru. You are just talking what ever what ever……!

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