Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Lusaka man defiles and strangles his two-year old daughter to death



Police in Lusaka are looking for a man who allegedly defiled and strangled his 2 years 3 months old biological daughter to death.

The man identified as John Mwakamwi is alleged to have defiled his daughter on November 30th 2013 after his wife Matildah Mwiinga of Bamoral in Makeni of Tindi area left the child in the custody of her father.

Zambia Police Acting Public Relations Officer Rae Hamoonga said it was at this point that the suspect defiled, strangled and covered the child with blankets and put her on the bed.

Mr. Hamoonga explained that when the mother to the child returned, she inquired the whereabouts of the child and was told that she was sleeping.

Upon checking the child, she discovered that she was dead.

Mr. Hamoonga said with the pretext of informing relatives and neighbors about the death of the child, the suspect ran away and never returned.

He said after conducting a postmortem on the child, it was revealed that the deceased sustained swollen private parts, bruised neck, punctured liver and kidney and ten fractured ribs.

Police have since appealed to members of the public with information on the whereabouts of John Mwakamwi to report to the nearest police station.


    • The f*cker should be hunged to death. what’s wrong with these tongaz and sex, inyele sana aba tonga kikikikikikikikikiki

    • @watchman and Chiwanangala.
      Guys judge people based on the content of their character and not tribe. Your inferiority and small mindedness should not be for public display. Learn to speak to issues raised and not attacking other tribes.


    • Mwakamwi is not Tonga. Mwinga may also be Lozi. Don’t be decieved by Fred Mmembe’s Post that always demonises Tongas. He is up to making Tongas percieved as perverted people like he is so that HH can be disadvanted. After all all tribes and regions, provinces have people doing these things but Mmembe concentrates on Southern province so that he can continue his life without any bother of paying back our billions.

    • it doesn’t matter the tribe. the point is, this is a heinous crime committed by a father who must be protecting, providing and caring for that child.

      The man is sick in the head.

      put him away in prison and throw away the key… chapwa

      what has become of our country? too much western food laced with Viagra?

    • @Sharp, Bufi Boza, Kubeja. There is and there has never been a Lozi name , Mwakamwi. If you don’t know where the name is from, please stop speculating. Mwakamwi is not a Lozi name. I am 2000% sure of that.

  1. all this is because of the failed policies of PF. he could not afford money to go and look for prostitutes. may the soul of the unfortunate deceased child R.I.P. i advise the members of the public to do a mob justice wherever this cruel i.diot is found

  2. Could some tell me what is happening with our brothers in Southern Province of Zambia. A head teacher in Chikankata was nabbed yesterday by cops for rapping a 16 year old girl.

  3. What man would do such a thing but a mad monster!Realy vexing.Societal marals are deteriorating faster than efforts to check how we are faring as humans.People are too self centered stimilated by materialism.If we took time to care about the next person,spent time with nature and learnt to respect even the smallest of organisms then such ugly acts would make us ashamed of being called humans.It begins with self check on how we think and treat living things including even grass.

  4. mauless. imbwa iyi ni sex yamusango shani yaumfwile waba…………….. we mbwawe so women should stop bearin baby girls kanshi? Nga ba fyala nishi bafyalila imbwa. imbwa have sex wit its sibblings hence referring this animal to a dog. dog dogi

  5. Zambia has really changed. We used to be the envy of most African nations, & other Continents, for our tolerance & lack of Tribalism.
    This has since changed, & it worries me to see the levels of Tribalism , expressed via comments in the above article.
    BE CAREFUL WHAT U WISH FOR!! Rwanda has seen it.

  6. This animal must be caught and exterminated before it happens again. He does not deserve to exist any longer, Very sickening.

  7. such incidences have been happening in SA lately. The devil wants to make our little ones suffer this year. It seems he is now playing in Zambia. We must pray and stop him in his tracks now. pray mother Zambia for this spirit to leave our country!!

  8. such things have of late been happening in many parts of the world,zambia inclusive but if a journalist wants to single out a certain group it is unfortunate.l now understand why others are advocating secession,there is a lot of hate in zed and yet you are supposed to be one zed one people

  9. The government did a great thing, kip it up, bravo, excellent, good , star . let them re-apply and be posted in the villages. No more working in a general hospitals this time its district hospital. ulululu.

  10. People setenced to death must be hanged. This man needs to be hanged until pronounced dead. He has no regard for life. I wonder why Zambians are aganist capital punishment. Imagine keeping this man in prison and feeding him from tax payers money

  11. U see how tribalist can twist facts to get at poor Tongas. The poor mother yes is Tonga but the Father U *****s that’s not a Tonga name. That name can be anything but not Tonga. It can even be a monkey eaters name Bemba Kolwez. Anyway who ever that can do such to a poor girl is a devil. But U stupid tribalists stop yo evil sceams against Tongas

  12. When convicted and imprisoned, the wardens should ensure they explain his crime to the other convicts. Believe me, he shall be no more. I have children and right now I cannot comprehend how this excuse of a human being could have done this. He is the perfect candidate for mob justice and not those old people who are always accused of witchcraft. I am totally sickened.

  13. This is abominable whatever tribe Mr. Mwakamwi belongs to. Its sad and out of human wits. if the daughter cant be left in the safety of the father who will? I am sadden by this development. Is this what the Nganga’s are telling our people to commit unspeakable to get rich. I would rather remain poor! what’s wrong with we men? kanshi you cant just wait for the mother to come back? then you do hehehehehehe.

  14. Some Zambians amaze me. Instead of discussing inteligently about the crime of this man. They divert it to tribalism. Who cares what tribe the man comes from. He needs to be locked up and needs mental treatment. He maybe a patient, because most fathers dont have an attraction to their daughters or mothers to their sons. It is just natural. Please get back to condemn the crime and stop talking about tribalism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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