Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Magistrate overturns his earlier judgement and dismisses case of sedition against 4 Barotse Activists


Court hammer

In a dramatic turn of events, Mongu Magistrate Benard Mwanandiwa has overturned his own judgment in which he found guilty and incarcerated four Barotse activists pending sentencing, over the charge of Sedition.

The four activists are Kaiko Kaiko, Malamo Mubiana, Mubiana Muyunda and Muyendekwa Christopher.

They were found guilty of sedition after they were found in possession of the Barotseland flag, national anthem, court of arms, structure of government and other articles of Barotseland’s statehood, some of which were extracts from the internet.

However, when the 4 were brought before him for sentencing yesterday they were pleasantly surprised to hear their case being dismissed, and consequently learning that they were now free men.

The 4 were to serve jail sentences of up to 1 year 8 months when suddenly the magistrate released them and dismissed their case in a dramatic turnaround.

This comes barely a week after the release, through a Nolle Proscui, of 54 others facing charges of treason over Barotseland statehood, while 30 other Barotseland nationals were released on the 1st of November 2013 in a Lusaka magistrate court, from the same charge of treason after the DPP entered a nolle for lack of sufficient evidence to proceed to trial.


    • WHAT A SENSIBLE JUDGE!!! He is very correct!! Why should he incarcerate them when the govt has entered a nolle Prosecui for 54 who face a much more serious case of treason, whilst this lot were only facing sedition! I guess he will tell the DPP to go kiss some other as.s if he can’t get his act straight for more serious cases!!

  1. In a situation Where the state is in confusion.
    So let them sue the government.
    Can the new constitution allow government workers to participant in politics?

  2. Like I said last time that Kaunda and Sata were going to be called as defence witnesses for the Barotseland case and were caught by surprise and not sure what to do other than stop the trial.
    The best solution to this is sitting down and talk through things and if possible give these guys the vote to decide if they what to break away or not. This is happening in many parts of the world, even Scotland is going the vote on whether to be part of the UK. So this is not a unique situation and governments have to learn to talk to the people who gave them the power to manage the country

  3. You people who call for a round table discussion with us LOZIS should instead visit your government in Northen Rhodesia and find out how many such efforts were shunned by your government since 1969 up to date.From your findings, I assure you are going to have a clear picture of what has led to all this.Barotseland is independent forever and nothing will stop this.You are only wasting your time and we canot waste ours by siting and talking to liers of the highest kind. GOODBYE NORTHEN RODHESIA.

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