Tuesday, March 18, 2025

The Late Chikusu’s body arrives for burial


President Michael Sata has declared Saturday December 7 as the day of national mourning for the Late Honourable Deputy Minister of Health, Patrick Chikusu.

And the body of the late Dr Chikusu will arrive in the country from South Africa this evening at 21:05 at the Kenneth Kaunda international Airport aboard a South African airways flight number SA066.

Meanwhile, the late Dr Chikusu, who was also Katuba Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) Member of Parliament, will be buried on Saturday.

Secretary to the Cabinet, Roland Msiska, announced this in a statement issued to the Zambia News and Information Services (ZANIS) in Lusaka today.

Dr Msiska said the burial of the Late Deputy Minister will be preceded by a requiem mass at the Anglican Cathedral of the Holy Cross starting at 09:00 hours.

Information and Broadcasting Services Minister, Mwansa Kapeya, announced in a statement to the nation on Tuesday that Dr Chikusu died on Monday December 2, at Milpark Hospital in South Africa where he was evacuated after suffering a heart attack.

Funeral of the late Dr Chikusu is being held at his residence on plot 7348 Nangwenya road in Rhodes Park in Lusaka.


  1. @Nostradamus
    Saturaday ku chililo, be on time please,, me i will be a the funeral house tommorow night through to saturaday,,,,, i have just been talking to Ba mundala Ba Eddie Lungu pa phone, he will be there together na ba GBM,,, too bad chikwelete the one who knows how Ba lungu drinks wont be on our team

  2. May his Soul rest in peace. Dr. Chikusu was a very committed Mormom. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints mourns with the family. He is was of the discplined members that the Mormon church produced as politician together with the likes of Bob Sichinga Kabulonga Ward Councillor Stanford Sekeleti. Too bad.

    • Until 1978 Dr. Chikusu wouldn’t have been allowed to be active members of the “Moron” faith

      “in the 1960s, the church was criticized by civil rights advocates and religious groups, & in 1969 several church leaders voted to rescind the policy, but the vote was not unanimous so the policy stood. In 1978, church leaders led by Spencer W. Kimball declared they had received a revelation instructing them to reverse the racial restriction policy”

  3. More Money for
    +South African Airlines
    +Hospital in South Africa
    +Allowances for nurses and doctors in SA
    +Restaurants in SA where the Zambians were eating
    +Hotels in SA
    Meanwhile….Less Money in pockets of Zambians businesses

  4. Still surprises me how Dull Zambian leadership is? You mean todate no one has thought of building or renovating some of our Hospitals to state of art and match South African standards?? How long will all these leaders die in South Africa?? This is Stupid and should be stopped. It is a waste of Money. Zambians We have to change this rubbish?? Rest In Piece though if you ever come back in Your New Life. Be a good Leader and think for the poor.

    • that’s just stupid thinking even here in Australia were there good hospitals some patients choose to go to india for treatment. pa zambia you like talking too much.

  5. Morningside and Milpark Hospitals in South Africa mint cash from Zambia’s political leaders that Go to die there. They even declare bonus for their workers from the Money made from Zed Politicians dying there.


  6. Bane i think we should look at the selling of Viagra. it may be responsible for a lot of these fatal heart attacks. just saying and no names mentioned here.

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