Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Government Incompetence in handling labour issues reason for impasse with nurses- NAREP


Protesting nurses at Kitwe Central Hospital (KCH)
Protesting nurses

NAREP wishes to convey its deepest condolences to the Chikusu family on the demise of Hon Chikusu. May the peace of the Lord which passes all understanding be with you as you go through this painful moment of irreversible loss.

At the time of this loss, the nation has continued to be plagued by numerous challenges in every sphere of our existence. Intra-party wrangling, mystery around the constitution making process and the impasse between government and the nurses leading to the dismissal of a huge number of nurses continue to be part of our daily news. Where are we headed to as a nation?

NAREP does not believe striking is the best option in resolving disputes neither does it believe in illogical dismissal of powerless civil servants. There are questions that must be answered before we rush into threats and dismissal of the voiceless:

  • What did government fail to do which led to our generally loyal nurses to all of a sudden become obstinate? Government must admit that incompetence in handling labour issues is the reason for this impasse. It should be stated here that government failure to be proactive in these issues is even worse than the strike. In a just society, people who failed to resolve this issue before it became a full blown challenge should have been fired even before the nurses got fed-up.
  • Is the firing of nurses the best option given that the Labour Minister refused to meet them for dialogue? We call for introspection within the government circles to see what they did not do. Dialogue is a powerful tool as opposed to being bullish, dictatorial and use of force to get things done. We are where we are today because of lapses in the system and we expect the leaders to own up and call for dialogue.

We are aware that a number of nurses dismissed have served for many years and the PF administration will be happy to escape paying their dues. This is unacceptable and we will not stand by and look while the citizens suffer abuse at the hands of a government that has lost its compass.

Everyone who cares to remember will recall that the PF promised to create an environment where our many professionals in the Diaspora would come back to serve Zambia but alas two years down the line we cannot maintain those that have been around. As stated, we do not support strikes as they cause untold suffering on the innocent and in the same vein we do not support abuse of civil servants arising from incompetencies among the politicians in government.

Issued by Joseph Mushalika C
National Chairman


  1. NAREP has no direction why dint you tell your president so called ellias Jr. to advice sata on their way to brasil? f.oolish statement coming from a bunch of i.diots

    • @Bwalya chiselema
      Your comment is way out of place as it does not address the issues raised. To start with, how do you know Elia Chipimo Jr. did not advise the president? Secondly, do you really think President Sata would accept unsolicited advice? Please let us contribute positively. We all have a duty to this nation to foster some form of development in whatever small way. You may not know it, but you comments on this blog can do alot to determine the direction govt takes on certain issues!!!

    • You have said it all. They talk like they didn’t know the strike by nurses was illegal and it remains illegal up to this time. Any got of the day anywhere on earth would fire them. It would be an opportunity for such get to weed out a few bad employees and set new standards for them which are always defined in the letter of dismissal which also tells the to reapply for jobs and tell the employer why they should take back such an individual. Nurses, you are mature people. Mulebomfye mitwe. 200% is way too high to demand. You are simply mad. How do you expect grz to pay you that much?

    • In fact according to what I hear on top of your basic monthly salary which is K2900, you have housing allowance of between K2000 and K3000, transport or whatever allowance of also between the same amount and you also have K800 tax threshold for next year. Therefore, roughly on average add K4000 to K2900 your take home is roughly K 7000. If you say you want to be taking home K 10, 000.00 per month that means a zambian nurse will be getting more than a UK nurse or just the same as a UK nurse. UK has money to afford such salaries for nurses while Zambia is just struggling. Nurses be reasonable.

    • Peter…nurses get nowhere near what you have outlined. If they were getting that amount then they would be happy. They get the K2900. The other figures you have indicated are nowhere near those places….

    • Peter… You seem like you don’t know what you talking about… In Zambia, Housing Allowance is 20% of the Basic Pay… Transport Allowance is 10% of the Basic Pay. Try and research more.

  2. narep are like a headless chicken. every statement they make sounds like plagiarism from a study book formulated for them by some ancient greek psychologist. let them redefine their strategy

  3. Govt’s own careless statements as to what they would do for the health workers led to the impasse. Govt should admit this and reflect on what any other person’s reaction would be if promises made do not come to pass. Yes, govt has the right to dismiss the nurses but does that solve the problem in the health sector or does it compound it? LET US NOT DO THINGS FOR “LESSONS FOR THE FUTURE”, but rather let us accept our part of the blame where we could have gone wrong. Bring the nurses back and MAKE NO MORE PROMISES!!!!!!!

    • this is a social platform where individuals express their opinion if you are NAREP and you think you have a better advice to offer to your so called government do it. its your right. don’t show your .stupidity by condemning your fellow bloggers u an imbecile iwe wine ka st JUDE

  4. Are Bwalya Chiselema and Matipa sane? Their hate for Elias Chipimo and NAREP will not dissuade normal citizens from seeing that NAREP has a lot to offer to this country. I urge you to take a serious look at yourselves and check if you mean well for anyone in your reckless, meaningless, myopic postings. Even a hired gun should have some brains to make a sensible contribution to debate. The issue in question is government incompetence in handling labour issues and not Elias Chipimo and Sata to Brazil. I agree with NAREP that government should focus on dialogue and spend time in introspection. Long live issue based politics. Chipimo you will get my vote if you continue on this path.

  5. Congratulations NAREP on your focused issue-based statements. Ignore senseless detractors seething with senseless hate. Keep it coming. Zambia is watching and listening.

  6. Bwalya Chiselema, opinions must make sense and not just your off target rantings. You are worse than your insult on St Jude. Spend some time looking at yourself.

  7. Good point Narep our Government is the biggest hypocrites stopping others from firing employees alas when it’s there turn they are doing the opposite showing a bad
    example for other employers to emulate, this is what you call government for the people who can’t even dialogue, come 2016 people are gonna have to think hard before voting.

  8. All responsible governments have a duty to protect members of the public from greedy workers. The workers can empty government coffers if left unchecked. Stop sounding simple. Raise national dialogue to a level that is befitting of our beloved great nation. How can you argue that illegal strikes must not be punished? You are weakening the public sector and strengthening the private sector. However, remember that the vast majority of people in the country are poor. They need reliable public services.

    • Sir Remember that Government prevented the private sector to punish their greedy workers. Surely in the same manner Government should not punish its greedy workers. My conclusion is that this government is greedy and not the workers. i therefore urge them to reflect on their pronouncements and their actions before they blame the workers. I respect your opinion totally but I differ with it big time. The crisis was caused by government by creating those anomalies and promising to solve them in the next months pay. Therefore all blame go to them. Why did Shamenda promise to solve the problem and if not he would go back to UTH to have his head chopped? Yes Nurses were right to demand Shamenda’s head because he free offered it to them.

  9. Most of u are just yapping like rabbid dogs.ln the civil service there’s alot of st upidity.Responce toward a wrong matters.Yo comparison 2 kcm is wrong.Did de workers go on an illegal strick?I give u,NERAP a credit 4 yo soberness not iyakwa Roy.

    • I think some of you have a lot hate for the civil servants. Get into it man and see the injustice. The civil service has some of the most brilliant workers in this country. Why do you think most of the Projects and NGOs employ from the civil service? Because they have noticed that it has brilliant brains. The Government wants to oppress the civil servants because they are not able to complain in public. When people talk of illegal strikes, have they ever asked themselves which strike will ever be legal in this country? How can you ask a Minister for permission to go on strike? All strikes are illegal in Zambia because every avenue to have a legal strike is blocked and sealed. GOD HAVE MERCY ON THIS NATION!

  10. people be aware that there are people out there who have been paid to shoot down any objective comments innocent zambia need to hear such as the one from narep and they only support what the goverment do whether wrong or right

  11. striking is illegal, strikers do so at their own risk. however it is one way workers air their grievances.
    I understand vry well that salaries in our r vry low not only civil servants. Now Ten thousand Kwacha as tak home is way too far let me jst say practically impossible for now.
    Hw many nurses do we hav in Zambia en hw many civil servants?:
    were will that kind of money come frm?
    Nurses go bck to yo drawing board en come up wit something reasonable.
    And you the employer firing a 100+ not good enough find another way of punishing thoz found wanting.

  12. Chipimo: please cite one example of competence of your party winning a single seat in any election in Zambia? Then, we may take you seriously.

    • Winning elections is not a measure of competence mbwana!!.. judas scaliot won elections against jesus christ… but he was not the best candidate!!

  13. what needs to be appreciated here is that the Dynamics of a strike, class boycot etc are different even if i wanted to report for work i would be sacred for my life.
    the nurses @ UTH must basically form their own union if the current one is failing to adress their needs as it appears to be sleeping in the same bed with the govt

  14. I doubt if Mr Chipimo or Joseph Mushalika can dialogue with a mob of Babes dancing and wiggling their waits , singing about Kasonde’s bombasa. Anyway, that’s politics for Zambia. The situation demands equal pay for equal work , but sometimes when you visit these clinics/hospitals you get the shock of being shouted at or delayed forever. Why hasn’t someone thought of why Nurses get slapped by patient’s relatives when someone dies on a queue?

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