Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Government officials attend funeral of George Chellah’s mother


Copperbelt Permanent Secretary Stanford Msichili,Kitwe District Commissioner Elias Kamanga and his Ndola counterpart Rebby Chanda and several other heads of Government departments visited the funeral house for the late Loveness Sakanya Chella in Kitwe.

Special assistant to the President for Press and Public Relation George Chella’s late mother died on Tuesday.

Mr Msichili said Government was touched at the death of Ms Chella.

“As Government, we feel touched when we lose any citizen and especially our parents like the late mother to Mr Chella,” Mr Msichili said.

He said the death of Ms Chella was a big blow to Government because it had come at a time when the nation was faced with many programmes such as the funeral of former South African President Nelson Mandela which required the physical presence to Mr Chella to attend to.

Mr Msichili conveyed his heartfelt condolences on behalf of Government and President Michael Sata in to Mr Chella and the rest of the family.


    • …..at least her name is (was) Chella as opposed to the ChellaH comedy that only starved people like ka Mushota subscribe to.

    • Nature is the great equalizer. She was a good person who gave birth to someone who became evil through his own imaginations and his partnership with the Devil (Not Sata). Chella is a bad person and any time he is going through pain, is damn* good for the rest of us.

    • Abena Zed namupena? Are these the comments you surely could be making when your fellow citizen is morning his mother. Awe this culture in Sata’s regime twaikana. What more when HH or Sata dies,what comments are we going to be subjected to?

    • Msichili didn’t attend funeral as government official. No.
      Chella’s father is bus driver for Mark Msichili’s bus services. Mark Motors.

  1. this is ludicrous, what is that man msichili saying? ati it is a big blow to government. My God,the insanity of these people. My condolences to Mr. Chellah and family.

    • I concur with you the statement from this government official is crazy!!! Chellah’s mom had died at the wrong time because he is supposed to be in South Africa attending to Mandela’s funeral?! Seriously!!! A person in leadership can issue such a senseless and insensitive message?!!! Kaya!!

    • @Kolwe there is no way that Msichili can say that death of Bana George is “a big blow to government”. Where did you read that or hear it? If ever said that, then such a Temporary Secretary need fired.

  2. Chella should have people working under him and there is also the Chief of Protocol at MFA, who can accompany the president to Mandela’s funeral. It is insensitive to expect Chella to hastily bury his mother just because there is a trip to SA. The system has backup processes that need to be used.

    • @ Mop,
      Maybe Chellah is more trusted than others, besides, I find it ok for him to accompany the president to SA because whether he stays or not, his mother wont come back on top of that, it doesnt mean he is not mourning her death. Besides people deal with grief in different ways, others rush back to work, some resort to drinking etc, so please lets not politicise everything, it’s his mother and he loves her so much we have no idea as outsiders!

    • I hear you cindy, but intambi ni tambi. let us not allow ourselves to get lost in the western culture of doing things. they have taken our names, our religion and sovereignty, let us not let them take away the way we mourn too!!!

    • @ Kolwe,
      I think it’s not about the Western culture when it comes to dealing with tragedy, people need to know that nature has a way of dealing with certain issues independently no matter what status you hold in society. Yes traditions detect to us how we should react to certain things which I dont agree with most of the times, especially when it comes to personal feelings and because of that, I feel its wrong for someon else to tell you how you should cry or laugh! Tradition sucks most of the times for before tradition, we are Human beings designed to operate in correspondence with nature and that differs individually, aswell as circumstantially!

  3. LEFT SCRATCHING MY HEAD ….”He said the death of Ms Chella was a big blow to Government because it had come at a time when the nation was faced with many programmes such as the funeral of former South African President Nelson Mandela which required the physical presence to Mr Chella to attend to” LOOOOOOOLEST!!!!!!!! WHAT A STATEMENT, PF please, give us proper leaders not these kaponyas who dont know how to talk

    • The real problem is that of using English when he is not even competent in that language.
      He meant well but lost the plot when translating his ideas from Bemba into English. The best he would have done is speak in Bemba….and he would have been fine!

  4. Nature is the great equalizer. She was a good person who gave birth to someone who became evil through his own imaginations and his partnership with the Devil (Not Sata). Chella is a bad person and any time he is going through pain, is damn* good for the rest of us.

  5. Some of your comments are not helpful especially when loses a beloved one, remember death is inevitable but let us not rejoice and be sarcastic in our comments, tomorrow it will be you in that situation!

  6. Bricklayer. With ur fellow ba fi ka la first noko akafwe, u want politics everytime, we ll wait for ur mother or wiso akafwe na ndekete, then we insult u and see how u ll feel

  7. He said the death of Ms Chella was a big blow to Government because it had come at a time when the nation was faced with many programmes such as the funeral of former South African President Nelson Mandela which required the physical presence to Mr Chella to attend to.??????????????????????????????????????

  8. The culture of tribalism, hate and insults has got no space in a Christian Nation like Zambia. It’ s unfortunate the nation is currently experiencing such level of misconduct probably because of wrong understanding and interpretation of things by the young generation of Zambians. In the Kaunda era, such terminologies like aba Lozi, aba Tonga, aba Bemba, aba Tumbuka or ba Luvale were unheard of because we all considered ourselves as Zambians, free to intermingle with one another as brothers and sisters. But alas, today, we are slowly drifting away from that understanding and we all know who has caused this. Meanwhile, ladies and gentle, let’ s learn to humble ourselves. Let’ s mourn with those who are mourning and laugh with those who are laughing. There is still hope for Zambia to…

  9. Most the of the comments here are quite insensitive; put yourself in the same shoe and you would feel bad to receive such crap comments. let us be mindful when commenting on sensitive issues – at least we should be mindful that as Africans there is a certain tradition we need to follow when our friend or even enemy loses a loved one. Netizenship is one thing but we meet on the streets and of course behind every posting is a human being – It is for this reason that I do not hide my identity on the net unnecessarily. I’m who I’m why others chokingly and shockingly hide their identities because of the crap they write. MHSRIP

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