Chadiza MMD MP Allan Mbewe yesterday raised a point of order in Parliament against Dr Matibini alleging that the Speaker had not been consistent in his rulings on matters relating to the doctrine on separation of powers.
Speaker of the National Assembly Patrick Matibini admonished Chadiza MMD MP Allan Mbewe for questioning the dignity of the House by directly attacking his integrity.
The committee on privileges, absences and support services established a case against Mr Mbewe and called for him to be publicly admonished in the House.
Mr Mbewe apologised to the Speaker and the House.
Meanwhile Justice Minister Wynter Kabimba has declared zero tolerance on corruption in the Judiciary in 2014.
In a ministerial policy statement made in Parliament Mr Kabimba also announced that Government would build more than six High Courts in selected parts of the country.
He said the ministry would endeavour to uphold the rule of law and ensure justice for all next year.
He said the ministry was determined to increase access to justice through construction of court buildings and the rehabilitation of existing infrastructure.
Mr Kabimba said the Lusaka High Court building would be expanded, while other High Courts would be built in Chipata, Kabwe, Mongu, Choma, Mansa and Mazabuka.
He said plans were also underway to construct High Courts in Chiengi, Chama and Chirundu.
Mr Kabimba said that construction and rehabilitation of subordinate courts as well as outright purchase of buildings was underway to ensure quick disposal of court cases.
He said his ministry would also continue to train staff to promote efficient delivery of justice in the country.
United Party for National Development (UPND) Lukulu West Member of Parliament (MP) Misheck Mutelo said it was sad that corruption had found itself in courts of law.
MMD Nalikwanda MP Geoffrey Lungwangwa called for independence of the Judiciary from the Executive so that it could uphold democratic principles.
?UPND Kalomo MP Request Muntanga called for renewed efforts in fighting corruption in the Judiciary.
He said it was unfortunate that corruption had been noted in the Judiciary which was a noble wing of Government.
In his response, Mr Kabimba said Government had a good programme to improve the disposal of cases.
He said the Government was also working on modalities to upgrade the existing legal aid system so that the poor people could access justice.
So the speaker is above the law and can not be corrected?
we dont need rocket science to know that matibini is the most biased speaker of the national assembly of zambia to ever live. if I were him, I would step down on moral grounds. but as usual in zambia morality does not exist but the belly dictates
Unfortunately for you my dear, those grounds are nowhere to be found in Zambia
I needed to hear more about the speaker’s case with the Chadiza MP. The writer went quickly into Kabimba’s utterances which is not so interesting to me. Anyone with the details of the first story?
The origin of the allegation against the Speaker’s Double standards in his ruling stems from the ruling he gave when Justice Minister Winter Kabimba brought in a bill to strip RB’s immunity.When opposition MPs brought to the Speaker’s attention that the matter cannot be deliberated upon as it was already in the Courts of Law,the Speaker ruled that Parliament cannot be restrained to debate any issue brought to the house as it had powers to do so.This ruling has shocked many Zambians upto now.
Lately though,the Speaker has declined to allow debate of some matters brought to the House because such matters are before the Courts of Law.This is why Chadidza MP rose on a point of order to question this double standards exhibited by the Speaker.
Have all you people forgotten how this same Matibini as judge of the High Court in 2011 passed a so called landmark ruling that curtailed Chanda Chimba, III’s Stand Up For Zambia and immediately after Michael Sata and PF won the elections he was floated for Speaker, was that a coincidence? Simply put it was a pay back for putting a stop to what really was a thorn in Mr. Sata’s flesh including Fred Mm’embe’s.
we cant blame the speaker.The blame squarely lies on the system.
His hands are tied bcz he pledges his allegence to the appointing athourity.
But a tym again has arrived when the constitution of our land shud b ammeded.
The executive powers shud b clipped so that not everyone shud b appointed by the president.
Simply put the constitution in its current form is flawed and shud b amended now or never.
we will experince sanity only when this happens.
How can such a learned man sink so low??? source of this vice Money,.Such an office needs to protect the wishes of the people and not serve the few in power.Bearer of this office needs: alertness,patience and tact,credibility,objectivity and self control,adaptability ,perseverance , appearance and demeanour ,initiative and above all integrity .
Our speaker doesn’t score 5/10 of the above traits. how can we develop if minds of policy makers aren’t developed and liberated
The MP should have known he is in trouble immediately he raised a point of order against the Chair!Our MPs seem to that raising POINT OF ORDER is the only thing they know
The MP was obviously frustrated with Matibini’s conduct. Matibini owes his position to the PF so much as we expect him to be professional and act neutral the human nature in him will always make him favour PF. We saw similar conduct with Mwanamwamba, who tended to favour MMD in most of the rulings.
That’s what happens when politics interferes in professionalism. i was taught that in LAW there is what is known as Precedents which are there to ensure consistence in judicial rulings. if there is inconsistencies in ruling, there should be special evidence or facts that warrants a new ruling, otherwise anyone is free to question the new ruling. the speaker was a bully because the MP had rights to raise a point of order without being admonished.
You should all find time to listen to Parliament radio.
This article is a misrepresenation of what actually happened. For starts, the point of order was raise many weeks ago and came after another POO by that bald headed snake from Choma on similar grounds.
the Speaker gave a detailed reasoning for his rulings and cited authorities to back his case.
This Chadiza guy’s POO or insolence was then sent to a committee which decided his fate.
As someone has advised i another article, if you don’t understand legal issues, stay away. No one forces you to write anything on all subjects.
You can access the records of debate on the Parliament website.
African democracy and its institutions do not deserve any respect, not even a bit. The leaders of these houses are there only to serve those who floated their names..and they vanish with the passing of their paymasters.