Tuesday, March 18, 2025

VJ pays tribute to Nelson Mandela


The death of Nelson Mandela has saddened me to no end. I would have loved to see him live longer for the sake of South Africans , but that would have defied the rules of nature.

He was a rebellious anti apartheid advocate, who became an uncompromising icon of justice, peace and national reconciliation. He became a universal hero, who inspired many people around the world, who drew inspiration from his words and deeds.

He was larger than life with an imposing presence which was disarming. The world and South Africa, have lost a charismatic son who will be remembered by all pro-democracy and peace loving people all over the world.

The people of South Africa have lost their greatest son. My meetings with him greatly inspired me and taught me that even in his greatness, there was humility. May the heavens open up, receive him and grant him eternal peace.

Vernon J Mwaanga


  1. More crdible than from Kalusha Bwalya

    Good to hear from you Sir, you were friends with my father

    RIP Madiba,

    Hello Mr Mwaanga?


    • Mushota, is a female woof woof (bow wow) of note, I am beggining to wonder if this female woof woof (bow wow) isnt sponsored by the devil himself just to wind up peoples emotitions/reactions for milage. How else can a such an air head continue featuring blatant offensive/crude/crass remarks. Freedom of expression aside. Can someone PLEASE assist this female woof woof (bow wow) with some flea treatment. All those disputing weather this mongrel isnt an airhead read every blog/comment made by it in the last few years. I heard a couple of cities in Z were putting down unlicensed mongrels, where are the Vets/Cops??? If not putting it down at least treat it 4 its fleas & rabbies

  2. @mushota what has kalu done to you.u seem to be holding a grudge against an innocent man.
    shame on you and do yourself an introspect whether you are normal or demonic.

  3. I remember one day bumping into uncle VJ at some hotel in J’burg after he had been to meet Madiba. The late FTJ Chiluba had just been arrested and Madiba described it as madness!
    Uncle VJ may have his own weaknesses but he is such a warm person to be around with.
    RIP Madiba

    • @silozi, so what should a father who has a lot of money do? Go for work, go home to watch TV (and fight for the remote with the children who want to watch Disney and cartoons network and nigerian movies), then on saturday, take them for a picnic and then on sunday, take them and the madam to church and then on monday, the cycle starts all over again. So you bo silozi if you “don’t see the Tonga girls” what the hell are those eyes for?

  4. If you ever had a chance to interact with VJ vis-a-vis serious national issues, you sense the man indeed is a President that never was.

  5. V.J. Mwaanga was a Zambian President in waiting, until he got involved in the narcotic’s trade.
    However who are we to judge him? We are all sinner’s, so his poor judgement, & lack of foresight was an own goal, which i’m sure he still regret’s to this day.

  6. Bo Mwaanga, you are worthy to talk about the great Madiba. You are a statesman in your own right. You could help some of the good political parties trun around. I wouldn’t mind you being a Minister again or even higher. If uncle Munkombwe is still Minister, what more you? Even Mr Munkombwe knows this in his heart. As for your sins, you are forgiven because of your humility.

  7. VJ is an institution! Attacking his personality wont help u tap in his vast inteligience, exprience and diplomacy. When VJ opens his mouth to speak about national and international issues I get to understand that Africa has inteligiency. US were afraid of this man thats why they fabricated stories about him to prevent him from becoming president of Z. VJ’s and General Miyanda’s inteligiencies put together can not much PF’s 72 ministers, H.E except veep. RB lost elections because did not evaluate VJ. Levy differed with him but quickly realised the risk of excluding him from Govt.

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