Thursday, March 13, 2025

Former President Rupiah Banda eulogises Mandela



Former President Rupiah Bwezani Banda, has described the late anti-apartheid icon and former South African president Nelson Mandela as a great leader who taught humanity the virtue of forgiveness.

Writing in a book of condolences at the South African High Commission in Lusaka’s Kabulonga area yesterday, the former head of state said Mr Mandela had taught the world priceless lessons on the commitment to the emancipation of humanity.

“President Mandela, the great son of South Africa, Africa and the world. You have left us with many lessons to learn such as commitment to the freedom of humanity. You influenced many of us to struggle and to suffer,” read part of President Banda’s message.

The former Zambian president arrived at the South African High Commission offices just before 14:00 hours and was the first to sign the book of condolences in memory of the global icon, who was jailed for 27 years and released in 1990 before becoming South Africa’s first black president in the country’s first democratic elections in 1994.

President Banda was the governor of the city of Lusaka when Mr Mandela visited Zambia in 1990, days after being released from prison.

And in an interview with the BBC early yesterday, President Banda hoped that Mr Mandela’s death would help to unite all Zambians, as that would be the best way of honouring the departed leader who united all South Africans when he assumed the country’s presidency

Issued by:Kennedy Limwanya


  1. Now that reads like a well thought out message from a real zambain statesman.Thanks RB for being an example to the world that we still have great zambian leaders of international pedigree.

    • “Just before 14:00 hours and was the first to sign the book of condolences in memory of the global icon, who was jailed for 27 years and released in 1990 before becoming South Africa’s first black president in the country’s first democratic elections in 1994”.
      Since he was Lusaka governor by then, is he going to be allowed toattend the funeral in SA?
      May be may be not

    • RB was first to sign book of condolecense before Sata? These PF are disorganized my goodness. So slow thinking as if they don’t have a White man in cabinet.

  2. RUPIAH BANDA learning from Nelson Mandela?????????? Where did that come from?????? Rupiah Banda was bust shooting to kill his own citizens across the country and today he is talking about learning lessons???? Just because he is in s.h.i.t with PF government???? Chi-colour!!!! Kantu kakwe he should just shut up in shame and wait for his time to go to Mukobeko. Rupiah Banda is talking about reconciliation when he is the one who sent soldiers to western province and shot innocent youth to death just for asking explanations on a national agreement. I don’t even know how the h.e.l.l he expected to be voted into government by Luapula, Southern, and western province which he traumatised with his bullets. He should just shut the f.u.c.k up!

    • Please, we have stopped reading comments with bad language like yours mukwai. We therefore are praying for you just as you should be praying for your enemies too: Ciza uli?

    • Mwembeshi , you really hate RB! Why can’t you help Mr. Nolle Mutembo Nchito to witness against RB? You seem to have evidence of RB’s wrong doing. Now Dr. Nolle is closing in to enter another of his lovely nolle in RB’s SC Climate Oil scandal case. Mwembeshi, move fast and save Dr. Nolle’s face. What are you waiting for, otherwise shut you mouth of hate against RB and his family. Your Dr. Nolle is a failed DPP.

  3. Heartwarming and very consoling words of condolences from a great son of Zambia, Africa and the world at large. RB, may the Good Lord continue to preserve and guide you – evil minded people hate you but you will continue to prevail.

  4. Why all the Emotions flying all over the place? It is being witnessed everywhere, yesterday Social networks saw scarttered emotions all over the place, TV senders were over loaded with the same. I couldnt stop wondering why everyone is fighting to be recognised as associated with the late Mandela, a large percentage shows how emotions are flipping both the good and “Bad”! Typical human beings, this should tell you what kind of a world we live in! I just feel like people need to cool and settle down besides protocol must be followed, SA will see alot of confusion in the coming days, so not everyone will be invited not because they dont matter but for obvious reasons…attacking the situation strategically for sanitys’ sake!

  5. PRESIDENT Michael Sata says Nelson Mandela was an icon and a hero of the anti-apartheid struggle, who will be remembered by many for his courage, endurance and for championing peace, justice and reconciliation in South Africa.

    And Dr. Kenneth Kaunda says Mandela’s demise is a serious challenge.
    In a message of condolences to South African President Jacob Zuma, President Sata said Mandela selflessly devoted his time advocating freedom and racial equality.

    “It is indeed with a deep sense of great sadness that I learnt of the passing away of your beloved former president, His Excellency Mr Nelson Rolihlahla ‘Madiba’ Mandela. On behalf of the government, the people of the Republic of Zambia and indeed on my own behalf, allow me to extend my deepest condolences to you, the bereaved…

  6. Thanks RB for a heart warming message to our S.African brothers and the Mandela family at this difficult time.You’re a true son of zambia and we’re proud of your exemplary record.

  7. Mandela was not abusive, had no hate, nor plunder which RB has. RB should have exercised those virtues while president of zambia. it is not forgiveness but being repentant like de clerk did. be human RB and real, give back what is not yours. your said the same at your house, give back, so long you continue pretending, all people will continue pretending as if they know nothing, and the law will continue hunting till you stop and that is honour to the country


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