Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Two court officials nabbed for cocaine



The Drug Enforcement Commission on the Copperbelt has arrested two court officials from the Kitwe Magistrates Court and a 31 year old man of Chimwemwe for trafficking in cocaine.

Doris Chabu, 38, a Clerk of Court residing at House No. A116 Mindolo Township has been arrested and jointly charged with Sifaya Mwangombe, 39, a driver at the Kitwe Magistrates court and Luciano Malumbula, 31, of Chimwemwe Township in Kitwe for trafficking in 28 sachets of cocaine.

The drugs in question were tendered in as exhibits in a case involving two Nigerian nationals who were earlier this year arrested by the Commission for trafficking in cocaine and have since been sentenced to nine months imprisonment with hard labour.

DEC Public Relations Officer Theresa Katongo confirmed the development in a statement.

And Ms. Katongo said the Commission on the Copperbelt has also arrested and jointly charged four Somali nationals for trafficking in miraa.

Ms. Katongo said those arrested and jointly charged include Abdrizak Mohamed, 33, Ifrax Barre, 50, Mahamed Sudi, 48, and Ahmed Inemby, 40, all of Ndola for trafficking in four bundles of miraa.

She said all suspects will appear in court soon.


  1. How can you find cocaine in zambia, people wont even know what to do with , they are that dumb

    Is it really cocaine or is it Soda ?


  2. @ Mushota! I wonder why u visit this site even when u want to put yourself above everyone in Zambia. To me u sound like someone struggling with inferiority complex. If u know so much why bother about us! Stay where u are please!

  3. Mushota certainly has an inferiority complex. She thinks that whites are superior in everything, sex, drugs, education (not- there are some many white people in the UK who in this day and age who cannot read and write because they had parents who were constantly drunk or high on drugs and never bothered to make sure their children went to school). Primary and secondary education is compulsory and free. If a white man asked Mushota to lick their bum she wouldn’t hesitate to do so. Such a sad case.

  4. The quantity of drugs is legally measured in terms of weight, not the amount of satchets. A satchet can contain any quantity. What they should say is “x amount of satchets, weighing x amount of grams”. And, cocaine is among the types of drug classified as class A substances, which should attract a stiffer penalty than cannabis. Of course, again, it is a question of quantity.

  5. This story does not give us the information to make us appreciate what is going on. “Trafficking”, what do you mean? Were they caught selling? Have the drugs gone missing and they are the prime suspects? Were they caught ‘using’ the drugs? This is the info we need!

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