United Party for National Development (UPND) president Hakainde Hichilema has demanded the unconditional and immediate reinstatement of the dismissed nurses.
Mr Hichilema says after reinstating the nurses, government should proceed to negotiate with nurses unions and award them with decent salaries.
He says the PF government has been greedy by awarding themselves huge increments while denying the nurses reasonable increments.
He adds that anyone taking public office must be prepared to serve the people that put them in office.
Mr. Hichilema has dismissed Labour Minister Fackson Shamenda’s accusations that he incited the nurses to go on strike.
words from a upnd councilor
A drowning man will clutch at a straw’
Go away HH with your cohorts
Iwe mushota yalakupenya amafake PHD wakwata mufikwakwa. Tekanya. The man is allowed to express his opinion and offer support to poor nurses who have been cheated by Sata.
I begin to doubt whether you have all those qualifications you claim to have. Abakali tababwatabwata iyo.
Your sentiments lay bare your bitterness with your life as a whole. Is that kamuzungu giving you enough? Such frustration is normally caused by unrelieved S tension you know.
I support HH in this case. Those who hate him know that once he is in plot 1 there will be no more ukutolafye.
Go HH go . I am beginning to like you because PF zealots hate you with Passion. Now I can say it confidently that come rain or drought you surely will be in state house by God’s grace.
@avtomat karanshinkov 47@Osmore
At leats HH never cleaned toilets at Victoria station in London like your BIPOLAR leader Sata.
You must be absolutely mad to expect good leadership from a person who carried bucket full of faecal matter (Amafi). In those days takwali ama flashing toilets in London ka. So Ba Sata was literally carrying them buckets full of amafi. You think the man can be happy. He is haunted by his past life London. Do you think Sata is normal in the head after carrying bucket full of amafi for a minimum of 8:30 hours a day for seven days a week for all those years he cleaned at Victoria station. To him amafi tayanunka thats why he thrives in confusion.
Now compare Sata to HH who the whites begged to stay and head their companies after finishing his Masters.
HH cannot rule Zambia. Zambia is made up of 10 provinces and his party only exists in one province. maybe if if he started cutting his hair. the hair looks like his wife’s pubic hair. i have seen it believe me
HH shouldn’t contribute anything to this issue otherwise he will just spoil nurses chances of them being reinstated. This is because whatever HH says is rotten so few people respect what HH says. Fact is he condemns everything Sata and pf does even progressive things.
words from a upnd ward councilor Mr H H- HAKAIVOTERA HEKA
Ubepele fye tukamuvotela . HH has my vote now. Southern,Western,North western, western , Central ,part of Lusaka, part of CB and Eastern provinces are all behind him. Deny this fact at your own peril. Ask Sata ,the only man to beat come 2016 is HH thats why most of you are so bitter to the bone.
They must be reinstated without fail. that is the way my president continue putting pressure on these greedy aging politicians with old political mentality.
Useless old politicians with chi Ukwa being mad.
Iwe @5 that’s why u are a demon.One u think is normal will never be President of our nation.Let him get them and employ them at his farm. We can’t allow id iots at our public institution. No wonder pipo die when are nt supposed to.Demon hh.
Awe ba HH demand yama nurses is too much.They are very unrealistic.No gorvernment in a Zambian set up can give them.The current salaries are beter than before,then what do they want?They were warned to go back for work but never they refused.So let them stay,they never wanted to work.My fear is that when they go back for work,they will more people because of frastrations.For now let them continue eating bondwe and kalembula.I feel pity for them but they acted foolishly.
@Demon wanzelu yours is to blog.Who told u that yo fo ol will go to plot 1?U and yo leader are hypocrites of the worst kind.U daily boast here but today u say abakalitababwabwata.Who can agree with the arrogance of yo leader?
Enjoy while it lasts. Come 2016 kuya bebele. Zambians are sick and tired of PF ‘s lies. Sata is busy stealing under your nose through RDA which has turned into his personal business and i.d.i.o.ts like you are busy praising him.
There is a time for every thing. Every dog has its day.
There is no better way to ostracise that demon in you apart from beating it out of you. It has completely blinded you to the extent that you support a regime which kills , steals and secretly buries bodies of the poor dead members.
The demon in Sata has infected most of you PF zealots. Just wait, we will cast it out in good time and ostracise it from Zambia for ever.
Viva MMD Viva UPND! PF belongs to the dust bin with their BIPOLAR leader.
idoit wanzelu SATA is working cant u see thats why you are useless i hope u are from hh place
Only Id.iots like you can see the work he is doing while stealing massively. Where is the 750 eurobond? I am not talking from without. I know boys who are benefiting from that eurobond here in the UK and Zed. Ala tuleshibumukila while you blind followers are busy worshipping your PF.
Open your eyes and see . Don’t just look.
HH does not set the Agenda but only comments on what he reads in the papers. He must forget 2016 maybe 2051
@Akamunofu Kalowa
Continue to bury your head in the sand like an ostrich until your back is chewed off!
Ukwa has lived his usefull life hence need to be retired on national interest. Only those eating from his table are busy praising him but time will catch up with them. HH will surely make a big difference once put in power & that time is not very far from now. Lusaka, Central, CB, Eastern, NW, Western, southern etc are ready for real change come the next general election. For your own information MPs from Pf will defect to Upnd once parliament is dissolved, mark my word!
Wanzelu as much as you throw mud at Sata little did you understand and acknowledge that Sata is a political genius and this is where the difference lies. Sata in opposition never gained political mileage out of encouraging workers to go on strike or otherwise. Sata will go a mile by visiting and encouraging workers to go back to work for the good of the country and reminded them that don’t fall in the govt trap . You have families and relatives to look after . Workers always listened and did like Sata had advised them. In return this made Sata as a man of people. Demanding is like giving orders and that does not help HH. Softer words wins hard hearts. I know for sure president Sata will for give nurses as he is a father and a caring person. Nurses for sure have learnt a lesson.
It’s surprising to find people in countries like UK can encourage nurses or medics to strike when here in UK nurses salaries are frozen for three possibly four years and living standards are going up. No single nurse has gone on strike. No single nurse shout at patients or get kick backs like them in Zambia. No single nurse sell medication to supplement their salaries. The culture of nursing in Zambia is below par they need a change in training and put emphasis on six Cs. Compassion, care, competence, communication, courage and commitment. Their attitude will change for good.
I have lived in UK long enough to know how these medical workers struggled to get the best pay and condition of service in the world.
Of course UK nurses don’t behave like Zambian nurses because politicians respect them and don’t lie to them. They are motivated unlike Zambian nurses who are condemned to live shanty towns and live on kaloba month in month out.
Their behaviour is motivated by Sata’s crudeness and deception. They are aware of his stealing schemes. So do you expect them to be happy and motivated when their president is one big liar and thief.
Any way what ever happens the nurses will get their sweet revenge come 2016.
The problem with people who have leaved there entire life on tax payers money.Look at this young man hard working and it is common knowledge that he gets more money from his hard work that ukwa at plot one no wonder the increase everyday limbi kuti bafikapo na tax payers cash.Then you have dull people praising and worshiping nonsence.No wonder we are backward some people worship human being not the country and all along we have been making mistakes with leaders who are vocal no substance with 3 bember 1 eastener and 1 central hight time we try managers like lozis tongas and north westener we are one Zambia one nation no more lies country first
To all nurses vote HH in 2016, Shamenda has made PF unpopular!!!
@2.1 wanzelu
Are these provinces behind HH, in your dream or just one of your slow puctured brain vomits.
HH is fighting nurses coz his nurse comcubine has huge loans and HH doesnt want that to be his bill.
Awe mwandi ilyashi lya tusoswe natendwa.
@george bush
Iwe ka george bush have you asked your self why Sata was busy distributing HH ‘s Bank statement illegally? HH has enough money to pay Sata and his cabinet for 10 years. What he has in Zed is just a drop in the Ocean. HH has multimillion pound shares in companies in the London square mile .
Stop hallucinating with tuma change from the money Sata steals from the Zambians to make f.o.ols like you happy so you can worship him.
The President has made his point. There is need for our nurses to be committed to service. Nevertheless, kindly spare them Mr President. Like someone has commented the nurses have learnt their lesson. Let GRZ accept those who have reapplied and at the same time look into their grievances because they are genuine. I am very sure most of those who are celebrating their dismissal are support staff (cleaners etc) who would like to continue mocking nurses. Both cleaners and nurses are important but the nurses deserve to be paid higher salaries because of the investment they made to become nurses. Try to check what they study….my… it is high level science. I salute nurses…but let them be humble and work hard. We understand your cry and are supporting you. Your President loves you.
It takes 3 years of hard academic study and practicals to produce a registered nurse and another 2 years (making it 5) to produce a midwife. What does it cost to produce a cleaner? We therefore understand why they have continued to taunt nurses since they were awarded high salaries. Why has PSMD got away with misleading GRZ in this matter? I do not believe that the President just woke up and announced such controversial salary increments. Being an astitute politician, this was very unlikely. Labour Minister also should take the blame for the problems. Is VP sure that 800 nursing graduates will fill the gap? Is that that the real issue?? It costs tax payers a lot to produce a nurse or doctor or teacher or economist, lawyer, engineer.. Not cleaners or party cadres.
@ Mushota …… I agree with Mushota 100%.
Good statement from HH
@ Wanzelu
Are sure Southern, Western, North western, western , Central, part of Lusaka, part of CB and Eastern provinces are all behind hims! Are you dreaming?
Then lets forget about 50+1%.
We gave him plus zero in Mansa. We shall give him minus zero in Kasama. Mark my word…
You insinuate that only *****s can see the work this current Government is doing while stealing massively. You further ask where is the 750 Eurobond?
Bwana, do you really have nzelu? Where is HH today? He is gone on a conducted tour of TWO newly built universities in Northern Province. He used the newly refurbished railway system from Mazabuka. He was probably driving on a dual carriage way.
Luapula Premier, short memory Sata was calling you ‘Bamnyela pa menshi’ only yesterday and acknowledged him with a vote, threatened to cage former president late Chiluba, today Sata is your hero, described Luapula province as the most undeveloped province in Zambia to day Luapula has been developed in 90 days. Keep on hallucinating we will see you in 2016 elections.
In a situation like this HH and others like ZCTU should actually be pleading with govt to reinstate the fired nurses….not demanding that they be reinstated unconditionally as if the nurses were wrongly dismissed by govt.
The demand from HH is an intimidatory stance to govt and an affront to the very nurses who are seeking to return to their jobs.
What I would have said in the unlikely event that I were HH:
“As UPND we recognise that the action by our nurses to go on an illegal strike was wrong and that their defiance of govt’s directive to to them to return to work was unfortunate. We do nonetheless appreciate that they, like many other workers in our country, need improved salaries.
In view of the foregoing our appeal to govt is to reconsider the action of dismissing the nurses and kindly allow them to return to duty. As a listening govt, of which some of our members are part, we wish to make this earnest appeal to govt to reinstate our nurses and work with their representative unions in negotiations for their conditions of service”.
Likaki nyau nyau,
HH and corrupt convicted Richard Sakala have forgotten that government is our agent for helping people help themselves and each other. This under five HH is imitator and should free himself from negative emotions of condemnation. It is better for Sata and PF govern for 1 term and leave a better and disciplined civil service, it is a duty of progressive citizens to make sure government works. The law should be enforced.
@likaki nyau nyau. …This is the kind of decorum needed by our political leaders….humulity not arrogance all the time..may be it is because they are called ‘opposition’ that is why they have to oppose everything.
Well said HH. It’s the truth and the truth hurts I can see how the PF cadres
Are hurting . A leader is there to serve and not enrich himself three times when
The people demand better they are fired, I don’t support begging for your job
But knowing your rights , begging will just lead to people being abused . Taken
Advantage of.
The sad thing that PF cadres forget, is that some of these nurses danced to Dochi Kubeba throughout that night in 2011. How do you think they feel now or is it that it does not matter now? All that matters is that muleteka, even when your are doing so at the great expense of a happy nation. For real what does it gain a man to gain the whole world (country) while he looses his own soul…..
90% of the voters in Zambia don’t read these online papers, let alone read all the rubbish comments on these blogs. Come 2016 most of Sata’s projects will be completed and trust me, HH and his cohorts will surely have a tough job convincing the voters to remove PF. For now you can insult all you want.
I thought HH had taken the case to the court of law……what is doing? HH really behaves like an under5 for sure.
Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.
PF on a self destructive path!
@ Sept24
Well said.
Let ba bambala continue counting eggs. We shall count chicks for them.