Thursday, March 13, 2025

Sata declares 7 days national mourning for Mandela



President Michael Sata has declared seven days of national mourning in honour of the late former South African President Nelson Mandela.

According to a media statement released by the President’s Special Assistant for Press and Public Relations, George Chellah today, President Sata has urged Zambians during this period to pray and keep in mind the values that Mandela fought and stood for.

This morning, the President signed a book of condolences at the South African High Commission in Lusaka.

Nelson Mandela, a revered anti-apartheid leader who became South Africa’s first black president after 27 years in prison, died from a lung infection last Thursday at the age of 95.



    • Media outlets prepare stories like these when important people become elderly; nothing wrong with that.
      He divorced 2 wives (which is not a good thing)
      Was blind to racism, good

      He is admired world wide but at the expense of killings in south Africa which are rampant, and divorcing is forbidden
      In the bible,

      He sacrificed a lot for 27 years but I know of people who spent longer years in jail for wrong. If you read about the Scottsboro Boys (google them)
      They were jailed for something they did never do and most died, so really this is not unheard of

      7 days is way too long by his majesty I don’t believe this, 7 hours YES


    • Mushota, PhD:

      …in jail for wrong…

      …something they did never do and most died…

      …7 days is way too long by his majesty????? I didn’t know in CNP we had a royal personage.

    • It seems 7 is a special number …7 guns declared, 7 days mourning, 7 days in week,, 7 minutes to ejaculate, Mwanawasa ruled for 7 years…LOL!

  1. Mushota,
    At last I agree with you. Mandela was great but let us not forget there were others who suffered more than him. He he spent 17 years at Robben Island and was taken to the Muzungu Prison in Cape Town. His friends Goven Mbeki, Walter Sisulu etc languished for 27 years on Robben Island. They died like paupers. Mandela started talking to whities without clearance from ANC, a party which believes in collective decision making. He is was loved by the WHITES so much because he served their assess. The buggers were lucky because the trouble shooter had become tired. When the South African blacks still wallow in poverty. His neighborhood in Soweto is in poverty. He is great because he did not revenge. How could he when he was looked after. His first wife Evelyn died a pauper

    • Ba Wawa, you and ba Mushota should try a simple thing called Reading. Madiba talked to the whites because it was the only way he was going to prevent bloodshed in the country. Like Kagame said, it was the same time Rwanda was boiling and everybody thought it would be the same in SA. Please do not expose ignorance in Public.

    • The world is very funny. People get carried away with the mob and fail to critically analyse issues. Mandela is being praised even by the people who called him a terrorist. Reconciliation? What about his failure to forgive Winnie who single handedly brought up his children and campaigned for his release? What about him calling Mugabe who was fighting colonialists over land issues a failed leader? What about his failure to unite his family where leadership should start? What about his almost silence about the African leaders who sacrificed their country resources for the liberation of South Africa? What about his inactivity over the xenophobia on fellow africans who only yesterday housed them as refugees in their countries? I challenge the African minds to action.

  2. Bamudala you really funny!!! 7 days for another country’s former president when our own former late presidents were given less than that and worse our late his eminence Merdado Cardinal Joseph Mazombwe was denied even a single hour. Be serious mudala.

  3. What they say is true. In Africa time is time. There’s a lot of it apparently. Does it mean people don’t go to work for seven days? Or is it just civil servants? What does seven days of national mourning mean?

  4. It’s like saying guys you know I don’t care and I won’t even attend the funeral; but I most assuredly can hoodwink some of you by going too far in trying to show I care…take this 7 days as my nation’s morning for Mandela.

  5. i dont understand the meaning of this 7 days for a guy whose importance is coz he served the whites so much when our very own first cardinal was not given even a second.just why 7 days??????
    Those decendants of shaka zulu ll not give KK 7 days national moaning yet he did more than mandela(MHSRIP) surely 7 days is a bit exaggerated. whites ve brainwashed many pipo when they say this is good, must so and bad so be it.

    7 days for a former foreign head of state is incomprehensible. Is this not a typo!

  6. Why are we being late at it with our 7days? Kenya ,Nigeria and a few other african states declared national mourning right after papa Madiba’s passing. Well, better late than never.

  7. I pity the ignorance of so many Zambians especially Mushota. Everyone knows that Mandela was the icon of the struggle not the only one. There was Biko Walter Sisilu etc but there is always a symbol of a struggle and it was Mandela. When he had authority he used it to unite a nation not like our tribalist who seek to divide and destroy a nation

  8. this man,when you expect him do do something ,he remains mute.when he comes to do what you expect of him he does something very stupid. 7 dats for what?

  9. “Those decendants of shaka zulu ll not give KK 7 days national moaning yet he did more than mandela(MHSRIP)”

    George Bush — You are reckless. You are very careless. I am sure you need prayers. Such comments are terrible. Can you imagine how KK himself felt when he read your comment?? As for Madiba, his late comrade, he cannot even defend himself. Do you really need to bang our heads with those of our grief stricken South African brethren at a time like this?? My brother, if I were you, I would retract this comment because it is in bad taste. Your comment only makes people embarrassed and angry. Was that your intention?? What was the motive???

  10. George Bush — did KK really do more for South Africa than Madiba? I wonder how read you are or how old you were during the time of the struggle. I was old enough and well read and I know that KK and Zambia did support and even sacrificed for South Africa, Mozambique, Rhodesia/Zimbabwe and Angola, but we cannot say we sacrificed more than the actual owners of the struggle. That kind of claim is FALSE. It is also not in our culture to demand gratitude from those we assist. Maybe I am from a different part of Zambia. Please excuse me. This George Bush brother has really touched my nerve.

  11. …everyone is aware how great Madida was that’s y the whole world is converging in SA… RB was surrounded by emotional thinkers and opportunist (the kabinda pande, mulongotis, major kachingwes) who ‘designed’ the idea of ‘globe’ trotting the remains of Mwanawasa – chipata to mongu, kasama etc. It looks like we still have the likes surrounding MCS coming up with this 7days. Fortunately Madiba is South African, if he was Zambian by now his remains could have been leaving Moscow to Beijing via Tokyo all the way to Beirut refuelling in Ouagadougou before flying to Atlanta goergia eeish….they should not ever think of mwanawasa style this time around, never…we would have bought and installed three heart dialysis machines at UTH, KT and Ndola central hospitals with that money…..

  12. Ndate Madiba is arguably the ultimate statesman this generation will ever know, revered by Robben Islanders too. The rest simply masquarade or masquaraded, their venom oozing when cornered: Kaundas, Mugabes and the like. As for Ndathe, his real value glittered under stress; he reasoned with Buthelezi and IFP, he assured the white folks despite the test of hardliners like Eugene Teleblanche and co. But Iam not sure about the 7 days though.

    I am happy to have shared the world with him.

  13. It seems 7 is a special number …7 guns declared, 7 days mourning, 7 days in week,, 7 minutes to ejaculate, Mwanawasa ruled for 7 years…LMFAO!

  14. It seems 7 is a special number …7 guns declared, 7 days mourning, 7 days in week,, 7 minutes to ejaculate, Mwanawasa ruled for 7 years…LMFAO!!!

  15. @18&19 let me say
    Your inferiority complex is unrivaled the whole of sub-saharan africa. When your small mind cools down we shall talk. ”I touched your nerve,” its clear to me you ve no nerves. pliz take your fake prayers elsewhere, you need them more than i do

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