Monday, March 17, 2025

Scott attends Madiba’s memorial service



Vice President Guy Scott was this afternoon among several heads of state from various countries in Africa and beyond who attended the Nelson Mandela memorial service held at the FNB stadium.

Dr. Scott, who arrived at the Waterkloof Airforce base in Pretoria this morning, was accompanied by his wife Charlotte, Zambia’s first President Kenneth Kaunda, Foreign Affairs minister Wylbur Simuusa and other senior government officials.

Among the prominent dignitaries that attended the memorial service were President of the United States of America Barack Obama and his wife Michelle, former US President George Bush, Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe and Democratric Republic of Congo (DRC) President Joseph Kabila.

Also present at the memorial service was Mozambique President Armando Guebuza, Namibian President Hifikepunye Pohamba, Nigerian president Jonathan Goodluck and Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete among others.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon was also present at the gathering.
During the memorial service, Mr. Obama said the late Nelson Mandela was a great man who made a great impact in the world.

President Obama said in his tribute to the late first black South African President that Mr. Mandela had left an indelible mark that will be remembered by many generations to come.
He also described the late Mr. Mandela as a man of good humour despite the many burdens he carried.

The US President also said Madiba was a selfless man who disciplined his anger and accepted its consequences.
Mr. Obama added that the late Mr. Mandela fought against white domination and also against black domination.

He has since urged everyone present at the memorial service to act on peace just as the late former South African President did.

Madiba will lie in state at the seat of government, the union buildings in Pretoria from the 11th to the 13th of December.
He died at his home in Houghton, Johannesburg on Thursday, December 5th, 2013 in the night at the age of 95.
He will be buried in his home village of Qunu on Sunday, 15th December 2013.
South Africans mourned and celebrated the life of Mr. Mandela under rainy skies at the FNB stadium where the late former President made his last public appearance at the closing ceremony of the 2010 World Cup soccer games and where he spoke in 1990 after his release from prison.
A total of 10 days have been declared for mourning the 95 year old Mandela.


    • Guilty of his collaborative past against the liberation momentum of mother Africa. At the peak of and throughout the liberation activism, Sata was a listed informant of colonialists. He was the one selling out information on those considered dissidents from their countries, vital installations and training camps we had given out liberation movements, the South African apartheid regime, and Portuguese aggressors where being fed by Sata through Britain. Note that he was one sellout that fiercely opposed Chachacha and sold out to Britain for continuity of colonialism. KK, Changufu, General Mibenge, General Chinkuli, Milner, General Masheke and Grey Zulu knew this and records of his subversive acts were securely under Changufu. ANC know that he is responsible for the loses they suffered.

    • Sata sold out the liberation to imperialists through Britain every piece of privileged information he accessed. Note he was also with the mama Alice Lenshina besides being enlisted by the British system as a feeder of African activism. KK, General Chinkuli, Masheke and Zulu could attest to this fact. Sata is so scared with guilty to his spine when he realizes that Thabo Mbeki, Zuma as part of umkhonto we sizwe exiled fighters based here in Lusaka lost so much blood at the collaborative works of Sata. We had them attached in Roma, Northmead, Lilanda, Matero, Southern province, Chilanga’s mapepe and Feira. Our Alick Nkhata was a victim of Sata’s collaborative works. Luangwa bridge as well as chongwe’s chinyunyu attached on Sata’s information including Nkomo’s hide out off nyerere road.

    • Choice of a useful ***** path is not only haunting for life, but very hard to sanitize oneself from its mark regardless of the engineered status by deceit or not. Define your place in life and stand by it a liberator or a traitor.

      We can learn from the likes of KK and his then lieutenants such as Alexander Chikwanda, Veron Johnson Mwaanga, Rupiah Banda and Sikota Wina as far contribution to the African liberation is concerned. The sowed in good soil as such see the goodwill they enjoy in SA, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and such countries they selflessly suffered for. In the days of youth, never sell out your soul to perversity.

    • Sata is scared of bald heads. Balilubana ba Sata. Surely as a head of sate missing memorial of such an icon as Mandela. Finshi muletina? This Sata guy is very antagonistic. @Senior Citizen, I agree with everything you have said above.

    • Among those who didn’t attend:
      1. Mikaeli Sata – only SADC president absent
      2. Omar Al-Bashir
      3. Paul Biya
      4. Theodoro Mbasongo
      5. …Buthelezi

  1. Mandela’s life was the embodiment of the human spirit. His energy will uplift every corner of the globe which battles for equal rights for its citizens. Hopefully we may do his legacy justice by starting at home and empowering our citizens once again. I was compelled to pay homage to Nelson Mandela with my art by creating a portrait of the world leader In Memoriam at Drop by and let us know how his strength has inspired you!

  2. Hey I watched Sky tv and the Zambian President Michael Sata wad being announced arriving at FNB Stadium. what are you talking about here?

    • announced and being seen on TV are two different thing, he did a donchi ukubeba,,,,meanwhile he was on his way to Kenya via chinsali girl something like that….ask DeadNBC

    • They arent. Just answer the guy. Amablogger ukufwaya ukumonekela napashili! The mistress of ceremony announced the arrival of Michael sata.

  3. I just enjoyed Obamas selfie with the blond prime minister from Denmark while his wife enjoyed the show! Am happy with this choice, Scotty is ok.

  4. Thank God this unguided MCS zambian missile was not unleashed to a world and Namibian Pres was chosen for africa.MCS would have made an address that would greatly embarrass us.

  5. Junior Citizen, what is your point? You had said “he would never be president!” Guest what? He is! It is very painful to you I see. If you have “icikonko ku mukoshi” let someone pray for you cause that stuff can kill you bwana!!! Jesus can deliver you of hatred!

  6. The article talks more about Obama. Why didn’t the title just read “Obama attends Madiba’s memorial service”. What did Scot say at the memorial service?

  7. Goodluck Jonathan, not Jonathan Goodluck! I’m glad Scott went instead, although I wonder how Zuma and some of the ANC are receiving him.

  8. Senior Citizen, that intelligence information about ‘informant cobra’ is real, indeed you were there. Your mention of Lewis Changufu – the deputy Defense Minister then – rends credit to your claim. KK entrusted Leo with top secret info over and above everyone else. The cobra has always been sly, if not double edged, and never sticks to one position.

  9. “There are too many leaders who claim solidarity with Madiba’s struggle for freedom, but do not tolerate dissent from their own people. And there are too many of us who stand on the sidelines, comfortable in complacency or cynicism when our voices must be heard.” (Barrack Obama). How true this is!

  10. List down the names of the presidents who attended then you will realise that it is not only sata.China sent the vice president….Check your facts

    • China is very far away from RSA. How can a sensible Zambian man not go mourn Mandela and instead opts to go parting in Kenya? By the way how are you going to remember Sata when he passes away? As one who brought so much confusion in the land. Real madness instead of distributing universities across the country he builds two in one Muchinga, he sees the world in upside down bat scenario.

    • @Imwe. Don’t defend the indensible.

      Zambia, of all countries, was held by Mandela in a special way. It housed the ANC headquarters during the struggle. The entire ANC executive resided in Zambia and run the operations of ANC from here. To underline the bond that existed and Zambia’s importance to Mandela, it was the very first Country he honoured with a visit immediately after his release after 27years (got that) in Prison.

      To choose to send KK (with due respect) and a ‘not even recognised’ Dotty Scotty is an injustice done to Zambia. No wonder NOT EVEN one foreign Head of State has visited Zambia in the whole 2 years 3 months of PF rule (Save for Uncle Bob). Just imagine, not even for the UNWTO!!! Very Very Very Sad to mother Zambia

    • @ok. Bro. It was just as if he was not there. I’ve scanned the international media – Not even one mentions his attendance.

      And for info, the Zulus and Xhosas where busy mourning to bother about your dotty scotty.

  11. Sata thinks way ahead of us bloggers. You remember the sentiments Scott mend about South Africans? Sata wanted to expose Scott and give me a chance to correct his mistakes. Sata is a good man its his words and torn that are bad. He meant well to send Scott.

    • No harm in sending Scot but as head he should have gone there. Also looking at the Mandela liberation struggle in connection to Zambia, there is more to it than other countries. The mistake is for him to stay away from ichililo and goes to play in Nairobi. Nimuntu wachani

    • This was a self invitation type of going to SA…but MCS missed a free invitation. This is SAD. Remember ZNBC in future: Never put SATA in the same sentence with MADIBA. Sata is a novice and can not read the situathion correctly. When everyone in the world is cerebrating Madiba’s life, Sata was busy talking to pupils from Chinsali at state House…..Surely you can not go and meet 91 presidents gathered at one event?….Zambians we have a President who does not understand his office at all….SAD STORY.

  12. Ba LT ati “several”, more than 90 heads of state or their representatives attended the memorial at FNB. Thats more than several.

    • Actually, there were 91 Presidents and more than 100 representatives from all over the world. Sata could have even gone by road if he was a serious person ready to raise his profile……….CHINSALI pupils are more important than MADIBA….Lol

    • Actually the correct satistics for Madiba’s Memorial service is as follows:
      1. The USA sent four(4) Presidents
      2. The UK sent Three(3) Prime Ministers
      3.All SADC Presidents were there except of course MCS
      4. Brazil sent the Lady President
      5. The UN Secretary General was physically present
      6. The President(Chair person) African Union was present
      7. Robert Mugabe……Imagine he was present
      8. The Cuban President with the famous Obama hand shake registered hinself
      *** The List was long*****
      HOW DOES ONE MISS THE GREATEST MEETING OF WORLD LEADERS??? I really feel SAD as a Zambian how we trivialise very important issues.

    • @ Kazembe, this is not about BALD HEADS, this is a serious matter . It was and it is still about Zambia’s and MCS’s profile. MCS can still correct the situation by arranging a special visit in the shortest possible time like what FIFA has suggested to it’s football family……in January, 2014 the football family will pay their last respect to Mandela’s burial site.

  13. It will take many years, a visionary leader and an enlightened electorate to build the image and position for Zambia as a great country that it is after the current demolition, not only of our moral status and our institutions of respect but also the unit and love that we have enjoyed as a nation. Under the current Govt. we have seen the highest office in the land reduced to no more than a district office somewhere in the rural Zambia. The people entrusted with the duties to abide and hold this position(plot 1) have nothing to preserve the position to what it should be. Instead we have comedy, insults, embarrassments, retribution, vindictiveness and interference in our traditional institutions which have a special place in the governance of our communities.

  14. Just as well Sata did not attend. He would not have fitted anywhere among those statesmen. His accomplice Mugabe was the only odd one out and was shunned.

  15. How things change.Just 2 years ago this blog was full of praises for Sata.Today you can hardly find anyone with something nice to say about him and when you do you notice that it is normally poorly written and has signs of illiteracy or semi illiteracy written all over it.

  16. I hope this mistake-of-president Sata was told by his representatives in Pretoria how the crowd at the FNB Stadium booed Jacob Zuma in front of the whole world yesterday, if he did not watch the memorial proceedings himself. I told my friend I attended the ceremony with later that though I felt sorry for Zuma, this should serve as a very good politcal lesson for stupid leaders, especially in africa that real power rests with the people and not just power-drunk individuals who abuse instruments of power like our own Micheal Sata. I wish Zambians could be more aggressive and militant in dealing with their own misgivings about the conduct of their leaders.

  17. Zambia lost Mwanawasa and Chiluba among other human beings, has it ever been a matter if Mandela attended their funerals or not? I don’t expect south africans to ever get concerned even in the case of Zambia loosing KK who sacrificed a lot for them with nothing in return. Your Mandela failed to mourn Nyerere, and now he is supposed to be mourned by everyone just because uyu umwaice Obama went there!

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