Monday, March 17, 2025

Zambia has the highest cases of violence against women in Southern Africa


A woman carries a lacard during launch opf the 16 days of activism against gender based violence in Lusaka.
A woman carries a lacard during launch opf the 16 days of activism against gender based violence in Lusaka.

Gender Links has revealed that Zambia has the highest cases of gender based violence (GBV) in southern Africa.

Gender Links Board Member Sarah Lungwe said this is so because of violent acts perpetrated by most men in Zambia.

Ms. Lungwe said Botswana is second, Zimbabwe third, South Africa fourth while Mauritius is at the bottom of the GBV records.

She was speaking in an interview with ZANIS in Lusaka today on the sidelines of the ongoing national GBV indicator survey training workshop in Lusaka.

The 16 days of gender activism, which started on November 25 ends today December 10, 2013.

Ms. Lungwe said 90 percent of women have been GBV victims and one in every three women was battered by her close relation, husband or boyfriend.

She added that 72 percent of males have admitted beating up their wives and girlfriends.

She has since regretted that Zambia is standing out as the most violent country despite being known as an oasis of peace in the southern African region.

Ms. Lungwe said the situation was worsened by some frustrated female GBV victims who do not reporting the cases to relevant institutions.

She said women must voice out against GBV so as to achieve the zero GBV tolerance stance.

Ms. Lungwe said both women and men need to promote zero tolerance on all forms of violence against women and work towards the eradication of traditional practices that were harmful to women and girls.

She however commended government and its partners for the strides the country was making to address GBV.

And speaking in a separate interview, Child Rights and Gender Focal Point Officer Annie Sampa said the workshop was timely as more information would be gathered to seal off the gaps on the high GBV cases in the country.

Ms. Sampa disclosed that a recent pilot report jointly conducted in Lusaka, Kitwe, Kasama and Mansa by Gender Links, UNICEF and government through the Ministry of Gender and Child Development shows alarming proportions of GBV cases.



    • That is why i would never have married a zambian man.

      European and whites will never put their hands on us women, unless when we demand they have to (if you know what i mean)

      This is so sad and not surprising for me, I hate my father i remember him slapping my mum once, UNFORGIVABLE


  1. I don’ t accept this report to be true, somehow it’ s biased, honestly Zambia to top the list, how and in which way ?

    • How?

      I’m not saying this is unique to Zambia, but for starters every time a rape is reported on LT at least 10 so-called “men” jump up and down to say she had it coming and is the woman’s fault! Not long ago, some moron (with plenty of green arrows) was claiming he has the “right” to FORCE a woman’s legs apart if he buys her a drink!

      Oh yeah, and don’t forget our Defense Minister (the so-called “honourable” MP) who says hitting a wife is nothing more than good ol’ fashioned luvin.

      Does that start to answer your question of “how”?

      If not, just look at all the people here who deny this could be true! How DARE these women make such allegations! Right? Not, there could be a little bit of truth in this and is something to reflect on.

      How? Eish…!

  2. ba kazi ba mu zed balibe ulemu naku konda ku kolewa castle.check pa ma fridays na saturdays mu ma bars. noti bonse but 80% of them ndiye type

  3. These guys should have said Zambia as the highest REPORTED cases of gender based violence. i strongly disagree with the idea that Zambia is topping the list in actual GBV even beating south Africa with the largest crime rate in southern Africa! come on if you have to do a report at least present it truthfully!

  4. Stu pid report run by traitors,enermies of our beloved country.l shall never condon domination from either women or men however some of these women organisations in Zambia seek to dominate won’t work as long as u overlook the rootcourse.

  5. Is it because of GBM that we are getting this notorious recognition? On a more serious note violence against women should not be tolerated in this day and age. It is a problem that is found in all societies but we need to do our part to ensure that it is not associated with us.

    • Hahahahahaahaha you are a funny guy *applause* Let’s have a moment to appreciate the beauty of this comment LOL!! XD

  6. It is a nosensecal way of seeking attantion nd funds from yo unsuspecting funders.As oders have said,can Zed top e list?NO !lt can only come fro unprincipled nd indisciplined human beings.Nevertheless,Zambia and men in particular’ll rmain PEACEFU

  7. Women are for loving not punching bags. It is good my many man Winter has won the battle with GBM. The great bag of maize throws his weight around on women and he is among the list of those cheap animals beating the women.

  8. Its not a matter of whether Zambia is on top of a list. Really is that the issue? We know that what has been stated has been going on to an extent where it needs proper addressing – suggesting solutions should be on top of the agenda, not taking it as an opportunity to be cynical and exhibit some pseudo macho attitude.

    • Watchman and Loziman please, stop inciting civil war in Zambia with yo tribal talk. Before you talk tribal you must first reveal yo own tribal identity and true identity. Don’t hide behind blog names. I thought all this tribal talk has ended. The Bembas have stopped blogging in Bemba, resigned all positions given on tribal lines, appointed people from other provinces in their work places where they are bosses and have started speaking other languages in the provinces and towns and have stopped accusing others of tribalism for speaking their mother languages. Wanzelu akumvwa na mau amozi tyala.

  9. Violence is has many forms, stop trying to paint a picture of Zambians not battering their wives. Yes south africa has more Violence, but Zambia is leading SADC in Women battering chizungu mwe.

  10. Hmmm i really doubt this??????? In South Africa its normal women don’t even report at all. Check your facts, may be am missing the point here.

  11. Isn’t rape classified as violence against women too? If so how can South Africa which leads in rape cases and Congo where we regularly read of refugees being raped and abused by soldiers/rebel forces be lower than Zambia. Which is more degrading and inhuman, slapping or rape?

  12. Apart from one case of GBVm or Gender Based Violence by Mwamba, Zambia should not have the highest number of violence against women in Southern Africa.

    The UN has it in its report that South Africa has the highest reported incident of violence against women and rape cases in the world.

    Please ba GBV get your stats correct.

  13. What most people are not seeing in the picture is the financial status of these homes, with the exception of a few like GBM. Most homes are on fire, violence being the order of the day, because there is simply no money in their pockets. Husbands are being asked for money for food and they cannot provide, while wives are being asked for good food on the table with no money being provided, confusion is ensured in such homes.

  14. Please help help me with a phone number to report GBV I want to end it with my husband for 17 years I have suffered his beatings and now cannot take it any more. I want to leave him becoz his violence has extended to the only child. Please help

  15. Total rubbish. Ms Lungwe is simply on a fund raising campaign / would like to buy herself a new car. I lived in South Africa for many years. You can not compare Zambia to South Africa or say GBV is higher in Zambia than in SA. South African men beat their women for breakfast, lunch and supper. That’s a massive joke. SA is an extremely violent society. A week will not pass without a news article of a man shooting his wife, kids, inlaws etc., not beating, KILLING, never mind beating. I do not deny it happens in Zambia. It happens and I condemn violence against women. aside, Zambian men actually have a good rep in SA. Please, lets be fair, balanced, factual and lets not distort the truth.

  16. the problem with the fight against gbv in Zambia is that it is more I lined to the problem itself and never looking at the root. if we can go down to the root look at the culture norms of the country then we can have better ways of tackling this issue well. if we continue to tacle issues like we are in the global north we will never win.

    statistic I strongly disagree that Zambia has the highest gbv cases in subsahara region. the number of rape cases you get in SA guateng everyday can even much the number of wives bitten the whole country in zambia.(daily marverick: the brutal reality south African rape cases)…reported cases only. Zambians lets avoid making force statistics in order to get donor money. you are killing the reputation of the country.

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