Monday, March 17, 2025

Zambian HRC commissioner who collapsed at the airport in Kenya is recovering-Mumbi Phiri


Mumbi Phiri Zambian high Commioner to Kenya press Address
Mumbi Phiri Zambian high Commioner to Kenya

HUMAN Rights Commission (HRC) commissioner Arnold Kapelembi who collapsed at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Kenya on Wednesday last week, is recovering well.

Mr Kapelembi collapsed at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport when he was coming from a summit in Gevena enroute to Lusaka.

Zambia’s High Commission to Kenya Mumbi Phiri told journalists here yesterday that Mr Kapelembi collapsed at the airport on suspected High Blood Pressure.

She said that Mr Kapelembi was rushed to Agha-Khan Teaching Hospital where he was admitted in the Intensive Care Unit for two days.

“As the embassy here, we are monitoring his condition but I am happy that he was recovering well and can even travel back home,” she said.

Ms Phiri said that Mr Kepelembi was discharged from the hospital on Sunday but that the hospital management had continued to monitor his condition.

She said the HRC commissioner was now being looked after by one of the officials at the Zambia High Commission embassy.


  1. The iddiot could have swallowed drugs. Why didnt the authorities slit his fat belly. They could have found pellets of heroin.

    • @Nostradamus ….You must be a very luck douchebag jerk to drop off yo mum’s thing had it not been for the expired contraceptives, on the same hand, if it wasn’t for the heart attack during your birth she would have managed “dropping you like its hot” in the council pit latrine….

  2. Some pipo forget the silent killer embedded in their obesity or eating too much meat and other strange foods letting the body become easily vulnerable to silent killer- hypertension.

  3. Wow,ama zambian writers last sentence ati “zambian high commission embassy” ???Its can only be high commission or embassy but not both.

    And who is picking the tab for this expensive hospital? Hopefully not taxpayers.

  4. No baane, Mr. Kapelembi is a humble man. He is a journalist by professional and worked for Times of Zambia for a long, long time. I worked with the wife Mrs. Kapelembi at Kamwala High School in the 90s. The couple are humble and harmless not capable of hurting an ant.

  5. but Mumbi aziba kusamba gelo uyu. she used to look very unkempt during the time she was MP for Munali. but now awe mwe nikagelo kokongola maningi

  6. That airport , you can collapse mwandi , they work at snail’s pace , especially when checking a Zambian passport , A big Airport with two toilets .

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