MATERO Patriotic Front (PF) Member of Parliament Miles Sampa has censured PF officials in lower ranking organs against issuing disparaging remarks against senior party officials because all party officials were in office with the blessing of President Michael Sata.
Mr Sampa warned officials who were disrespecting senior parting officials and purporting to protect the President not to go beyond their jurisdiction.
He said people had worked hard to win the 2011 elections and would not allow disgruntled officials to destroy the good image that the party had built.
He said those found wanting would be disciplined by the appropriate party organs as no one could claim to love the President more than other party officials.
“Those in the district should respect the leaders at the province who should in turn respect the official s in the central committee. How can someone claim to love the president more than others?
“It is those causing confusion that don’t love the President because as far as am concerned, all those against the President are in the opposition (Parties),” Mr Sampa said.
Mr Sampa called for unity and respect for divergent views in the party adding that those that were exhibiting indiscipline against senior party officials were rebelling against President Sata who was the appointing authority.
Well said Mr Sampa.
Two months ago the same Facebook Sampa was busy supporting those in streets demanding removal of pompus Kabimba.
Now since Kabimba is disciplined by the citizens, Sampa tries to kiss his Uncle Sata’s A-Team’s ass.
The is no one against your Sata, he is just an embarrassment to society. A man who decide to shun even funeral of Mandela. Anyway, until we get that ngoshe out to go and attend burial on Sunday. Attending funerals are important, or people don’t come to your funerals too.
paaa mpuuuu ntiiiii pakwa Nosteredemus. who told you ati Sata shunned the funeral, limbi ni wiiiiii soooooo
Saulosi, whatever you call yourslef, you are just a useless citizen whereever you come from. Pure Pathetic f00ls cadre. Always praising PF at the expense of the suffering Zambian masses, the vulnarable many Zambians.
iwe Nostra,, you dont know that death is scary?.. some people are afraid of attending funerals…mamamamama..especially burial,, beause they are reminded of their own funeral and burial!!!
Bafikala typical village mentality …Not every president can go to the funeral for Mandela. Even some of you, u can’t tell me you attend all the funerals for your relatives or friends,,,.Get over it. What if he attends his burial? Are you goin to kiss Madiaba’s casket?.
Behold the pecking order. Isn’t it high time the politics changed? I think we do need the young people to have some latitude…
Can we also have democratic process in electing party officials?
PF is a tribal and criminal dictatorship!
wiiiiiiii sooooooooooo
The word Mr Sampa is “Mutual Respect”!
Agree. Can you explain meaning of “mutual respect” that he can understand?
Why has Sampa got to use Sata’s name? Why can’t he just say what he wants to say without using Sata’s name? This clearly shows that the foundation for the PF is anchored on Sata and everyone in the PF is scared to say anything to the public without mentioning Sata. It shows that PF is organised on COMMUNIST lines where they have the GREAT LEADER, OR THE DEAR LEADER. It is so shameful for people like Miles Sampa to fail to think with their brains just for a few pieces of silver. This is tax-payers’ money you are all eating and the people of Zambia will hold you accountable when the time is right. This includes Sata and Kaseba who has taken over the Health Ministry thereby rendering the minister a chola boy. We are also waiting for Masebo’s tribunal so that we can verify her corrupt…
MILES SAMPA always speaks sense, very coherently. I can see a potential future presidential candidate sometime in the future, if he plays his cards right. He always proffers civilised arguments. PF definitely needs people like him.
Any more congregation bashing in near future?
From the comments its as if people dont want to see PF clean its house, how else can you explain why they are pounding on Miles when he brings good news to his brothers?
On the other hand, Miles you have to educate your fellows what it means to be in service, I find it rather strange for someone to find it normal to attack a fellow servant just because they have more responsibilty than them. The only reason this is the situation is that people are in it for other selfish reasons, so to erase that, you have to attack the source. You Know the root cause and who the master minder is, deal with them first then you will have solved the puzzle!
Sampa is INTEGRAL part of PF.
Therefore, instead of talking to the media in order to remind us that he is still alive, why not take his opinion to his “A-Team” and convince them that time is running out?
Sampa there was wisdom in your silence the past few months. Now here you go again with your foolishness. You are like a further that goes with the wind. Last time you called GBM a grade 7 which he is, you joined him when the campaign heated up and now you are with WK knowing GBM is a loser.
vaupuba..you are all indisciplined ba pf