A civil rights activist has charged that continuous attacks on the former President Rupiah Banda by the Post Newspaper are an infringement of his personal rights.
Brebner Changala challenged the Newspaper to come out in the open and state that it was the only Newspaper which has the right to openly comment on national issues.
He said it was unfair that the Newspaper was blatantly abusive of the former president but had never given him space to air his views, as decent journalism demands.
“These people can’t leave RB alone. What is the issue between them and RB? The whole world knows that it’s personal and why can’t they just tell him what it is that he has done to them. Everyone is laughing at them and they think they are champions yet they are just displaying their inhuman behavior.
“This is inhuman and a total infringement on RB’s human rights. One thing they must know is that the former head of state has a stake like anybody else in this country. We must not use Newspapers to mercilessly assault the freedoms and liberties of individuals,” he said.
Changala observed that it was sad that the Post have never given RB the right to reply but instead humiliated him with continuous scorn and slander.
He appealed to decent political parties and church mother bodies to help and stop the un-Zambian culture coming from the Newspapers.
The civil rights activist said president Banda might have committed certain errors but it was not for the Post to crucify him and he appealed to the editors to revisit their hatred for the former head of state, and many others whom they continue to vilify.
Changala said the people talking ill about president Banda might have personal scores to settle but they were doing it the wrong way as they were punching him while both hands were folded.
Changala was reacting to an editorial in the Post Newspaper published yesterday, and descridbed the fight as unfair.
I can’t remember the last time I bought that newspaper you are talking about
Yup. Gay rights activists.
yes its personal and rupiah started it
post is rabish
Its true you are rubbish, go back to grade one and learn spellings
Any way, they can say whatever they want and yes RB was not perfect BUT he is better by far than their Michael this, Michael that. Every Jim and Jake in Zambia knows that, unless they are trying to cheat foreigners. Their malice upon RB is just forcing everyone to sympathise with him (RB). I for one hated RB until Sata became president and the Post started playing their game. I love RB now and know that much as he had his own issues with governmnce, he is better by far than this Cobra.
You will never enjoy the money you used to enjoy with him. Your RB is finished and now you are annoyed. Bobobobobobob!
We gonna get that chap one way or another.
Dream on bwamba bobe
Unprofessional journalism, always having the last say, though i don’t know the story.
The Post is the paper of hurt just pay back the money from DBZ. What ever the outcome of the case on 18th Dec 2014. The loan will be paid back in 2016 or else go to jail to join Mpombo
After they get the judgement in their favour next week, I cannot imagine just how loud Fred Mmembe will scream and shout…..pantu he knows that Rupiah saw the crookedness of the deal and encouraged DBZ to get their money back. The hatred for Rupiah is premised strongly on the Zambian Airways saga….
Muntuna’s judgement will be upheld they will be asked to pay back
Which ‘everybody is laughing at them’? Changala iwe: only what you say seems to be important? Scumbag!
Changala is very right naimwe, we all know that Membe has personal vandetta with the former head of state. This kind of hatred for RB is shocking, there are people who are really evil in this world.
Kalanga street just shut up chap with your past newspaper and chinangwa fuledi.
anyway what are the benefits of reading the post. I would rather listen to Kabusha
I for one, i do not buy the post or use it as a source of useful information.The hidden motives of the FROST, are well known by a number of zambians today.And the paper does not command respect in terms of opinions, influence etc, at the most they just expose the bitterness they hold for certain individuals and orgnisations.The era of the post controlling the opinion of a certain percentage of zambians has definately come to an end.These are the devil’s messengers.
We used it to wrap vinkubala in the market
Tomas pulizi don’t do that! You are degrading our food. That paper is for shiiiiiit!
Wherever RB goes, he likes empasising that he only lost to Sata by 200,000 votes.He never mentions that he himself won against Sata in 2008 by 30,000 votes.Whats wrong reminding RB on this fact?Doesnt the Post have the right to correct wrong statements?
Let Sata speak for himself just as RB does. And if what RB says is true then there are no lies to correct. Moreover the post should start by correcting the many scandalous lies they printed accusing RB of theft and rampant corruption. The scanners at Nakonde, the Mpundu trust fund and many more. Todate only very weak cases involving truck and the Nigerian oil deal have made it to court…even the Nigeria deal points to Kachingwe, being the master mind, more than RB. Quite frankly the hate is uncalled for.
Ati everyone is laughing? Do we even care?!
Brebner Changala, stop bootlicking RB’s bottom! Having read the Post’s editorial, I see nothing wrong with it. They just called a spade a spade! If anything they admitted the fact that PF had also failed to deliver on certain promises. If you or RB feel his rights have been abused then take up your case with the Human Rights Commission. Ati Human Rights activist. Get a real job! The Zambian jobs portal is now available I suggest you make good use of it.
urin u r mad
have u forgotten that this is the man who promised to finish the post and Fred and where were you ,the so called st, than. RB was sad news let s not make him a ST simply because he is out of state house that man was bad news and as long as he does not repent to me he is the same rotten RB.
This is the Newspaper which is busy dividing the unity of Zambians and the country’ s peace. What’ s wrong with leaving Rupiah Banda alone to lead a private comfortable and peaceful life ? It’ s not wrong to state that the Post Newspaper leads other publishing houses in our land in publishing falsehoods and information of hatred and division among Zambians.
The ghost newspaper should only be good for toilet use or for wrapping bush meat but not for information.
Ugh! I won’t eat bushmeat wrapped in that paper.
Generally it is disillusioning to imagine the calibre of leadership we have had lately. Sometimes you get scared of the culmination if this trend continues…
Fred mmbembe is evil, shameless, unprincipled chameleon of the waste kind. Fred is renowned for changing position. His hate for RB is beyond comprehension.
Fred has in the past written bad things about ex dictator kk and sata, but today he is the praise singer for the two dictator.
Fred please leave president for all alone. Remember that you pf government will not remain in power for ever.
It’s little wonder that pf post newspaper sales has dropped drastically, very soon it will go under.
Very soon Fred will be in prison. I hope he has planned which country he will run to when Sata is out of power
I used to think that The Post stood up for Zambians. Indeed during the disastrous RB years, they did. As much as some of us dislike RB, we have come to see The Post for what it is – a personal rag for its editor. While Sata continues to commit big ‘crimes’ against the people of Zambia, The Post is busy writing editorials about things that do not matter. For instance, they ran an editorial on the importation of second hand motor vehicles at the time when people were worried about the fate of their constitution. They have remained mute on all important issues. The Post suffers from the same problem the PF and UPND suffer from. They are identified too much with one person! In their case, it is Mmembe.
Mukame this is one of the best analysis of the Post I have ever read.
Rupiah Banda is a plunderer and belongs in the garbage heap of Zambian history.
OH how true!
rb is great and brought more development than this satana of yours, he was a true democrat and allowed media organisations like watch dog and unza radio to operate freely. economy and kwacha very stable. come to chingola and see development, not even a single toilet renovated and ramshackle of the market is constructed in the middle of the town
What development?
Fred is GAY and R B. Talked about it publicly at one of his press conferences. Hence so much hate from Mmembe towards RB. But this is making Fred Mmembe very very small due to his unforgiveness. Shaaaaaaame!
Better to buy a Toilet tissue than buying Post Newspaper which has no material apart from teasing and exposing grudges against others.
Post Newspaper can not admire how the Zambian watchdog does. It digs deeper and reflects issues which are hidden and exposes them off to people.
Post Newspaper used to be in the past but not now, is use useless.
Wrong headline. It should be: Mmembe attacks on Rupiah unwarranted
Ubufi from blind pipo supporting a crook.A sugar dad.Only sick ones have forgotten how evil was RB.
You call him a plunderer cos Sata and the post had said so. Mwanawasa and the post did so to chiluba. common denominator is the post using the paper to abuse citizens and the polticians ride it for political expedience. for all the allegations mwanawasa took to parley on ftj, not one was used in court. similarly rb is now answering to charges of theft of second hand vehicles. for how long are u going to be led by the nose?