Sunday, March 16, 2025

Mutati extols KK’s Mandela funeral speech


LUNTE member of Parliament (MP) Felix Mutati has described first republican President Kenneth Kaunda’s speech at Nelson Mandela’s funeral as inspirational and motivational.

Mr Mutati said young leaders in a democratic dispensation should learn from Dr Kaunda’s message, adding that current politicians should emulate leaders such as Mr Mandela who did not come out of the struggle against apartheid with bitterness.

He said Mr Mandela however came out with politics that are different and embraced peace that any leader or government must draw from.

“ Despite what apartheid did to Mr Mandela, he did not come out with bitterness but came out wearing a cap of forgiveness, reconciliation and an all-inclusive type of work”, Mr Mutati said.

The Lunte lawmaker said another legacy that present and future leaders can learn is the need to sacrifice.

“Mr Mandela showed the world that politics was not about the leader being a hero but that politics is about sacrifice to improve the lives of the poor.

Young leaders should pick up from people like Mr Mandela and Dr Kaunda that equity is cardinal in bringing development,” Mr Mutati said.

“I was impressed with Dr Kaunda’s speech when he referred to Mr Mandela’s words which he told rugby players that this sport you play is also my game, “ he said, describing it as an all-inclusive statement.


    • I hope you would have taught these PF cadres to love their neighbors as they love themselves. These killings and stealing of dead bodies would not have been happening.
      Promoting only your relatives would have long gone.
      You also should show thing kind of love to us Zambians and it is not too late to win back your credibility Dr KK

    • Racism in SA is still there and KK speech came at the right time. Don’t pretend!!!The whites still have not realised that SA is for both blacks, Asians, and whites. I once went to a drinking place in Jburg and I was amazed to find only whites. I was actually the only black there. I was also not happy when they were talking about me as someone coming from Africa. Is SA not in Africa? Blacks will always say he is from Zambia but whites kept asking are you from Africa? I took that as racism.

    • oooooooooooooooh, you see it as a hate speech when he was talking about facts? KK was just reminding south Africans both white and black that racism is not good. he quickly reminded them how he struggled to convince boer leaders to end racism to no avail. Is that a hate speech? people kept on clapping for him, was that a hate speech? He encouraged them to love one another and work together, black, white, that a hate speech? KK speech was actually the best, he reminded them of the bad face of Racism which they need to hear becoz racism in both blacks and whites communities is still prominent.

    • @my Fake Zambian Laywer
      Can you remind your PF cadres and leaders of bad things rather than just supporting even evil things done and said by your masters.
      Learn life and you sound not fake as you prefer to called FAke.

    • That was a truth speech.. South Africans want to ignore the truth, because it is painful…But you can’t ignore that reality, white supremacy still exists, its a cancer it affects people’s lives. And KK was on the money to bring it up.

    • You and your kind were not there when apartheid reigned supreme and only the language Dr. Kaunda used was appropriate to take us down memory lane. Please do not comment on matters you least comprehend. There was no hatred in that speech except memories to value the struggle that led to the release of Mr. Mandela and the dismantling of apartheid. Most of the present Presidents and politicians now around the world were youths and only Super Ken who was President at that time and involved in the struggle was appropriate to talk in such manner.

  1. After KKs speech, the mood is different here in SA as people believe he should not have mentioned things the owners forgave themselves a long time ago. How do you start talking about boers and so on, the very things Mandela himself never talked about. Ramaphosa did well to stop him other wise we were headed for another embarrassing episode


    • It was a great speech appreciated by South Africans.Racism and inequality is still alive in south africa lets not pretend.KK just said what was on everyones mind but were afraid to speak.Whites love Mandela because he didn’t expel them from south africa-thats what the whole Madiba hype is about- he forgave the racist boers.

    • In fact stupid ***** Ramaphosa showed no respect stopping our leader half way through the speech. KK contributed big time to South African liberation, innocent Zambian blood was shed..

    • which part of SA do you live in. Where I live in the West Rand, I have not noticed any change of altitude towards me although a lot of people in the complex where I live know that I am Zambian . In fact the majority of my black face book friends say KK said what should have been said.

  2. Fair perspective on KK’s speech Bwana (MP) Felix Mutati. And from the look of it, it seems our old man (KK) hit a ‘home run’ with the speech going by the response from the audience. However, just wait until the disgruntled imports from ZWD wake up from their hibernation and start their insults—they will tear you apart for supporting their ‘enemy’!

    Even after watching for themselves the video above, they will still have something to “nyoko, nyoko” about KK and the speech. That’s how filth and unappreciative Zambians have become nowadays—everything is looked at through a political prism.

    I noticed even Gayle (Oprah Winfrey’s friend) appreciated hearing from one of the original African statesmen (going by her smiles in one of the camera shots in the video). Anyway, I…

  3. KKKKKKK has no place in my heart for as long as he’s not able to explain the poisoning of Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe period. Why he did it.

    • @Truth Hate must realise that intelligence means reading the environment correctly at all times…Did KK use his logic properly on this DAY? NO, NO,……He was talking about the Boer Company and Boer this, Boer that at a wrong forum…..Poor judgement ba mudala & no wonder you were the only one they checked for time

  4. Boers came to south africa – and the ensuing war of occupation is aptly tagged boer war; apartheid was authored and perpetuated by the boers, history bears witness. And Boers roamed South Africa until it became a rainbow nation, then they, together with kaffirs, became dignified human beings called South Africans, and the terms became derogatory. I am happy KK never addressed SA muzungu of today as boer, only did so in historical reference – where the term belongs. It was discomforting to hear him relive the word though.

    • uleikalafye tondolo, ******we!! do you even know what you are saying Chiikaaalaa!!


    • Roller meal is actually more healthy for you than the bleached (white) stuff. Further you show your ignorance because brown sugar is more healthy for you and less harmful than the bleached (white) sugar which will eventually cause a whole plethora of diseases in your body, CANCER, DIABETES etc etc. So looking at it from a different perspective KK did us a favor. Also, really it wasn’t KK’S fault on his own for Zambia’s misfortunes, it was mostly due to low copper prices, sanctions and hostility from Rhodesia, us spending all our money liberating southern Africa including SA. We must be objective, and appreciate People that have served us. This is partly why KK’s achievements are not so prominent globally, because we Zambians have spat on them in the first place!!

    • Yaba, FTKitwe uli futu! Roller and Brown sugar are actually very healthy. That just shows that you have very high disturbing levels of inferiority complex. Just stay ukokwine mwaba Zed doesn’t need ifi ma futu like you.

    • If this is the reason you left the country, then KK has been proved correctly.Roller meal and brown sugar are health

  5. Dr Kenneth Kaunda is an international icon and should be respected by all human beings, especially Zambians. Kenneth raises eye brows for good reasons anywhere his presence is felt. He did so much for humanity on this subcontinent through assisting former freedom fighters such as Mandela, Oliver Tambo, Robert Mugabe, Samwell Nojoma of SWAPO, MPLA of Angola, in fact the list is too long to complete it here. Most of the economic problems which Zambia experienced were not due to Kaunda’s economic mismanagement, however, they emanated from the economic crises which were correlated to the crises in the 1970s. Kaunda’s regime attempted to strengthen the Zambian economy by using prudent fiscus monetary policies, but it was too late at that stage to turn the economy around. Kaunda is great

    • He should be preaching those words now rather than supporting few individuals just for his benefit. Has he ever said anything on the evils done RB, evils done by Memmmme , Nchitombana the killings in chelston and stealing of the dead body?
      Its like a dog that backs only at passbyers to please the feeder

    • Of what use is a father who works hard for another man’s children to be politically and economically free and yet he denies his own children the same and brutalises them? Yes he did a lot to free Southern Africa from colonialism and may be considered an international icon around, but not in Zambia. In Zambia he is just a mare PF cadre with very low political morals.

  6. Felix the Turn-Coat has spoken.
    By the way, can you imagine that instead of been in jail in South Africa he was in jail in Zambia during KK rule facing the same charge?
    Crocodilian tears?

    • By the way, which National Airline used to fly from JNB via LUN to JFK at the hight of international sanctions?
      Hon. Mutati, you should know that.

  7. Wen u talk about 4giveness of the boars u re actually referring 2 their evils.kk was right.Infact de organisers did err in that kk was not accorded de space he deserved.kikwete,Joice,Obama,AU chairperson nd de lest dat were given mattered less.Shame

    • Yes South Africans are shameful for cutting him off like that. House Negroes they are!! They love their master so much they ll defend him, typical self hatred they displayed in the act of cutting him off unceremoniously. Kikwete’s speech was a good one though, an honest one.

  8. Without pretence the boars are still behaving the same.They need deliverence. l can’t blame Maleme and pipo like Mugabe.ln 2008 i was pliveraged to attend Mandela’s 90th birthday in SA Jobg.Where lodged i many times head some boars insult Mandela..

  9. They said,’ this baboon is finishing our children’s money with’s birthday celebrations.’l almost screamed at them.But i refrained myself.l talked to some black S/Africans about it.They admitted that things had not changed much.kk was right 100%.

  10. To give more space to those minows i have mentioned above on the expence of the one of the giants of Africa as far as the strugle against white domination was an insult to even Mandela himself.Weaknesses aside kk is among the gallant soldiers.

  11. I don’t call that a speech! Anyway if you insist, it was not organised, it had no direction. The MC kept asking him to mind time, not because he took too long but because he believed he was not at the level other speakers were and people were jeering and amused at how raw the former head of state’s ‘speech’ could be. Yes it had glimpse of fair points in it but the man spoke like one who was just from sleep not knowing the occasion. That was pathetic to say the least, and am shocked to hear praise of such mediocre from a minister.

    • He spoke from his soul, from his heart, while the other amateurs had to read rubbish written for them, they don’t much up to our 90 year old father’s wit and honesty, and intellectual strength in that he stood up in front of 500 and spoke the truth without holding anything back. Thats impressive…and at the end of the day he was there in the thick of it, during the struggle, he was a key figure in the struggle, an ANCHOR of the Struggle, therefore his speech was one of truth and relating reality…unlike the showman Obama for example, putting on a performance, when for example his own CIA are the reason Mandela spent 27 years in prison, and also they never ever considered ANC, to the US ANC and Mandela were terrorists until as recent as 2008. Lets be HONEST in our analysis.

    • I agree with you KK’s speech was nothing to write home about. A colleague telephoned me and asked “Did you watch your former president when he was waffling at Mandela’s funeral?” As one of Africa’s respected statesmen, KK should have come up with a better speech written or unwritten. That should have been the right time for KK to remind South Africans of the sacrifices made by Zambia and other Front-Line States in the liberation of South Africa. Instead he turned himself into a pastor. Is it because Zambia is a Christian state?

  12. I ment, as far as white domination is conserned. The organisers of the funeral behaved childishly for not according to kk,still living ,with living memories, the space he deserves. However,this could’ve come about becoz of some unpatriotic Zambians.

    • Whats problem learned Osmore, cannot copy the script given by the Master? Or you are in a hurry because Master has not given you enough pieces of fake silver to pay internet coffee?

  13. kk tried his best given that it appeared he was not even on the list of the speakers.The mc got from slumber & remembered there was kk whom u can’t ignore even if u hate him i.e in terms of his vast contribution against white domination.

  14. the speech was not inspirational, how come he started preaching about the ten commandments as if he leaves by them, for many years pipo of barotseland have been arrested and caged for something he knows but he has never used the so called love your God and others as you love your self slogan. I dont believe in lip service.

  15. Well spoken! Hon. Felix Mutati, thank you Sir! And we say thank you to one of the greatest fathers of Africa as the master of ceremony introduced him with these words, very respected Statesman in Africa and indeed was an honour for him to give a vote of thanks at his late comrade’s funeral.


  16. Excellent speech by KK. You ca’t dismiss history. The Boers need to hear his speech. Just like Robin island is there for history, the word Boer will still be used in history contex. The Boers themselves will still use it. Hats off to KK.

  17. He called the Nationalist Party the “Boers Party” and the former white presidents “Boer Presidents.” Its like referring to UNIP the “Vigilante party” or “Coupons party” or “stone throwers party.” Thats how awkward the moment was for the Madiba mourners. He could have reminded then of the evils of apartheid in a more new age fashion

  18. It is abhorrent to witness the staggering levels of poverty still prevalent among black S. Africans to this day.

    The ANC government is only playing the ostrich by burying its head in the sand. Certainly there is an air of disappointment the world over, among those who hoped to see meaningful change in that country once the black man took over the reigns of power. That hasn’t happened yet and the frustration among the impoverished black masses is mounting high.

    What the whites fought for and defended against the blacks for centuries is what the whites still have and enjoy to this day; making it now laughable that they even had to wage such a bloody and fierce war, when possibly it was not even necessary, considering what one sees in S. Africa today.

  19. KK’s speech was ill-timed. Period. That was time to celebrate that blessing to human’s life not opening closed wounds. Also its like he was seeking recognition for the role he played in the release of Tata Madiba from Prison. Even Mutati himself has praised Tata Madiba more than KK’s speech if you have read the article above.

  20. KK’s speech, though somewhat disconcerting has its merits. What I see developing in S. Africa is a new form of Apartheid in the name of “Unity” at the expense of equity. Who would have dreamed that in this ANC era, the world would be subjected to see those images of the bodies of dead miners who were shot dead in cold blood at Marikana mine in Johannesburg, just because they were protesting for better conditions of service? Hosting that shooting was none other than Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa and his ANC.

    Wasn’t that something we had objected to during the old Apartheid era? Or do we find it acceptable now just because it is being perpetuated by one of ou own and not by Mr. Jones as in Animal Farm? Why must KK be faulted for the mere mention of the word “Boer” in his impromptu…

    • Did you ever hear about peace and reconciliation in S. Africa? That was the beginning of the end of hate speeches. The speech was ill-timed at that occasion, advise him to go there after a month to and go contribute to Madiba’s documentary because that was documentary like speech. Not at the funeral please. The big man has been continuing to lose it!

  21. When u say ,’thank you Utata Mandela 4 freeing us ,’freeing u from what?Fro Boers’ evils!Y pretend or fear 2 mention them?Don’t create a volcano unneccessary.l wish the mc was grown up enough 2 know dat kk was even bigger dan stooges like Obama.

    • The old man was losing it at that occasion….if he was not stopped you would have heard his trade mark language of “stupid-*****” just like at our last labour day celebration here in Zambia.

    • The MC reminded KK about time because Madiba was supposed to be lowered in his grve at 12.00 hrs. Unfortunately KK kept on repeating things that he had already said. Did you want the audience to be bored and boo KK off the podium? The MC saved KK from that emmbarrassment? Didn’t you hear the MC asking the AbaTembu elders to bear with the organisers for running behind schedule?

  22. No one ever mentioned the dark side of Mandela. This man abandoned his first wife for Winnie. His first wife died a bitter person. He got a taste of his own medicine when he came out of prison only to find that a young lawyer was banging Winnie.
    He quickly divorced her for a widow.

  23. That was a terrible speech, non-reconciliatory and hateful, opening the very old wounds that Madiba had managed to facilitate healing for!
    The whole speech was about self-praise and the old jogger had no sense of occasion like one of his favorite successors. They did well to stop him as he was causing more pain to the bereaved family. Thank goodness the other one did not go. It would have been worse. He could have been deported and declared PNG or PI.
    Charity begins at home!
    Reconcile your people back home and avoid taking sides on national issues.

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