The Jesuit Center for Theological Reflection has commended President Michael Sata for taking action against the two deputy ministers Leonard Chitotela and Rodgers Mwewa who have been cited in the Auditor General’s report as having abused the Constituency Development Fund.
JCTR national coordinator Father Leonard Chiti said it was pleasing that the PF were beginning to deal with corruption among senior party officials.
“This is indeed a good sign that government is serious about the fight against corruption especially by including Copperbelt Police Commissioner Mary Tembo, and the two deputy ministers of Labour Ronald Chitotela and Agriculture’s Rodgers Mwewa.
Now we look forward to President Sata’s response to the Auditor General’s reports on the details and particular officers involved in public funds mismanagement from various government departments and the Constituency Development Fund,” he said.
Fr. Chiti said it was about time the President also addressed the anomalies brought out by the AG report at whatever levels including senior government officers accused of corruption.
On Monday, President Sata sacked Chitotela and Mwewa from their government positions over alleged corrupt practices currently under investigations.
And Lusaka Mayor Daniel Chisenga speaking during the full Council Meeting in Lusaka warned councilors to carefully apply the Ward development programmes to avoid misuse of funds in the 2014 K323.2million Budget.
Chisenga said it would be unfortunate if the councilors got caught up in disputed expenses like the Munali and Kanyama Constituencies spending on the purchase of broken down equipment.
“We don’t want to be involved in the purchase of already broken down equipment like Munali CDF and the Kanyama CDF which bought road development vehicles which were all broken down,” Chisenga said. He implored councilors to align their programmes to the needs of the people as well as the development agendas according to the general wellbeing of the communities.
the president should not use the two deputy ministers as sacrificial lambs. a lot of ministers have used CDF funds to purchase second hand vehicles as ambulances, such as Dr Katema of chingola constituency. investigate and suspend him too
How far is Katanga issue of his suspected fake Professor and Dr ship.
Let Him tell the auditor general to publish 2013 findings including PS, directors Principals, DC, all heads of deprtaments who failed to reture imprest, purchase of equipements without lied down procedures etc. etc
If he is failing to deal with pipo like GBM an Kabimba, let alone Chibesakunda or Kambwili, this is asking for too much from the old Serpent..
When GBM and Mr Kabimba were being investigated they were not fired. Some one to explain this anomaly or is it that some people are untouchable?
THE PROBLEM IS THIS THAT THE SERPENT IS SELECTIVE ON WHOM TO SPIT AND INJECT THE VENOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
until he starts dealing with members of the A and B Teams who are Cabinet Ministers.
what happened to Kabimba and GBM. Any suspension coming?
Corrupt Senior Ministers not senior corrupt Ministers. Problem Zambian children nowadays just listen to music, are just on “net”, DSTV etc no time to read books, novels, hence poor “written” injobo
God bless Zambia