Attorney General Mumba Malila says there is no conflict of interest that arises in the 14 million Kwacha Development Bank of Zambia case that would warrant Director of Public Prosecutions Mutembo Nchito to resign.
Mr. Nchito is a former Director of the defunct Zambian Airways, which was sued jointly with JCN Holdings and the Post Newspapers Limited over the unpaid debt of 14 million kwacha owed to the Development Bank of Zambia.
There have been concerns raised that there will be conflict of interest if Mr. Nchito remains in his position while fighting the law suit by the DBZ being the authority that gives instructions to prosecute all criminal matters in the country.
Mr. Malila has however told Qfm in a telephone interview that the case involving Mr. Mutembo is a civil matter and that he is being sued in his individual capacity as an ordinary citizen, and therefore there can be no conflict of interest if he remains in his position while facing the DBZ litigation.
Mr. Malila explains that if Mr. Nchito was being prosecuted in a court of law on a criminal matter the question of conflict of interest would arise.
He noted that at the stage where the matter is now, he does not see the question of conflict of interest arising.
The Supreme Court has ordered a re-trial of the matter.
What do you PF people want from us Zambians? Is it a curse for having voted for you?
You never voted for us.Provide evidence.
Criminals and corrupt fellas and their supporters can’t stand Nchito continuing to send them to jail for their acts and those of their cult heroes. Nchito is here to stay.
And how many criminals has your dull DPP sent to prison Mr. Action Man? Actually you’re the one that should be jailed for i think the levels of dullness you exhibit every time you post something must be against the law.
No one is above the law, if PF chups think they will get away with their crimes? Time will come when Zambians will celebrate. It is only ethical that individuals holding public office and have criminal cases should resign. Nchito should go and it’s a shame to read the defense from Malila. Zambian need leadership with proper governance than what we currently have. PF’s arrogance is disgusting and will eat them. Time will tell.
Richard Sakala,Bulaya,countless senior army officers etc
Action man
The simple English you have learnt and you stay in that small house of your age very young provides that your job paid daily to sit on laptops and pass comments.
How many people has Nchito sent to prison and i only Know those acquitted and the Nchito withdrawing cases.
Red cross
Mpombo RB case
Masumba MMD case
These guys think we are stupid . There is a clear indication of conflict of interest do why deny it
What do they mean “no conflict of interest?” Bantalamisoka!
What do they mean by civil matter not criminal matter? So it is not crime what they did and is the case not appropriate for criminal prosecution?
The main for this debate is just lack of morality in the Zambian Civil Service; otherwise the man would have just resigned without even anyone asking him to do so. It is juts in Zambia and other African Countries where such things happen. I believe, like many others, whether civil or criminal, he can still influence the judgesand all involved in a way! He is such a key man in the entire judiciary to ignore like that. Even the decision of retrial, cannot be said not to be connecting to being what he is in the judiciary, together with his co-defendant on the political side. It stinks!
What you expect from AG when his boss, Minister of Justice its on record stating that there is no morality in politics!!!
My learned collegue SPOOK what’s your response, opinion and analysis to the above article concerning Mutembo Nchito and DBZ. I was most appreciative on your response on the Liato appeal case.
They think liato was being persecuted.They used to chew with him and that is why they are happy he is a free man.If liato wiht his stolen money will go free then forget about the 14billion.
No morals,PF failed project.
Ok, it is Zambia at this moment. There is no transparency in this country whatever. Some people will continue to fight because of hidden agendas. Remember there is life after death, you will answer to the just judge on everything that you do whether in Government or home even in hidden places. So please whatever you do in government to it as if you were doing it to the Lord.
The leader u serve can make you better or bitter. M. Malila was good under Mwanawasa but something else this tym. Its unfortunately that he cant see conflict just because its a civil matter. Im not lawyer bt my judgement is better than him. Lidoda duvha(the day will come)
Mumba Malila! What a shame…………..DPP needs to vacate office simple,he is not being accused no.He owes the state huge sums thats a fact.
I can see the conflict of interest. How come Malila can not see it?
What do you mean civil case ,that’s obtaining loan with intentions of not paying back.
Mr Malila used to be a brilliant lawyer when he was with acquila partners but i guess afrter RB showed him never to mess with those in power he has become irrelevant. We are watching you Mumba and one day you will answer for all the stupid decisions you are making today together with DPP Mutembo Nchito.
Action man please understand that the only criminals are in politics or work with politicians.Nchito did not share the K14bn tax payers money that he and his homosexual friend fred mmembe got from DBZ
This story has been around for some time now,PF can we see some direction not obstruction of justice,every body is watching…Ncito pay or promise to pay a d keep the job,sanity please…
Nchito wont resign mostly because of the way the case came up.The case was cooked up by RB.All politician know this.HH knows too.Nchito did not get any loan from DBZ
@ Mumba Malila,
Mr. Malila has however told Qfm in a telephone interview that the case involving Mr. Mutembo is a civil matter and that he is being sued in his individual capacity as an ordinary citizen
I think this man is talking as though he is not a layer. Whose money is the K14m? And if it is on individual capacity, why did the president involve in Chikopa from Malawi to act as an indipendent person in this case involving millions of kwacha on the expense of tax-payers money for a simple individual who will never feed the nation? This is lose of direction.
Morally there is conflict of interest because those are the judges he works with.
How do they sleep?
Are these people totally devoid of any moral at all?
Malila does not mean well for Sata. Just like Scott and Kabimba these people are out to embarass Sata by wrong advice. Sata is well advised to seek advice elsewhere, he has wrong people advising him. Morality requires that Nchito resigns, be this a civil case or not.
Malila, Mmembe, Nchito, Lombe Chibesakunda, Kabimba, Musa Mwenye, Patrick Matibini, Masebo constitute part of the vicious and ruthless inhuman clique that has been placed for close surveillance under the Zambian political microscope. Members of their families will reap the bitter fruits for working against the Zambian peoples.