Sunday, March 16, 2025

Sata has set a bad precedent to start early campaigns – FODEP


FODEP Executive Director, McDonald Chipenzi
FODEP Executive Director, McDonald Chipenzi

The Foundation for Democratic Process (FODEP) says the actions by the President to start campaigning in Malambo and Vubwi constituencies before the date of elections has been set has set a very bad precedence.

FODEP Executive Director McDonald Chipenzi says such actions have the potential to create tension and confrontation among political stakeholders in the country.

Mr Chipenzi says the argument that the president went to inspect projects in the two constituencies is neither here nor there because campaigning as well as introducing candidates is nothing closer to inspecting projects.

He adds that the opposition might also start campaigning in the name of inspecting developmental projects as the projects are national projects.

Mr Chipenzi says such incidents reinforce calls for the Electoral Code of Conduct to cover the entire electoral process so as to stop politicians pretending not to know about certain breaches.

The FODEP Executive Director has called on the ECZ to ensure that it acts on the matter and has called on the Police to enforce the law without segregation.


    • Sata is right. No need to wait for the election date to be announced. People should be free to campaign any day any time and anywhere except on the actual day of voting. Those who are waiting for the election date for 2016 to be announced before they start campaigning must be stoopit

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