Sunday, March 16, 2025

EFZ, ZEC condemn condom use in prisons



THE deep divide over whether condoms should be distributed in prisons has widened further with two church mother bodies saying supplying these disease- prevention barriers would promote homosexuality.

The Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia (EFZ) and the Zambia Episcopal Conference (ZEC) oppose rekindled calls for the distribution of condoms among prisoners to protect them from sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS.

Pro-condom distribution advocates contend that there is homosexuality in prisons and these inmates’ health must be safeguarded by providing them with condoms.

But EFZ says condom distribution to prisoners is not the solution while the ZEC says homosexuality is wrong and sinful.
In an interview with Sunday Mail, EFZ executive director Pukuta Mwanza said condom distribution in prisons will promote homosexuality.

“By distributing condoms, we are saying homosexuality must be tolerated,” he said.

Rev Mwanza has also condemned people saying, because homosexuality is taking place in prisons, condoms must therefore be distributed.

He said the fact that it is taking place in our prisons does not mean the behaviour must be legalised.

Rev Mwanza contends that minimising overcrowding in prisons can reduce the likelihood of homosexuality in prisons.
He also said it was wrong for people to say that the prevalence rate of HIV in prisons is high because prisoners are not tested at point of entry into prison.

Rev Mwanza said some prisoners could have contracted HIV before going behind the bars.

He questioned the validity of research on HIV prevalence rates in prison, whose statistics, he claims, are used to justify condom distribution.

Rev Mwanza charges that some churches are working with civil society organisations (CSOs) to champion gay rights in the guise of promoting human rights.

“Some CSOs are succumbing to external pressure to promote gay rights because they want donor aid. This is wrong because their actions do not represent the people of this country,” he said.

Rev Mwanza also said the practice is at variance with Zambia’s laws, adding that gay rights are an abomination.

He has commended Government for remaining resolute on its stance to reject gay rights in Zambia.

ZEC spokesperson Fr Paul Samasumo said the Catholic Church does not support gay rights.

He said the Catholic Church’s constant and firm teaching on homosexual acts is unequivocal, saying homosexual acts are wrong and sinful.

“Under no circumstances can homosexual acts be approved. The natural sex partner for a man is a woman and vice-versa. Homosexual acts are wrong,” he said.

He said the Church makes a distinction between homosexual orientation and inclination as opposed to the act or behaviour of homosexuality.


  1. Condoms are there to protect you when things get hard and heaven knows PF needs them bcoz life is getting hard for this CNP party.

  2. Why r u so much against giving out condoms to prisons and not to the teenagers and prostitutes ,is one sin greater than the other? , i wonder.

  3. Homosexuality and lesbianism are very disgusting, abominable and perplexing while
    fornication, sex outside marriage, prostitution are unlawful, sinful but not disgusting and perplexing and therefore the Church can look away. Is that what our Church mother bodies saying?

    Lesbians and homosexuals should be caged while fornicators and prostitutes can be be preached to and tolerated. Is that what the Bible is saying? Definitely not.

    • In fact mostbof the time fornicators are the ones preaching! Going b u how many so called pastors get used for various sex related issues

  4. The problem with Christians in Africa is that they are too literal. They take the bible literally. They lack the intellect to understand the cultural and historical context in which various books of the bible were written. This coupled with double standards, which most us suffer from, leads them to choose which sin they consider greater than the others. Love for money and adultery are normally considered the least serious in the eyes of most Christians in Africa. Clearly the message here is that it is alright to leave those practicing homosexuality to get infected and to die because that is God’s will. If that is right then prostitutes should not be protected by law either. Churches need to stick to preaching the messages of love and tolerance.

  5. if the govt is fully aware that men do each others a.n.u.s where the bacterial count is high, then why prosecute those screws each others a.n.u.s at homes.
    Counsel them

  6. Rev Mwanza, please, the best you can do to serve Zambia is to keep quiet. The need to distribute condoms in prisons is a health issue meant to save lives. It has no connection to religion whatsoever.

  7. So you want to pretend they dont do? Dont they have the right to life? You want them to die while you looking the other way? What do you suggest then? Dont you know that when some of those people when they come out they can some how affect your life? Stop pretending you know better, Well done GRZ, if someone doesnt like it they can hang after all te mpiya shaba …….. being used to provide the suplements!

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