Friday, March 28, 2025

First Lady officiates at the wedding ceremony of Jean Kapata’s daughter


First Lady Christine Kaseba
First Lady Christine Kaseba

First Lady Christine Kaseba says marriages can only last longer if couples continue to remind each other of their love.
Dr. Kaseba said loving each other whole heartedly should also be sustained by actions that should enable couples to fully submit to each other throughout their lives.

The first lady was speaking when she officiated at a colourful wedding ceremony for Amina Randeree second born daughter to Community Development Mother and Child Health Deputy Minister Jean Kapata who got married to Aron Musonda at Government Complex in Lusaka last night.

And Dr. Kaseba said it is gratifying to see many couples in the country celebrating silver jubilee a move she said should act as an inspiration to new couples.

Cabinet Ministers that attended the wedding were Community Development Mother and Child Health Minister Joseph Katema and Chiefs and Traditional Affairs Minister Professor Nkandu Luo.

Also present were Community Development Mother and Child Health Deputy Minister Jean Kapata, Commerce Deputy Minister Miles Sampa, Chiefs and Traditional Affairs Deputy Minister Susan Kawandami, Home Affairs Deputy Minister Winfridah Kansembe, Gender and Child Development Deputy Minister Esther Banda and Works and Supply Deputy Minister Mwiimba Malama.

Others were Clerk of the National Assembly Alice Mwiinga, senior government officials and former Permanent Secretary at Cabinet Office Emmanuel Mwamba.


  1. Great to know that musali wa mwa lififi jean Kapata has a marriable daughter… i hope the guy is not doing a dochi kubeba marrying kapata`s daughter just to be sent into foregn mission

  2. Kaseba advises that ‘marriages can only last if couples continue to remind each other of their love’. She forgot to also advise that marriages can last if concubines stop snatching other women’s husbands.

  3. When I was growing up, only those who were examples of a Silver Jubilee were worthy to give marriage guidance. These days it’s those with a decade (or less) of marriage! For those who don’t know what Silver Jubilee is, it’s 25 Years!
    From the list of those who attended this wedding and were recognised as exemplary leaders (who for me are a bad example – save for Dr. Katema) are not morally upright to be marriage counselling!
    Name Age Marital Status Silver Jubilee
    Dr Christine Kaseba-Sata 52 Married NO
    Dr Joseph Katema 52 Married Yes
    Professor Luo Nkandu 62 Separated No
    Miles Sampa 41 Married No
    Katongo Kawandami 66 Widow No
    Alfreda Kansembe 52 Married NO (second marriage
    Esther Banda 65 Married Perhaps
    Mwimba Malama 37…

    • Ester Banda is married to the former chief medical officer of KCM Konkola mine. It is a yes. Not Kaseba, husband snatcher, husband thief.

  4. Amina randeree sounds like mandela’s daughter cos. of the randeree is the same as rahillala , this boy who has married amina isa crook he was also doing the same to Jean kapata then later he tried to find a concubine and that was Amina finally JK gave up

    • I doubt if this marriage is genuine, the guy is after money or contracts. Pantu the Amina girl is over weight and unkempt, she doesn’t even look like a newlywed.

  5. Apuu, Amina Randeree kuti ki mucoloured wa malungasiku! Singe Jean kona si somisa kwateni fa kamunome nine months later hasiyo zwala mwana wateni litalo ki la munali! Ona bitole bwamwa lififi bye, bi komilwe maswe ki mitenya ya mutakafululele. I hope she invited Garry Nkombo and Munatanga.

  6. Please bloggers post your comments in English or a Zambian language that is either Nyanja or Bemba , not Lozi from another country called barotseland , what are you doing on our blog media???? mwaba utusembe uku bwamba.

    • Iwe Ayoko!!!

      Leave them to use the language they like. What is so special about lozi and Nyanja. Here in SA one is free to speak or write in their language, be it Zulu, xhosa, venda, suthu, Africaans, English, Shangani etc. I also want to see people using more of their langauges like Chokwe, Luchazi, Makwamashi, Chikunda, Tabwa, Lima, Lamba, Nyika, Lenje ( Benechishi kulibonesha), Soli etc.

  7. Aaron Musonda doesn’t love Amina Randeree, he has a. 20 year old pretty girlfriend at UNZA whose in her second year and has been seeing her and sleeping with her for awhile now he visited this girl the morning of their wedding to pronounce his love, such a shame

  8. Kanyengambeta?
    nyanja & bemba are zambias official languages….
    this is Zambia; Zambezi,the home of Victoria falls my friend!!!

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