Defense Minister Geoffrey Mwamba has with immediate effect resigned from his ministerial position.
Mr. Mwamba announced his resignation at his residence in Kasama today.
He explained that his resignation is as a result of alleged differences he had been having with President Michael Sata following his visit to incoming paramount chief Chitimukulu, Henry Sosala.
Mr. Mwamba however stated that he will remain as Patriotic Front (PF) Member of Parliament for Kasama Central constituency.
Yesterday, the Kasama Central MP paid a courtesy call on Mr. Sosala where he told him that as a member of the royal family, he had declared interest in the standoff between Government and the Bemba Royal Establishment.
Sources however say that there are frantic efforts by the Catholic Church and many close relatives and friends of Mr Mwamba to persuade him to reconsider his move.
Archbishop Ignatius Chama of Kasama Diocese had rushed to GBM’s Kasama residence to persuade him to hold on to his ministerial position but to he refused.
Last month, President Sata deployed police troops to prevent a public installation of Sosala as Chitimukulu.
Mr. Mwamba has allegedly been entangled in succession wrangles with Patriotic Front (PF) Secretary General, Wytner Kabimba.
I told you some time back that GBM one day will resign and join MMD.
The way the cookie crumbles.
Next is WINTER KABIMBA-will resign and join UPND, the rest belong to history.
The boat is serious cracked and leaking
Democracy is such that even the delusional are allowed a platform. See a therapist.
This is the begining of the disintegration of the PF. Kabimba, Mmembe and cloque should not even celebrate this one, but should make them very worried.
NO one will fill the financial hole GBM has left!!! just resigning from cabinet.. PF has shaken to the bone,,, viva chitimukulu!!!!
Ba Sata mwanya, you have just tied a big stone around our neck, now you are just about to dive in the sea.
This is not Kabima , this is not GBM
The problem lies with our ailing president.
Anytime such a decision is made the questions should be thrown at the president.
If you cant not look CABINET , you cant look after the PEOPLE.
He should get rid of kamimba whatever his name is.
Hold on a second!! GBM`s body language in the photo tells alot,,, the man never left MMD,,,thats an MMD finger i think,,
Merry christmas!!!!
An MMD finger…lol.
@ ndobo December 23, 2013 at 2:24 says: “NO one will fill the financial hole GBM has left!!!…“.
But Zambia tax payer and the treasury will fill the hole. You are forgetting these guys now hold the Zambian treasury and that’s why they have kicked GBM out. Back the yes, not these days. I can only sympathise with GBM’s predicament but most bloggers are failing to see through this. As usual we are thinking with our emotions not with our brains.
@Ndobo, kekeke the MMD’s finger. What a nightmare to Sata…. GBM & Nevers Mumba combination can be brutal.
The good part is that no police or army will dare GBM, they love him!!!!!!
GBM good move!
On another note this a clear sign that SATA is not getting any better at all and Kabimba has now been anointed to take over from SATA.
What ever the case , this is a big irreparable crack in the PF. Many more will now resign and join the opposition or form another party under the leadership of GBM
GBM what a smart thinker you are! You have smelt the coffee at the right time to protect your fortunes for the foreseeable future.
Bravo GBM now I can begin to support you and give you advice remotely.
Let him Join UPND
Next move Sata will position his son to contest one of the easiest seats to get him into Parly. Once this is done, then he will begin to fix the cartel big time as he positions his son to take over. Kabimba will just be dropped like a stone you have just used to kill a bird. Mmembe, Nchito at el will then be prosecuted easily because Sata will have achieved his aim to turn most Zambians against them. So during their prosecution, no Zambian will cry foul for them, instead most of them will jubilate to see Mmembe and Nchito caged and stripped off their assets to pay back K14 Billion.
This is the kind of populism stances Sata likes to achieve after creating confusion.
So if Mmeembe , Nchito Kabimba at el are not samrt enough, they will soon get Sata’s wrath with full force.
As a catholic, the church has been castigated in the way it was used to bring Sata into power. I understand the role the church has played in the past in the Chitimukulu chieftainship. However, in this case, although the church may have had intentions of playing a mediatory role, the prime reason has been damage control to the Sata presidency from the consiquencies of GBM’s resignation. There are times when the Catholic church ought to be neutral and let other bodies who dont have vested interests in such conflicts act as honest brokers.
Is that Edward Mumbi in the background??
……incoming paramount chief Chitimukulu…
He is already the Chitumukulu
I am just saddened how poor Sata’s funeral will be. He will never be taken back to Bemba-land with honor like Mandela.
Life-after-death should experience a wrangle like the Luapula chiefs demanded for Chiluba, but with Sata not even one chief will attend his… am not wishing anything, but trying to be real.
Good decision.
What else Mr. Mwamba?
Wynter must be the next one, and then we must have our Constitution for our country.
Be careful what you wish for……
It a man to make a strong decision.Equally GBM should be thanked for that.However he reconsider his decision.
Clear evidence of what the public has suspected. It is factual that Mmembe and clique really are in charge.
An implosion is more damaging than an explosion.
@6 dark lord
I only hope what you sayin is true. Look at the emmanuel mwamba went coz of mmeembe, dr mutambo mines PS, it was mmembe. Only God knows who else evil mmeembe ll target next for you to fire. Why should innocent pipo suffer coz of mmeembe. Surely mr president why allow a small clique of past glory men decide for you.
Yaba M.C.S
Yaba ! Really ? Anyway the dude was just naive for the position he had in government.High time he concentrated on his businesses.He is better that way.Good riddance if you ask me.
poor reasoning
Great move,,, GBM, nobody should stop you from visiting your blood relative Chitimukulu… besides blood is thinker than water… GBM you have no personal differences with the chitimukulu so why not!!!,,,Great move and welcome to the other side though!!!!
ndobo wahesu, Ki to bone wakuta, ki mifilifili mwa mukolo wa Sata, se ukalisize ku nwela, ya sa zibi ku tapa u mwa kozi.
@The london eye
wahesu,,mifilifili ya teni, ye kopanya bwangano ni bupulumuki
English please
Zambia nilifasi bo Ndobo. Let’s watch from the terraces. ..
Imwe bafikamba use English this is not a Barotse forum.Basop !
@msana wanzili & Daka.. mu kaise!! bana ba mutose, amu zibi ku muzwe
bo nigga … ki niti Zambia ni lifasi
@9.5 Daka,
Hahahahahaha, Daka wa sehisa, kuti Basop!
Muli bwanji a Daka, Happy Christmas!
Tobone wa kuta, shashimani ka matambo. Ku kandekelwa ku maswe, bunde ki ku iponela. Lifasi ki kale limela liito. Ni sali kupepwa ni bone mubusi ya na ni makanangelwa inge nduna tuna yoo Sata! Wa tiyupa tilwa tinati!
Who cares if the great bag of Maize GBM resigns? we want news not talking about the none performing defence minister
You want “news” on “performing” Minister? Which one?
@Anyoko are you failing to comprehend the meaning in this article again? typical of you and Nostradamus….
Yes which one ba anyoko?
think big man anyoko
Anyoko wants news about Mwansa Kapeya. That is juicy for him/her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
all of these pf chaps are some how related to chiefdoms-luo ,Gbm,chikwanda that’s why this fight with the bashilubemba did not make and does not make sense at all
I now have respect for GBM, he is a principled man.
Now we shall see who is more powerful between himself and Sata. It’s going to be very lively and interesting. Sata was warned to be careful how he handles traditional rulers and now this will bring about his downfall.The PF is now as good as finished.
who is next? Mr Chikwanda?
Good for him, we ka bwela nakambi
GBM can influence the Northern vote big time. Kabimba cant influence not even 1% of the Soli vote. Even his uncles dont like him. GBM maybe uneducated to your levels but he can deliver numbers. Mind what you wish for.
GB has set a precedence which Wynter and his A Team should emulate.
The Titanic has just hit a huge iceberg and vessel is taking water fast, very fast…there is no way of saving it…its either you go down with it or you evacuate through rescue boats (UPND, MMD, NAREP,…). The choice is yours but space on the rescue boats is limited! As for the captain of the TITANIC he is about to commit suicide as he can’t take his sense of failure any longer!
Any ship with GBM off board has a higher chance of staying afloat though. Literally speaking.
I wish all the wishes above could come true. Anyway Wynter has triumphed. Given a choice between Wynter and GBM The Cobra chose the former. According to Wynter, The PF will now become a less tribal party. Can that kill it?
GBM can influence the Northern vote big time. Kabimba cant influence not even 1% of the Soli vote. Even his uncles dont like him. GBM maybe uneducated to your levels but he can bring in numbers that Kabimba cant.
As a tonga/soli, honestly I may not like it, but the Bembas have the numbers that can win any election, which counts at the end of the day.
On this one PF may regret to side with Kabimba and Mmembe over GBM
This is no small resignation from no small position. From now I have respect for Mwamba.
Congrats GBM, Zoona Uli Wakubufumu. You have shown that ababemba bakali.
lelo lelo Ba Sata/ Luo Long live Chitimukulu
Government should have nothing to do with traditional affairs! When the traditional leaders have chosen who they want to lead them, the government of the day should endorse such a one. Govt should just humble themselves and recognise Mr. Henry Sosala as the Chitimukulu. No business meddling in traditional issues! Govt risks alienating themselves from the people by doing so! The people have spoken. Let he who has ears listen!
At the current standing of PF,the resignation of GBM from Cabinet is the worst thing that Michael Sata can handle.GBM is a great pillar to PF in as far as Bemba royalty to PF is concerned.All efforts should be made to persuade GBM torescind the resignation.In the same vain,Michael Sata should sallow his pride and let the Bashilubemba get on with their Paramount Chief installation.
If GBM rescinds his decision one day MCS will find a lame reason to Fire him and humiliate him to the Nation. GBM better concentrate on his business and is welcome to UPND.
As sad as it may sound to the PF die hard, GBM has done an honorable thing. There is no way he can be alienated from his kith and kin for sake of artificial power. Hell NO! Bravo GBM! Abash intimidation and innuendos.
Looks like the Mmembe-Kabimba team has got a stranglehold on this thing… this is clearly a Kabimba-Mmembe-Nchito victory. The ‘Bemba’ stand-off is just a saving face by GBM or he was told to use it to save face or Sata-Mmembe used it to completely hound GBM out of the PF.
Sata was forced to choose here. Clearly they don’t need GBM’s cash anymore since they have access to the treasury. GBM must have been given a deal to walk away in exchange for his businesses to continue running or risk both his political career and his businesses. Him remaining in the party is an indication this is a deal. I don’t think he has finished recovering his money he spent on PF. So he has chosen to continue getting contracts at the expense of his political career. Watch this space!
My friend Maverick; this is way deeper than Fred Mmembe and clique. On the face of it, they may seem to have won. However, if they know what is good for them, they will realise that GBM was easier to deal with while he was on the inside. Also, remember that Government has antagonised two big tribes; Lozi and Bemba. This is hard hitting. Northern Province is massive and GBMs action means that PF cannot get anything from there.
But the bigger picture will unfold in the coming days….and this is where Mmembe and company need to worry….
Not really @ Viva Chanda Chimba, nothing will happen. In an ideal world yes, but these guys sue state apparatus to only silence their opponents but to also intimidate them; and bribe those who otherwise wouldn’t vote for them; and if all things fail, they rig their way to the winning top.
I have heard such stories, this is big, bra bra, nothing comes out of it. GBM has just been defeated easy and square. His mantle and his balls were bigger when PF weren’t in power for they needed his cash to compete with the cashed MMD. Now the PF have access to the treasury they don’t need him anymore. If he coughed a little, they would throw him in jail or cripple his businesses.
Again this is a deal and just read the next The Post editorial carefully and you will…
How is this a victory for Kabimba? You really have to be exceedingly dull to think the resignation of GBM who has a constituency, who was the financial muscle behind not just the PF, but Sata himself is a victory for Kabimba who is a nominated MP, is the owner of a law firm even his own relatives will not hire to represent them and is disliked within the rank and file of the PF! Kabimba, like Nchito and Meembe can NEVER stand for any elective office, in the party or any elective office in the country and win. GBM on the ITHER hand…, well, as his constituents in Kasama.
Why do you use bold letters? – it has the effect of someone screaming. Just write normally.
Mumembe and clique are not the reason why GBM has resigned.
Educated people must not believe in conspiracy. The facts are there. But you are right on one thing, he has been hounded out.
Ya zanda
This is a BIG CONFIRMATION that PF will lose Northern, Munchinga & Copperbelt provinces in 2016 or any time soon if elections can be called.
GBM with his Bemba Clan will now hand power to Dr Mumba and MMD IN 2016. The dimension have changed on the electoral map.
Pride over Chief Chitimukulu Iissue has killed off Sata and PF. I hope they don’t lock up GBM and find him with cases, just to silent him.
That would be like Rubbing salt into the wound – Sata would not last till 2016!!
Having said that the acrimony in PF is far from over… this is just the beginning of more, even rougher dog-fights. Obviously GBM had his own supporters within the party and they will pretend for a week as the Kabimba camp extends a disguised olive branch and sing Kumbaya unity. It will be just a mask and soon the problems will start all over again. Unless they can silence GBM like they did to Lubinda but I doubt this because GBM is a fellow Bemba.
But all those who think above that this is about GBM’s principle about choosing family and blood over politics, you must be naïve indeed. This isn’t about family… this guy is a business man. He has just been defeated politically but I’m sure he has made a deal on how to recover his money. We have no principled…
This can be anything. I will not comment.
Sorry mate you have already commented maybe you should have said I shall not comment further
PF politics is the dirtiest, in recent weeks this is the same man who was going round ‘endorsing’ Sata. I am reminded of William Shakespeare in his book when Julius Caesar was stabbed in the back by his best friend Brutus, he cried ‘Et tu Brute’ (And you too Brutus).
Sata has not only been found wanting in the governance of the country but more so in the handling or lack of it of the record breaking indiscipline in his PF party. Now he is certainly going to reap a whirlwind. His already poor health will deteriorate badly. I agree with those who think that flood gates are now open and more resignations will follow. This is something very exciting for the opposition.
Kabimba State House yawonekela. Who can challenge Kabimba supported by the cartel in PF since GBM has resigned? No one!
I will support Kabimba not that he is a wholesome leader but to ensure that he takes over from Sata and cleanse the Bemba tribalism in PF where some people are selfishly using this commonness to deny others who are not Bembas of their rights and access for example to employment opportunities.
Kabimba is the only one in PF who can bring to an end Sata’s act of favouring those from his tribe be it in social, public or economic decisions and discriminating against all 72 tribes or more solely on the basis of their ethnic identity.
This is the only reason I can support Kabimba! The cartel is winning in many fronts!
However, I salute GBM for his firm decision…
Well done Fat Albert!! Now that’s wisdom. I am now nearly in love with GBM! There is so much smoke (fishupu) coming from the backside of PF right now. Come January 2014 or early February, a great new paper will hit Zambia and the few days left for The Post Newspapers and the cartel that has Michael in its vice grip, will meet its Waterloo. Just watch this space! For GBM to resign and that in Kasama sends an ominous message – that is Bashilubemba territory! That GBM even visited the defacto Chitimukulu, is extremely significant. Do you think the two were talking about mafulufute or vitumbuwa when they had their tete-a-tete? Vizanda mu Pa Fwaka!!!
And, yesterday on znbc tv, Kabimba waffled. Why did he even accept to present himself for interview? He made a mess of it. It was pitiful!
Way to go GBM! COURAGE is what we need from leaders. Don’t beg for jobs. Speak your mind out & stick to your principles. President Sata thinks he’s running an animal farm where he can dictate who eats what? who meets who? …. & who should occupy what position, even extending this to chiefdoms. This is RIDICULOUS!
The CRACK is now wide open in PF. 2016 is too far. You cannot rule a country with arrogance, threats, mediocrity, lies,hiding in State Hse, banning opposition meetings………. list is endless. I can go on the whole day.
This is a failed govt. Finito!
GBM has officially been challenged by Kabimba and the group! Welcome to the club my dear.
Mr Sata, it is now time to get yourself a new working team that will respect and carry out our wishes.
Can’t you see how trust has gone from you? Poverty, debt, constitution are some of the things you have failed us on already. Having said that, you can still salvage yourself and the party. It is okay to turn back from the path to destruction. There is no shame in saying natuluba bane, tutale tubwekele kunuma so that we can find the right route to take.
“…..no shame in saying natuluba bane, tutale tubwekele kunuma so that we can find the right route to take”
For Sata to do what you are suggesting he needs first to have a humble nature, but we all know that this is one quality he hasn’t got. Nor is he willing to cultivate it. The man is simply a pure child of Satan who has no goodness in him.
I know…My comment is still awaiting moderation.
Solola Bye!
Prophet of Doom, how is this a victory for Kabimba? You really have to be exceedingly dull to think the resignation of GBM who has a constituency, who was the financial muscle behind not just the PF, but Sata himself is a victory for Kabimba who is a nominated MP, is the owner of a law firm even his own relatives will not hire to represent them and is disliked within the rank and file of the PF! Kabimba, like Nchito and Meembe can NEVER stand for any elective office, in the party or any elective office in the country and win. GBM on the ITHER hand…, well, as his constituents in Kasama.
But really, WHO HAS SCORED HERE? Who are the game players? I think the game players here are neither GBM nor Kabimba-Mmembe. And score board is as follows:
BASHILUBEMBA 1 : 0 ………… .
Sorry, I am not sure of the opponent of BASHILUBEMBA. Whoever the opponent is, my advice is: It is wise to avoid a game you cannot win.
Ati “It is wise to avoid a game you cannot win”.
Aha! you’ve made my day.
The fixer has done it. AKA Nkandu Luo. Convincing GBM to make up with Bashilubemba and stop coniving with traitors.The move by GBM is a game changer and the fact that he was forced to tell the nation that there was no beef between him and Wynter in PF only fueled the move. He has used an acceptable stance of family ties to show that he still disatisfied with the forced compromise. Good move though
Big Blow!
PF is slowly killing itself. Just that the Lozi’s in Government are unprincipled. Inonge Wina should have resigned long ago but she lacks principles to do that. She is too busy listening to her nephew without realising that he is leading her to a big black hole. She seems to have forgotten the principles her late husband stood for. She has been misled my Fred her nephew into believing that anything MMD is bad. GBM has gone. Temporary relief for Fred and Kabimba. They should not think they have one the war. They should brace themselves for what is about to happen. Their greed will cost them. Nkandu Luo, you want to break down centuries of tradition with you insatiable appetite for power. Bob your brother is not chief material. Stop this rot please…
Looks like history revisited. Remember the BY story? MHSRIP.
Interesting times! The drama never ends………The reasons for resigning are a masterclass,I salute you for that but bearing in mind a few months ago you were in the forefront endorsing the frail character!
The timing of it all couldn’t be worse, he made sure that he ruins Sata’s festive season.
@ Standupforzambia. Kingcobra
Nalemweba mwalekana nomba emweneni “dont kubeba”
Chanda Chimba III.
hahaha tragedy to the party
Now I agree that even the end has a beginning….This for sure is the beginning of the end. Next development please????
Only people who know their roots and where they are coming from, know where they are going. Thumbs up to GBM for standing up against the stupidity of Sata. I wish many ministers could follow suit and not be intimidated by a disgruntled man. Soon we shall create our own ubuteko in Bembaland like they are trying to do in Barotseland. Sata 0 GBM 10!
Bembas are still saying a BISA cannot become Chitimukulu; come rain come sunshine
Sata’s hot air is causing so much destruction.
Lets remember that Kabimba’s support is only from the Cartel. To be specific ( 7 Votes). Who will vote for him when the PF Cadres don’t want him.
If something happened to Sata judging by his heath issues, there is no way Kabimba can beat Mumba & HH on the polls. The cartel have not won anything.
In life when the ‘writing is on the wall ‘ it is time to move on.
Now ACC will need no clearance to investigate GBM. It would be equaly good if Winter resigned so that the ACC can also do their work on his cases.
Lets all support the fight against corruption it is the reason many products or services cost 10 times more than they should in our country.
Watch the space , they will arrest him in no time. The cretins in government will moving in very quickly and restart the ZESCO story.
Coffins and stuff, can’t win! Better let go, GBM.
Good afternoon
Well, what should I say? I remember how in the beginning his appointment was greeted with mixed feelings by a number of bloggers right here.
President Sata abviously underestimated the risks of the tension he created with the Bemba people by meddling into the affairs of their Aristocracy. Read into what you will, any one provoking traditional rulers by ignoring their cultural ordinances will find it extremely difficult to rule Zambia (let alone win an election) without their support.
In as far as maintaining a balance between authority and conscience is concerned, Kant’s maxim of – “You can do what you should do” has always been a useful principle.
Boza, iwe Urine! Which Bisa wants, nay, craves to be Chiti? ZERO!
Mulekeni umwine akayonawile.The Zambians gave him the seat.
What beats me is why the katolikas should send a bamboo to try and persuade GBM to reverse his decision to resign yet when their hero satanic verses fired the nurses they never sent a team of bambos to ask him to re-instate them. Please let us respect GBMs wish it is good for Power Failure, People Fooled, Pure Fiction or what ever you can call them to reflect on, for they surely need to put their disjointed governance in order and that is if they can. The country is surely on auto pilot we don’t know who is in control. By the way did you listen Summer Bee or is it Wynter Bee last night on TV Nothing (TV 0) mwebene ati TV 1 He spoke a lot and said nothing just blah blah blah blah.
Atleast he has principles. Mukanga and Kazabu were insulted in public, what did they do? Smile, smile and they really looked very foolish.
Really!! He has resigned before he can prosecute General Ozzy and General Kanene, the two generals he accused of wanting to overthrow the PF Government.
In my books, GBM has just dug his political grave. You can’t fight with a President and you can’t fight with a party in power without strong support from the public. It took Sata 10 years. Parties that win presidential elections don’t win because of one province; they win by commanding votes from all provinces. MMD right now is a finished relic. Mumba and GBM might combine to fight Sata in Northern province, but that is just one province and Northern Province NOW is no longer the population powerhouse is used to be because now there is Muchinga, were Sata comes from. It also looks from the story that GBM has been planning this all along, so my opinion is that GBM must come out clearly why he chose to resign today and not last year!!! There is something deeper!
Your geo-political analysis is skewed. The culture and tradition of the people of muchinga inherently remains the same as those of northern province, more so the same as those of Luapula province. the influence of the said have had historical influence on the copperbelt province’s model of political behavior. Sata is no Luapula guy but check the influence he exerted on the bemba-and-relatively-bemba speaking provinces. Just my opinion but viva to GBM the revolt!
The next thing we will hear is that the infamous cartel has blackmailed him and he has since receded his decision! Watch this space.
now is time to investigate the kabwalalaz…..izamunyokola njala very soon!!
Ubwatoo! once a upon a time a friend said, “it is better people belittle you at first and then they discovered what a great person you are than the reverse”. PF was thought to be the best party ever to exist and slowly it is turning not to be true.
Yeah GBM can go.
Take my word. Honorable GBM will soon resign from the PF and join the opposition but before he joins, he will try to fight as an independent candidate. Still, weather with any part or as an independent man he is capable of scooping the seat. He will however try to join the opposition (name with held) so that he manages to frustrate the Government. He will actually join the part which is being hated so much by the government and will give that part a seat in the area. Let us wait and see as more drammer is being uncovered. Thank you.
GBM cannot work under HH. Let’s not imagine things, this is a man with presidential ambitions.
My wording has no HH nor UPND in it. But the truth still stands that GBM is not happy about the happenings it the part and as such, he will join another part not because he can not win on his own but because he want to put a thorn in the Government’s fresh.
I say it again. He is yet to give us a big surprise over this. watch and wait.
I think GBM has brains and disciplined than Wint Kabimda and the majority of the pf ministers.
Well done GBM. Come back to your traditional base, the MMD where we respect Royal Establishments. Working together with your Lunte counterpart Mutati will bring back the entire northern Zambia to where it belongs, the MMD. With its rich experience, respect for rule of law and genuine democracy, we shall fight tooth and nail to restore our parliamentarians Mulusa, Siliya and others and get back into power to clean the rot Sata has brought.As we stand today there is no better choice than the fresh outlook of plans tabled by principled MMD leadership in-waiting for this country. Lets get behind Nevers Mumba and we will not be let down. He has what it takes for the next president.Its not health for us to ruled by new political parties after every election. We have learnt a lesson.
The biggest mistake Zambia 1 has made is to fight the Bemba Royal Establishment. That is a war he can not win! The best he can do is to retreat and let peace and harmony prevail in the Great Bemba Land. Long live Sosala, the Great Chitimukulu!
It’s all “POLITICS”. Before commenting, peep through the cracks and you’re bound to see the bigger picture. GBM is an astute businessman and simply applying the same astuteness to politics.
By him saying, he has differed with the President on the issue of the CHITIMUKULU, Henry Sosala, a very contentious issue, he has won the hearts and minds of the Bemba People, more so, by visiting the Royal Establishment to express his views.
His resignation will allow him time to focus on business, generate needed revenue and when the time is right, strike and announce his desire to take over the Presidency of the PF. Don’t forget, he has information we don’t have. Why now, with all these rumours of the President being ill.
GBM knows PF has lost popularity because of this very contemptuous…
Could it be that GBM has noticed that the boat is sinking and is desperately swimming towards the shore? A bit of a surprise move this. If, God forbid, HE MCS were to depart this Earth, wouldn’t GBM be the man to take over seeing as Dr. Scott is constitutionally barred from presidential office? Could there be some back room haggling that we are not privy too that may have forced GBM to resign? Just thinking…
Too bad. Ba mwamba we enjoyed seeing you in your position. Kwaeli….. Mu ondoke vuzuri. Mungu akubarike
The most honourable thing to do, when one disagrees with an appointing authority. I hope they now won’t start mudslinging him.
The fact is that if God Forbid something happened to HEMCS, that would be the end for PF. There is nobody there who can carry the whole country, worst of all GBM. GBM is not the angel he is being made out to be by Northerners looking for sympathy from our fellow other Zambians. GBM is ruthless, crude, and a dictator; worst of all he can’t even read. If we were to have presidential bye-elections, I’m looking at a serious fight between UPND and MMD, and this time it would be Eastern Province that would decide the winning vote —– which, luckily because our Eastern friends can’t survive in Zambia without Bembas, we know that their vote would go to Nervous Mumba. So MMD back to power!!!! Real shame! Half of Zambians would die from heart-attack, just on the day of announcing the result!
Blood is very very thicker than water. Great bold move honourable.
I am very motivated by your move.
We will miss GBM I think as Defense Minister contrary to public expectations he handled that portfolio quite well.
So who will become the third most power man in the land? is it Given Lubinda or perhaps KK will find himself in cabinet or maybe his son Col. Panji will be elevated stay tuned…..
For GBM he should join UPND as President, HH should be party trustee hehehe LOL!!:)
no more confusion in pf now because the troble maker is now gone. in fact sata was about to fire gbm and in order to avoid embarrassment, gbm has to tender in his resignation.
He was going to either die in power due to obesity or have to resign. He maade the wiser choice, on to the next one. We need some younger politicians please.
There is no way that GBM can not react to anybody destroying the Chitimukulu Kingdom. Some of us know GBM well. His father was a young brother of then chief Mwamba. So that in the near future, he, himself [GBM] can be chief Mwamba with access to being Chief Citimukulu. This is how involved he is in Bemba Kingdom.
whatever we have been told to be the reason for quitting is just an ‘advance party’…the real ‘reason’ is coming in a few days time…..
In desperation Sata may order the ACC to probe GBM as his usual style to punish his perceived enemies. However, Officers at the ACC are strongly warned that should they opt to discard their intellectual capacities so as to wage wars against innocent persons for pieces of silver, they will be committing suicide by exposing their President to ridicule. Matters that affect the Bemba Chiefs are quite serious.
Zambians hold your horses, GBM is no real factor in PF or government. If anything Sata made GBM. With all his billions in Kawacha, he is just business man (and now we learn he’s got ties with the bemba chiefdom). Who was GBM in politics before PF? Just a down right MMD cadre. Remember, Lubinda whacked him for the kabwata seat?
Its true the boart has some cracks. GBM need to be careful because fighting the people in government is difficult. If the Guys in government feels he will be a threat, they will fix him and his business. Remember what happened to Macdonald Nkabika in Chiluba era (MHSRIP).
This is a hit. Am sure the next move for GBM is to resign from PF. It is just a matter of time. I can’t wait to see that coming to pass.
Poor reasoning one person alibe nchito!
Are you a Sangoma? What’s the connection between resigning and starting a fight. If he’s going to be persecuted for resigning we ll rise.
GBM is not a big factor in pf bt de reason he has given involves some of us.Mr Sata pls leave Mr Sosala alone!We can’t allow u & Luo to undress Ulubemba the way u are doing.Do u want to impose a Bisa on our thrown?l must withdraw my support too.
wow! Osmore! I never thought i’d see the day…. am speechless…..
Who gives it a damn if GBM resigns? Who gives it a damn if Kabimba resigns? These are opportunists who jumped into the PF boat when it was convenient to them. Where was GBM in 2001 when Sata and Scott were called mad men after forming PF? Where was Kabimba in 2001 when Sata was ridiculed after announcing the formation of PF? Let them go. they have brought shame to the party of the people by engaging in gang and panga fights. Kabimba should also announce his resignation immediately.
GBM’s reference to a tiff between SATA and CHITIMUKULU degnate, Kanyanta Sosala as a reason for his resignation does not hold water. Why did he deploy soldiers at the palace as defence minister in the first place? GBM should just tell the nation that he has resigned because of power struggle with Kabimba.
The issue of Chitimukulu has been politisised. GBM says he went to pay a courtsey call on Kanyanta Sosala and this did not settle well with Sata. Could it be true? If so it is unfortunate. GBM is a chief in waiting. He is of the Bemba royal lineage. paying a visit to a fellow member of the Bemba royal lineage is both normal and traditional. GBM is a son of late Chief Munkonge, Bwalya Mwamba, who suceeded his elder brother, Munkonge, Chilekwa Mwamba.
@Ndobo and London eye. Great lozi speakers. I only knew London eye to be Setswana speaker. London eye, how are you able to move from using ‘Ls’ to ‘Rs’?
GBM uni ezelize lizazi( has made my day)
what a stupid language of zezezezezezeze as if there are no other words other than zazazazizizizi!
VIVA GBM, first man to challenge the dictator.
To hell GBM. We have had powerful ministers before.
gbm’s grown a bit big for his shoes.he is dealing with a govt that knows him well and he made many enemies as defence minister.wait when the beans are spilled,it will be a field day for the press!
You have no brains iwe Chimbwi! GBM knows how corrupt this Govt is better than the Govt knows him!!
To start with he knows that SataN is a money launderer who was caught ready handed with a bag of US Dollars in SA and he could not explain how he got in possession of so much money from his meagre earnings!
It is Mwamba who saved him by claiming that the money was his as a businessman and that saved that ungrateful devil SataN from a long jail sentence!
GBM thanks for the leadership. Can we have cabinet members from the northern demonstrate leadership by folloeing suit
Micheal is a very unique president and we love him. GBM thought who could buy Sata with all he claims to have done for him and PF. The reason for him to quit his ministerial post is not because Sata has not recognized Chanda Sosala as Chitimukulu. No!!! It is because Sata could not drop Wynter Kabinda dispite all the pressure from GBM and his supporters. Viva PF! Long Live HEMCS!
GBM, am proud of your performance while in government and I am proud of your principles upon which you have based your resignation. I know you have endured a lot working as Minister. Serving in a government does not mean that we surrender our consciences to the powers that be. If God respects personalities, who is a president that he should not respect his fellow man. Real power lies with the people and not with a person occupying a position of authority.
@ Chilyata. Umasipa.
@And You….Ntoto yanyoko inunka mankundyu!
This Could not be the disappointment but a wise decision by Mr. GBM.
Opposition parties – work up from slumber. why can’t capitalize on pf’s silly mistakes of confronting royal establishments? Ba Luo not fit to head the ministry of traditional affairs. the best for her is to resign and concentrate on her medical field. she has antagonized ba Shilubemba and govt. Chipimo wake up and get the bemba vote.
The PF is better without GBM. Its really hard to believe that all the educated people here continue to reason with there dick and pussies. VIVA SATA…VIVA PF!!