Sunday, March 16, 2025

President Sata appeals to Zambians to exhibit care, compassion and love towards one another


President Sata
President Sata

President Michael Sata has urged all Zambians to exhibit care, compassion and love towards one another, especially for the vulnerable and less privileged in society during the festival season.

The Head of State said this during a Christmas Thanks Giving Church Service held at State House in Lusaka today.

President Sata said Zambians should draw inspiration from the life and deeds of Jesus Christ by extending goodwill and love to the needy.

Vice President Dr. Guy Scot, Speaker of the National Assembly Dr. Patrick Matibini, Acting Chief Justice Lombe Chibesakunda, Cabinet Ministers, the Clergy, and senior citizens attended the church service.

The President also urged Zambians to celebrate Christmas and the New Year responsibly in order to avoid fatalities and human suffering during this festive period.

President Sata said though Christmas is a period for jubilation, all citizens must endeavour to celebrate with acts that are in accordance with its purpose.

The President said this year’s Christmas celebrations are momentous as they led into celebrations to mark the country’s Golden Jubilee.

And President Sata has urged Zambians to take a deep reflection of the country’s achievements so far and keep on praying for God’s favour and guidance in the years to come.

He implored all the citizenry to always remember that it is divine intervention that has made it possible for the nation to continue to enjoy peace and stability since the birth of the country in 1964.

Mr. Sata has in this regard expressed appreciation for the important role the church has played in praying and interceding for peace and unity in the nation.

He also acknowledge the role senior citizens have played in the life of the nation, saying the nation owes its gratitude to the values of the great and determined men and women who fought with sacrifice to make Zambia what it is today.

The President said senior citizens’ selflessness and commitment in building the nation will always be engraved in the hearts of many Zambians, adding that their sacrifice shall never be forgotten.

He hoped that young people in the country will emulate their passion, loyalty and selflessness in the country’s endeavour for national development.

President Sata said Zambia requires another generation with similar virtues as that of senior citizens if prosperity is to be granted.

And Freedom Fighter and veteran Politician Grey Zulu called for peace as the country enters the Golden Jubilee.

Mr. Zulu urged all Zambians to work and embrace each other for peace, unity and stability to be maintained in the country.


  1. Nice Message Mr President, how about leading by example and re-instate the NURSES and show compassion towards power Zambians who are dying in hospitals because of absence of nursing care services?

    Man of Action , Actions speak ;louder than words, you know better anyway.

    • Its not Sata who said that. These are words of Mumembe and Chella to try and cheat people to think all is ok in PF when not.
      How does this f.o.o.l expect the nurses he fired and patients experiencing horrendous care due shortages of nurses to celebrate Xmass? Sata is one hell of a selfish retard. All he thinks about is his family and how to steal more money for Kaseba next year despite the wage freeze and firing nurses for demanding what he promised them.
      Zambians do not buy such a message of peace from this 1diot without seeing the actions. He should first show us that he can forgive and stop stealing money through RDA before many of us can take him serious.
      AS for SATA may the fire engulf him in totality during this season.
      Merry Xmass and happy new year to you a

  2. How can the word Compassion be in the same sentence with the name SATA? What have you done to the nurses? How about the patients dying in hospitals right now because of shortage of nurses.


  3. words of wisdom from our beloved & wise presido!! we love you shikulu….where are the bitter ones who are ever wishing the president sick/dead?? muzafa nachikonko bakapuli…..

    • do u realise that the church service was held at state house? since when? that should ring some bells in your head! in as far as i know him, he would have gone to some church to make drama if he was all well. see beyond the veil bro.

  4. Sata is now asking us to show love and compassion?I am glad the earlier pipo to comment have seen through this.He should be the last person to ask pipo to show love and compassion.The seeds of hatred he is sowing everywhere will show him the opposite of love and compassion.

  5. Let us not be blinded by Sata’s usual statements of being seen as a good person. President Sata thrives on public emotions and that led him to deceive Zambians that led to entrust him with the governance of the country. Remember his statements of 90 days promises, followed by if you don’t vote for PF ‘MUKAILILILA MWEKA.
    That is the deceiver’s sentiments and Zambia is reaping wind from Sata.

  6. What i do not understand is what pipo like George Chela are still doing working for Sata.The man has no consistence and believes he can control pipo by intimidating them.

    • George Chella is also a hardcore villain= birds of the same feather flock together. Remember he was nominated by Membe for that position so he is well positioned.

  7. The good festive messege came at a wrong time and from a wrong person. Nurses just lost thier jobs, people are dying becauseof that if any of the politicks people fall sick….SA is the place they are known to go. What companssion is there for the common man on the street that can nah make it to SA? The time pf has in power have indeed given people like me so much mistrust for them politricks people.
    May the hungry be fed, merry xmas.

  8. It is the first time as far as I remember that christmas mass has been carried out at State house. Why not the Cathedral of the Holy Cross or any other church? Was some one too lazy or too ill to go out? Is this message really genuine or trying to blindfold people? What a shame!

    • @SS,Church service? Perhaps!!!,Mass?…….no no no!!!!!!!I consider this to have been some form of xmas party even from the way the singing and dancing was conducted.I did not see any Clergy… or woman….. on the pulpit

    • The Urine bag mwana!
      It can no longer make him comfortable during public functions.
      Wise leaders are honest about their infirmities.
      Remember how Madiba the Great made public his prostate cancer diagnosis? How Bill Clinton made his Coronary Bypass Surgery Public?
      For how long can you hide your illness?
      No truth or compassion is to be expected from a ……

  9. I didn’t know that the DEVIL could talk sense.I don’t doubt it was a written speech.If 200+ nurses are part of Zambians you are talking about, then show your love & compassion to them you ‘DEVIL’.I ‘ll only love U when you are DEAD.

  10. Sata Clause, who are you fooling. Musita Nyoko. You are the worst president Zambia has ever produced. Your days are numbered, mark my words.

  11. He is full of s h i t, HE NEEDS TO EXHIBIT COMPASSION CARE AND LOVE HIMSELF. It needs to beginning with him. HE needs to be the example!!!!!!

  12. indeed, merry christmas to my fellow babies.let us breastfeed properly and not bite our mothers.we lessen on our crying and be ever healthy.thank you.

  13. indeed, merry christmas to my fellow babies.let us breastfeed properly and not bite our mothers.we lessen on our crying and be ever healthy.thank you. let us not forget about super shake.

  14. indeed, merry christmas to my fellow babies.let us breastfeed properly and not bite our mothers.we lessen on our crying and be ever healthy.thank you. let us not forget about super shake.nyamu nyamu.

  15. Christmas time is to LOVE one another please don’t deny sex to anyone who asks for it either a stranger or a husband , just give the katundu

  16. This is the worst Chrismass I’ve ever had!
    How do you Celebrate anything when suffering is all over?
    What compassion is there to even talk about?
    PF leaders are so unpatriotic and pathetic to say the least.
    As far as the masses are concerned, 2016 is not for you!

    • As long as Sata is president and wants to remain in power forget about free and fair elections in 2016.If at all there will be elections he will make sure that he unleashes pangas onto the streets and voters fail to vote.

  17. I was watching news last night and saw this speech being delivered by something that looked like Sata. In reality, it was just a human shaped shell with a weak sound coming out of it. This shikulu needs to step aside/ down and spend his last days reflecting on his life and huge family. Elo from what I saw, the last days are not many.

    • @Hoodwinked, indeed i feel also pity for you and from your writing, i can tell and i am pretty sure that 2014 is your last year here on earth. So, put things in order with your God, my brother. You are soon going to enter your last year (2014) in life. I mean you shall die from a very simple car accident. MYSGARIEH (May Your Soul Go and Rest in eternal Hell)!

  18. Thank you Mr.President.As President,you are the leader of all Zambians,including those of us who may not be your greatest fans.We sometimes need to see your human side.The Presidency is not for the faint and weak hearted.Your policies and decisions will always have dichotomous effects on the people.They will be injurious and damaging to many,but always insure that they are beneficial to the majority.Equal rights and justice are the bedrock of a nation

  19. “The Head of State said this during a Christmas Thanks Giving Church Service held at State House in Lusaka today!”


  20. But… Do you have care and compassion in our hospitals? Do you know what suffering you have caused by chasing all the nurses? Hypocrite. You white washed tomb!!!

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