Sunday, March 16, 2025

Chief Munkonge in Kasama pledges support to GBM, urges his subjects to do the same


President Sata with Chief Luchembe (r), Chief Mukwikile (second from right) , Finance minister Alexander Chikwanda and Chief Munkonge at State House after a closed door meeting with Chiefs from Muchinga Province -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Sata with Chief Luchembe (r), Chief Mukwikile (second from right) , Finance minister Alexander Chikwanda and Chief Munkonge at State House after a closed door meeting with Chiefs from Muchinga Province -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA

A traditional ruler in Kasama has urged former Defence Minister Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba to remain strong following his decision to resign from his position.

Chief Munkonge said it was not easy for an MP to make such a decision but that Mr Mwamba popularly known as GBM was bold enough to do so.

The traditional ruler said this when Mr. Mwamba paid a courtesy call on him at his palace yesterday.

Chief Munkonge said Mr. Mwamba has set a precedent by upholding traditional values of the Bemba speaking people.

He has since pledged his support for the Kasama Central MP and urged his subjects to do the same.

And Mr. Mwamba thanked Chief Munkonge for offering him moral support.

He said he was relieved that Chief Munkonge, whom he referred to as his father had given consent to his decision to step down as Defence Minister.

On Monday, Kasama Central Member of Parliament Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba resigned as Defence Minister following a stand-off between Government and the Bemba Royal Establishment regarding the recognition of Henry Sosala as new Paramount Chief Chitimukulu of the Bemba people.


  1. All bemba chiefs should wake up and support Gbm,kuta kinta formula is the only way to serve the chitimukulu throne.

  2. mwamba you will certainly regret your i9mpromptu decisions based on impulse. soon ACC will start snooping around your businesses

    • @matipa it’s expected even Mpombo was treated the same but humans should have the will to do right what ever it takes, respect to Humans is vital or you will be dehumanized for fear of ACC,what ever the other reasons for leaving GMB has scored may be ministers and technocrats may be treated with a bit of respect by the big boss…

    • @matipa. So low level values and outlook in life. As long as you are protecting your backside you will not defend your mother being gang raped not to mention your wife and daughters. What a tragedy of a piece of human being…… You are even lower in my estimation than Munkombwe’s politics of sheeta nafuti nafuti……kulube wena.

  3. Govt’s decision should be fair,what has this so sala man done to Govt to receive such hostility.Now even other chiefs are againest Govt,the ending looks nasty…

  4. Matipa, you display utter and contemptible ignorance. Sata is not and will not be the first or last president of Zambia to, as you call it, “start snooping around” GBM’s businesses. Kaunda did it, so did Chiluba, Mwanawasa and Rupiya Banda after him. And all of them came up empty-handed. The problem with Zambian Presidents is that first they accept bribes and as soon as they have a falling-off with the briber, they want to punish them. But they quickly learn that they are in a compromised position because all the briber has to prove is that they to okhis bribes; which is not particularly hard in Mr. Sata’s case. So, no sir, Sata will be no differenbt from the previous four presidents all of whom have chewed GBM’s money one way of the other. Ask VJ who has served them all.


    • No.GBM. is just as good as the others who have been fired. And that’s the end of him if his not careful.because. BOMa no BOMa

  6. Chief Munkonge has ‘pledged his support for GBM and urged his subjects to do the same’. This is a very strong statement, I am not sure if there was ever any traditional ruler who spoke so openly against a Zambian president since independence. Bembas are literary being mobilised against Sata.
    Sata has lost the plot and the little respect that he had from the people will soon be wiped out, all this is because he has refused to listen to advice and took the people too much for granted like a typical tin-pot dictator. Soon Kasama will be a no-go area for him.

  7. Lets vote for a bemba (Sata) they said, little did they realise that he will nail them down. This is a case of tribalists reaping what they sowed. Ukwa, my friend, here is another target, can you please degazette Munkonge as well mwana.

  8. Lets vote for a fellow bemba (Sata) they said, little did they realise that he will nail them down. This is a case of tribal people reaping what they sowed. Sata, my friend, here is another target, can you please degazette Munkonge as well mwana.

    • You are really a shallow thinking person, Bembas alone cannot make a president, for anyone to win the presidential election, he needs the support of all the provinces. Check the facts and probably the last election results, they few but important results Sata got from other provinces other than Northern province made him president. Bembas are not the tribe that choose a president in Zambia, please stick that in your mind!

  9. Iam very sorry for supporting and voting for Sata and the PF government. Please fellow Zambians forgive me. PF will remain in the country’s history as the shortest serving government but most disastrous. Sata knows that he is not in good books with our brethren in Western, Southern and North-Western Provinces and now he touches Northern, Luapula and Muchinga. This is as well an extension of the Copperbelt Province. Thank you so much Mr. Sata and you PF government. We shall meet in 2016.

  10. I come from Kasama and I know for sure that Kasama is cosmopolitan that means no one can say GBM will win the if he is expelled. People the Chief can not influence the people as far as I know. The late Paramount chitimukulu Ackson Mwamba, tried hard even to an extent of insulting PF in favour of MMD. But the people of Kasama are mature and beyond what is happening. The media houses are reporting that supporters of GBM went to his resident to show support. I far as I know the bemba saying going ‘umusunga wachipuba baunwa elyo chipenene.’ People will go to GBM and say alot of things as a sign of supporting him but intially they want beer, money and other meterial things. This time GBM wants support where ever he can find it. On the other hand Sata seems as if he has lost but not so.


  11. I come from Kasama and I know for sure that Kasama is cosmopolitan. It means no one can say GBM will win if he is expelled from PF. The Chief can not influence the people as far as I know. The late Paramount chitimukulu Ackson Mwamba, tried hard even to an extent of insulting PF in favour of MMD. But the people of Kasama are mature and beyond what is happening. The media houses are reporting that supporters of GBM went to his resident to show support. As far as I know the bemba saying going ‘umusunga wachipuba baunwa elyo chipenene.’ People will go to GBM and say alot of good things as a sign of supporting him but intially they want beer, money, food and other meterial things. This time GBM wants support where ever he can find it. On the other hand Sata seems as if he has lost -too early

  12. Pafwepanamwine just say people of Zambia know when to give someone time
    And the boot, right now they are tolerating cobra but at rate we are moving no
    Jobs, hospitals are getting worse, no money if these things are not fixed, definitely
    Suffering will compel them to support GBM he represents riches, and he made a good
    Move of stepping away, right now too many poor vultures wanting positions and those
    Allowances , none of them seem genuine only interested about their berries, that’s what’s killing Sata, he needs to cane his subjects too many of them very few working, and they don’t give him good advice because they want to play it safe.

  13. GBM please announce your party soon so that we have more time for 2016, don’t join losers like mmd,upnd,mulongoti,magande,mpombo(sorry he is in jail), u have my support

  14. before we continue dishing out silly coments, i think let the gvt. tell the nation why they have failed to recognize sosala kanyata as chitimukulu. because it seems everyone doesn’t know the reason why the gvt. has refused to recognize sosala but people are busy giving out silly comments. we have to know the gvts. ground. little information reaching me says bashi lubemba din;t follow the procedures which is in line with our traditional and culture. ask the gvt. what was wrong during the installation of sosala kanyata.

    • @two days
      BashiLubemba have been installing Bemba chiefs for centuries and know all the procedures intimately. The govt is just acting stupid like a badly brought up delinquent kid. That’s all.

  15. I like what Chief Munkonge said on Muvi TV in relation to GBM’s resignation ‘Icipuba caiitila umuto, impanda yatobela panshi’ If I can try to literally transpate it A fool spills the soup, a wise man tries to scoup the soup from the ground’

  16. The government has a duty to explain its grounds for not recognising Sosala. Why keep the population ignorant?? Whom does the government represent in this matter, the people who put them in power or themselves. The Minister of Chief’s Affairs owes it to the Zambian people. All indigenous Zambians fall under chiefs and are entitled to know the full content and interpretation of the law regarding succession of chiefs. Tell us. You only keep the law unexplained if you want to manipulate people. Is that the motive??

  17. We are tired of GBM stories please LT we need to know how christmas was spent in zambia, how many xmas babies, pregnancies , adultery, etc

  18. Anyoko I support you since you seem like a Peeping Tom especially on how many pregnancies, adultery etc occurred during chistmas!!!!

  19. fellow country men please educate me on why the govt of satan or sorry sata do not want to recognise the paramount chief of the Bemba, because as far as am concerned i have not heard of any factions among the bemba people as to who should be the paramount chief, all is well so why does sata doesn’t want sosala to be the paramount chief, is it because my sosala is a friend to HH

  20. My piece of advise to GBM is that he should remain in PF for people to appreciate and respect the bold decision taken. Leaving PF and forming a political party will mean hungry for power and will lose popularity and respect. Never to be waved by beer and food seekers from you.

  21. This is how Mwanawasa became president, after he resigned as Vice President in Chiluba’s corrupt govt. Lookout for GBM! He displayed some rare leadership pricinples.

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