Sunday, March 16, 2025

ECZ, political parties resolve Vubwi and Malambo early campaign issue


ECZ spokesperson Cris Akunfuna (L)
ECZ spokesperson Cris Akunfuna (L)

The Electoral Commission of Zambia National Conflict Management Committee has resolved the complaint by the MMD and UPND after they lodged a complaint regarding campaigns in Vubwi and Malambo constituencies by President Micheal Sata before the designated campaign period.

In a statement issued to Hot FM News, ECZ Public Relations Manager Cris Akufuna said the parties at a meeting of the National Conflict Management Committee held on 23rd December 2013 agreed that President Sata could not be stopped from inspecting developmental projects in the country.

Mr. Akufuna however explained that if the President was holding political party meetings in areas where there were by election vacancies, the political meetings should be held indoors.

He said the parties also agreed that the Electoral Laws should be comprehensively reviewed to guide political parties.

Mr. Akufuna added that the parties also agreed that in an area where there are by-election vacancies, all political parties should not campaign before ECZ announces the election dates and campaign period.

MMD Deputy Secretary Chembe Nyangu and party official Alfred Ndhlovu signed the agreement while the UPND Secretary General Winstone Chibwe and National Chairlady Namakau Kabwiku signed on behalf of their party.

The PF was represented by Central Committee Member Dr. Ngosa Simbyakula and Deputy Secretary General Bridget Attanga who signed.


  1. What a useless meeting by the ECZ. Is this meant to be a slap on Sata’s arm? The PF/Sata violated the rules by parading their candidate and this was on TV. Vubwi is a bush, so how do you expect an indoor meeting, under a tree? The opposition are also a let down. They should have undressed this ECZ and Sata for poor behaviour. In any case, why go and inspect projects where there will be elections? Is this not corrupting the minds of the would be voters.

  2. The right thing to do was to disqualfy the PF from participating in this By-Election on the grounds that they have violated the Electoral Code of Conduct. Ignorance has no place where statutes are in place!
    What was required here was DISCIPLINARY ACTION not saving face. It is the PF which as a Party was suppose to be penalized, because they were supposed to counsel H.E against this prior to his premature campaign kick-off.
    What a country! The only function public office at the moment is, Madam Chifungula’s (Auditor General).

  3. This is political masturbation of the worst form. the best thing todo was to disqualify UKWA and his Panga Family from contesting the elections. Now im begining to think the ECZ is run by incompetent magots…

  4. HMay be it is scheduled flight by the airforce. if it is not, a deputy minister or even full cabinet minister is no entitled to “charter” an aeroplane for ministerial business.

    HOWD LT Hon Sampa flying to Kasama by ZAF plane- May I have my comment from ZWD published here, Please – Our government is acting as though Zambia is a very rich country. The USA is a very rich country but 40% of the American population (poor African/hispanic americans) cannot access medical care. That is why President Obama came up with Obamacare which the Teaparty have so vehemently opposed and yet they never raise an eyebrow when billions are voted to be spent on invading other countries. In our country anything of PARTISAN political interest always finds money i.e bye-elections and political trips.

  5. Zambia stinks…….! there is so much poverty in Zambia that no one thinks with his head anymore. Zambians think with their stomachs. Corruption is what they eat for breakfast, Lunch and dinner. I mean, how on earth do you gloss over such an issue?? PF should have been punished for such gross violation.

  6. I see this confusion in the way things are run continuing unless we stop mere blogging and change the status quo on the ground. Fellow Zambians, are we so entrenched in this tribal thing that we cant look for honest and straight forward people to run the affairs of our country? Is this the way we want our affairs to be handled? If we dont do a quick collective self introspection, we are headed the Congo way fast with both feet and eyes open. That bog is quite sticky and you bet your last ngwee that it will be difficult to come out of it.
    The current goings on will make Kaunda’s 27 years look like a stroll in the park, mark my words.

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