Sunday, March 16, 2025

Mwamba’s resignation a Huge blow to the PF and country-Zambia Rainbow Coalition


Defence minister Geoffrey Mwamba greets PF cadres shortly before President Michael Sata arrived at Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula International Airport for the opening of the  UNWTO 20th General Assembly   -Picture and caption by THOMAS NSAMA
Defence minister Geoffrey Mwamba greets PF cadres shortly before President Michael Sata arrived at Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula International Airport for the opening of the UNWTO 20th General Assembly -Picture and caption by THOMAS NSAMA

Zambia Rainbow Coalition has described the resignation of former Defense Minister Geoffrey Mwamba as a huge blow not only to the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) but to the entire nation as well.

The Zambia Rainbow Coalition is of the view that this is more especially that the defense force was served passionately by Mr. Mwamba.

Coalition President Cleophas Phiri notes that it is also disappointing and worrying that those that seemed to have been Mr. Mwamba’s colleagues and close friends have allegedly begun to call him names.

Mr. Phiri has observed that the in-fighting that has been characterized within the PF government is also worrying to both the cadres and the entire party.

He notes therefore that if such hypocrisy continues in the PF the country is yet to see more resignations.

Mr. Phiri has told Qfm news in an interview that ruling PF can only be at a safer side if the leaders of the party institute conflict management which should he says should have been instituted on the start of the infightings.


  1. point of correction sir, not a blow to the nation but pf only. as a nation its good riddance actually. life and ministry of defense will be better without him

    • @Matipa, if you ask me, its not in anyway a blow to PF maybe to his family….what value was this grade 7 adding to PF….he can’t even articulate economic issues….he was being carried along with the likes of Winter, Yaluma, Edgar, Miles, Yamfwa, Given, etc. The culture of worshiping bogus businessmen should come to an end….BY was by far richer than GBM and he also tried to flex his muscles in a similar way – we all know how he ended….MHSRIP! Bye bye GBM, see you on the other side of life.

    • Is this a joke? How can Mwamba be a blow to the nation. The only good thing he has done was to help fund PF when they needed money for campaigns He is a Crook, Arroogant, Corrupt. He is a busines and not a politician.

    • Choma Gangster,
      Why did your govt appoint him in the first place and why didnt you protest because of his low education? GBM was a factor in PF. Its sad that he resigned that way. Who is more intelligent here; someone who articulates economic issues very well but he is a job seeker and some one who cannot articulate issues but is able to create wealth and even employ those who can articulate issues? am just thinking!

    • Wanzelu,
      I like your maturity and sense of humor. my only frustration is that people want to waste energy over an individual, instead of concentrating on issues which can take our beautiful country forward. we had RB, Mulongoti, Kavindele, the Sikotas, Aka, and many others before….they are out of power but life goes on…..GBM is not even as influential as George Mpombo in their respective areas. He lost Kabwata at the peak of his business. To answer your question regarding his appointment, the president was just being inclusive and rewarded him for loyalty and financial support towards the party – PERIOD!!

  2. GBM’s resignation is a plus for us who love rule of law,respect for procedures and hate dictatorial armtwisting.

    • Iam so baffled as to why people are glorifying GBM over this and in an instant referring to him as “Principled”. From any angle you look at this, the point remains that GBM had no choice but to jump out of the boat. GBM’s position in the party was weaked by the outcome of the infighting between him and the Kabimba lead faction. Thereafter came the ultimatum to choose between a Job (that your boss has just endorsed your fierce and publicly know rival over you when your strategy to get to the top was to publicly sing endorsements for that very boss) your relative who is also in a standoff with your boss. I don’t think principles have any factor to play in this especially if you take note that it was not the visit but what the OP reported him to have said to Chitimukulu which Sata…

  3. Until the PF states their reason why sosala cant be chief, we shall continue praising the sponsor of PF( GBM) on his stance. politics will come and go but relation has to be upheld. Those who are saying its good riddance ought to think straight.

  4. A great loss when a Great bag of Matuvi (GBM) resigns u must be joking? U mean losing a Grade 7 in cabinet will leave a serious impact ? No ways , imagine the man was replaced with an educated Edgar Lungu within hours of his resignation, that shows we are not short of performers.

  5. GBM is not supposed to be anywhere near heading a Ministry but he has for once demonstrated great leadership by refusing to be loyal to insane decisions. Sata should be ashamed if he is capable of being shameful that he has been told blood is thicker than water. Viva GBM and I urge you to not recontest the Kasama seat because we need better legislators in parliament as opposed to the current team of semi-illiterates and people who should be in old people’s homes.


  7. GBM is the man for sure he does not fear salary from sata who gbm paid a lot of money if we had peaple like gbm in pf sata would have cried and gbm is clean man. If he want let him send Acc to gbm and sata will be exposed is not like wynter how says I can’t step down yes he can’t isala

    • People anywhere support a man of principles……ask Mandela, Martin Luther King or Ghandi. On the flip side they despise arrogance, lies (donchi kubeba) and pride……ask Hitler, Goebels (a reincarnate of Fred Mumembe), Stalin, Richard Nixon, Kamuzu Banda et al.

  8. Can the Government make a clarification on why they cannot recognize Chitimukulu? we can not continue talking about some personal issues maybe the president had a personal difference now he wants to prove that he has power.

    Is this not the abuse of office? leave GBM alone, he is 100% right, not the job seekers who are just boot lickers for the president and they want to hide in the name of loyalty when they cannot make a stand to choose what is right for them as Bembas.
    Can we say all the Chief makers were wrong to have chosen Chanda Sosala? Only the President was right? Let us not pretend it will happen to any chief in Zambia if what Sata is doing is allowed, remember the comment he made for Chief Jumbe.

  9. Enough is enough , let those attacking GBM continue burying their heads in the sand and pretending as though things are OK. As Bemba’s we cannot allow the President to continue attacking our Paramount chief. He should not forget that he only have very few years to be at state House . The chief will always be there and was picked by Bashi Lubemba who have high respect for the Bemba linage.
    GBM failed to continue pretending and being loyal to the President who has no respect for his grand father. It like your Boss who keeps on insulting your own father, Honestly can your conscience allow you or can you work with a clear conscience? Unless you are a full. Those Bemba’s in PF who are pretending on the expense of keeping their jobs are not real Bemba’s there is something wrong in their…

  10. Mr. Sata is using Govt machinery to flex his muscles as president. Fortunately for him we have a constitution that gives the president dictatorial powers. There he is, abusing his authority. The army and police, because of this same powers the president enjoys, are willing to obey the president’s orders to go and humiliate a whole nation of people.

  11. GBM’s resignation will never be a loss to Zambia. He did not resign for the sake of Zambia but for Kasama and his fellow bembas. What contribution did he make to Zambia when he was a minister? He will only be remembered for intimidating lozis by misusing those ZAF aircraft and personnel.
    It will not be a surprise if he formed his own party which will create a split between the bembas. He will stop at nothing to be president of Zambia.

  12. PF is now on the internet writing comments on GBM those now attacking him are purely being supported by PF, but that is being childish.
    Think before you respond , why should you be used to write things on GBM? you are even saying we the people . liars

  13. oops… good riddance !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mwamba has never been a factor to ordinary Zambians but only to those he financed to ascend to power..

  14. This man is more interligent than most of you bloggers and the stakes are high that he might just be your next president, HH My friend knows that he could use his Interligence to boost his support in the Northen, infact he’s just looking for a strategy to pitch in. Yes you guys only see the Grade 7 part, but have you looked at his business profile lately? yes…. thats what am talking about!! Infact if we compare the two wallets, I sure would pounce on the Fatty ones!

  15. The following is what likely to happen to ba GBM.
    1. Visit by tax inspectors.
    2. banks reminding him of due paymts.
    3. delayed payments from FRA for transportation of maize, fertilizer etc.
    4. all govt depts & agencies no business transactions with GBM related.
    they will squeeze you fat Albert!!!

  16. Sad to hear about my big bro GBM , any way you took a brave decision as we Bemba’s say mwikala patalala Mwine apatalalika, stay blest life goes on !

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