THE infamous army worms have been detected in Kitwe’s Mufuchani farming area across the Kafue River, where they have left a trail of destruction to crops.
Farmers in the area have reported the matter to the district agriculture office.
Sydney Bwalya, a farmer in the area, complained that the pests have invaded his maize field.
“I am just from the office of the district agricultural co-ordinator to report about the presence of army worms attacking some fields of maize in Mufuchani farming area,” Mr Bwalya said.
Kitwe district agricultural co-ordinator Raphael Muyaule confirmed the presence of the army worms in the area.
Dr Muyaule said the army worms have already caused significant damage to maize in Mufuchani.
He said his officers have already examined the extent of destruction on the crops and has assured that the district is ready to combat the army worms.
Last year, army worms caused massive destruction mainly to maize fields in various parts of the country.
sent by God to punish sata for his bad leadership style
I remember talking about these arm worms. It is indeed a calling from God to make Satanists be converted to God
Reported to who? the stup!d guys in Agric cant help. just go to agrochem shops and buys the chemicals.
why waste time reporting to the agric guys, abwalya just catch and eat. umunani uyo wamoneka.
Leave God out of these worms. God did not send them. They are sent by satanists. So pray against satanic work in Zambia.
That is the duality of God. Some see him as a God of nothing but love. Others see him as a god of vengeance, a malyotola.
When someone dies, some say he has answered the Lord’s call. Others claim devil took him.
No person, living or dead, knows but god alone.
Just eat them fishimu bane.
Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.
Isnt that some Aphrodisiac rich in Proteins?
just shut yo mindz. u kno nothing abt army worms. this just showz dat u’r all dullards
Chemical control with pesticides is the only remedy.