Sunday, March 16, 2025

Fr Bwalya accuses PF of using public resources to fight GBM


 Father Bwalya
Father Bwalya

Alliance for Better Zambia (ABZ) has accused the Patriotic Front government of abusing public funds to fight their battle with former defense minister Geoffrey Mwamba.

ABZ President Father Frank Bwalya has told qfm news that his party is disappointed to the mega resources that government has so soon spent to fight battles with GBM.

Father Bwalya explains that he is aware that government has spent too much tax payer’s money which they strongly condemned during the time they were in opposition.

Father Bwalya has since challenged president Micheal sata to clearly state which funds are being used in the fighting political battle with the former defense minister.


  1. Iwe ka GBM remember how you terrified the lozi people with those tuma chinese MIGS. And those mistreating that ka GBM must reflect. Your day is coming.

  2. Boyi Frank ,you are now becoming icikopo,,,,,the PF is the government and all the machinery is at their exposure to protect citizens including you and the big sack.

    • @Chikubabe
      I think its you that needs to question your “brain” capabilities! The PF have formed Govt but Govt resources (including money) belongs to the Zambian people and not the PF. Think about that! But I don’t blame you because you, like many Zambians, fail to see the difference.

    • What point does bwalya has,kk ,chiluba,rb used the same system,so what law prohibits me from using the same formula.?

    • @ Chikubabeniso,
      You are telling me that so long as everyone is doing it, then its right? Doesnt there come a point along the way some where that someone becomes the ugly Zwane and do the right thing? Anyway, my suggestion is nearly impossible as settling on Mars, but one day it will happen for the few are still determined and will therefore, forge on!

  3. Isn’t RB enjoying all this? The Zambian people were warned. Chiluba said it, Sata could not write minutes let alone read them. Yet the country went ahead and voted for this man. You cant believe the kind of damage he has inflicted on Zambia in the two years he has been in power. People who know him, say we have not seen nothing yet. In the two years, he has managed to antagonize the Lozis, the Chewas, Kundas, Tongas by taking Chirundu away from them and now the bembas. Who next? The man has a self destruction streak in him. In Chewa AIDS is called Timuke Tonse (We will go together). Is this man trying to destroy Zambia so that it goes down with him or what? He need to be stopped indeed.

    • HH is more richer than GBM. HH started his business empire in the city of London before deciding to go home and contribute to the development of Zambia using the skills he gained in London square mile. What Sata has paraded to his stooges as HH’ s wealth is just a drop in the ocean. Even before Lybrand and coopers assigned him a task to help Sata and his cohort in MMD to carry out privatisation the man HH was already a millionaire in pounds not dollars.

      HH did his job under lybrand and coopers and it is them that paid him his money. He has earned his genuinely without ukutolafye. Thats why even when Sata wants to prosecute him, Nchito just tells him there is no way they can do it because that would involve a multinational company which recommends Zambia to get some loans.
      HH is…

    • HH is a clean millionaire. He is right now sitting on many company boards as chairman for so many international business organisations. Even Sata knows this fact, thats why he cant mess with him like does other opposition leaders.

      Politically UPND and HH are the only hope for Zambia, if you really want our country regain its lost dignity on both the international stage and within the SADC region. HH is the man that most leaders in the SADC region are waiting for.

      So come 2016 lets VOTE UPND and HH for economic prosperity, low cost of living, high standards of health care, and education,rule of law,fair justice, freedom and more real sustainable manufacturing jobs.

      Viva HH.

    • GBM is a street dealer with no admistrative structure for his business ,HH is in the corperate world with known corperate entities spinning billions.

    • @ Mayo Mpapa,
      You are great! I couldnt help but applause…. Its like saying ” Who deserves the Prize money for topping it all to become rich btwn a Bank robber tend a charity and Bill gates?! You know what I mean? Hihihihihi, @ mayo…. classic!

  4. I agree with ZP above, people must be given the freedom, complete, to taste and enjoy their own medicine. This is the same chap who terrorized Lozis with those lousy “salauma” MIGs from China. Now it’s his turn to dance to the same high-velocity and turbulent eddies generated by shearing flow of the Satan’s moves! He should have learnt a lesson from how the Public Order Act Miyanda shoved under our throats came gashing from the idle general’s sticky and stinky backside leaving NADA in disarray.

  5. Quoting Munshya, GBM should have learnt from individuals like Mr Godfrey Kenneth Miyanda in the ranks of former this or retired that:
    When Chiluba and his cohorts – Michael Sata and Miyanda to be exact – found great solace in the barbaric use of the Public Order Act, it is gallant judges who held that some sections of this law should be ruled as unconstitutional (see cases of Mulundika & Resident Doctors). Further, when Chiluba, Sata and Miyanda amended the 1996 constitution to exclude the likes of Kaunda based on the “parentage” clause; again our Supreme Court came back and provided a more sensible interpretation of what it meant to have Zambian parents (see Lewanika & Others v. Chiluba). It has been my position, following guidance from the Lewanika case, that even a Zambian like Guy…

  6. The Luvales on the worst bank of Zambezi district are being cheated by relief food to endorse humiliation of Zambians by this criminal by voting for rejected PF. We shall see if indeed they are not well informed by nature of their geographical location. Nazo nkani

  7. Lets sober up. Go in the archives and see what insults this Bwalya heaped on GBM. GBM has his own rights but to me the way he resigned shows how shallow tha man is. You cant go public on such matters before you formally tender your letter to the one who appointed you. GBM just got tired of waiting for Sata to annoint him heir to the throne. Let us not just welcome anyone simply because they have ditched our opponents. Quality is the key. How can GBM now become a hero when all the time we have been connecting him to evil dealings.

  8. Bwalya again? We warned you about blind support with redcard now you reaping what you sowed. As for GBM? You have a right to tender your resignation but do it in a dignified manner. We wish you well as you return to the world you know best ubututu nedalama…don’t mix

  9. ba father which fight are you refering to? the story is not convincing we are also intereted 2 know what you are talking about.Yes james is right GBM is free 2 do what he wants but not exposing what the president discussed with him.we are not intereted kuleni ba mwamba naimwe.

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