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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Government will never interfere with operation of public media – Kapeya


Chief Government Spokesperson Mwansa Kapeya
Chief Government Spokesperson Mwansa Kapeya

Chief government spokesperson Mwansa Kapeya has reiterated that government will never interfere in the operations of the public media.

Mr. Kapeya said that independent and editorial freedom is bearing fruit under the Patriotic Front government.

Mr. Kapeya explained that the Patriotic Front wants to give freedom to all media without any interference.

The chief government’s spokesperson stated that 2013 has been a year of great success with regard to government’s performance to media freedom.

Mr. Kapeya has since commended the tremendous work being done by the Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC), Times of Zambia and the Zambia Daily Mail.


    • Which tremendous is Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC), Times of Zambia and the Zambia Daily Mail is doing- brainwashing poor souls and as platforms for political propaganda- anyway, keep making noise as usual. Insoni ngashapwa ninshi bumuntu bwapwa.

    • Iwe Mwansa Kapeya wilamona ama serious issues kwati FYABUKAYA, this is serious. We cannot tolerate a govt run by the bullet or barrel of a gun all the time.neither GBM nor Radio Mano staff were armed so why did govt send their gun wielding terrorists there?

    • @Ola

      Thats a good one. You cracked my ribs.
      Ati”Insoni ngashapwa ninshi bumuntu bwapwa.”

      This absolutely true. Kapeya’ behaviour authenticates the belief popularly held all PF stooges that “ni sebana wikute” under Sata and PF.

      Only UPND and HH will save us from this calamity created by Sata and his fellow mad men.

    • PF are a bunch of real life comedians they make us laugh though these are serious
      issues. For sure we need to laugh it off at times otherwise we can just go bonkers

    • I thought I was going to wait until Chella had penciled a statement for Kapeya our Dishonourable Minister of Misinformation and lies…but he has done it sooner and hasn’t disappointed either. Infact he maybe right. The Govt does not interfer in the “Public Media” but mostly certainly does in the “Private media”. PS Mwamba lost his job for issuing a nationwide licence to Pheonix radio. Fr Bwalya was attacked at Flava FM with the assailants still at large. And now, armed Police surrounded another private radio station (mano) in Kasama protecting it against an invasion. One wonders what “written” guidance has been laid down to the public media houses.

    • I love this. Who will go first to other side of the city. Where are the PF bloggers who support anything from PF? Let us go and 2016 is too far. Who knows this GBM is a former defence minister. The three defences wings are still loyal to him.

    • This is the 21st century. Come 2015 I will have all GRZ statements made along with promises pre 2011, on a web site. No holds barred even the dead, fired and resigned mother freakers will be listed. Then we will see how many f’ing lies these bozo’s have made. They will be available for reproduction during national and sub national interviews. Then we will see chi bwibwi from these truth benders. We will EXPOSE AND HAMMER these leeches till they are terrified of interviews. Wait!

  1. Very disjointed Government indeed. I thought they just interfered with the operation of a private Radio Stattion in Kasama by blocking their own GBM from apearing on Radio Mano.

    And who is bearing the costs of police officers stationed in kasama to block just one innoncent person, if I may ask?

  2. Could this be a sign of senility? Mr. Kapeya, just what happened at Radio Mano in Kasama, where GBM was supposed to feature on radio yesterday?

    • @live wire

      Welcome aboard! For once you are beginning to accept that PF is a party for chimbwis without a plan.

      What Kapeya did is pure CNP behavior.

      I am happy see some of you beginning to smell the coffee really good.

      Our hope is in UPND and HH not these monkeys in maize field.

    • @cindy
      these are the hyeanas who are telling Sata lies,,,creating false impression,
      Its not ammesia its desperate njala without morals..

      this guy kapeya is bemba at least he should have encouraged Sata to do the right thing about the chitimukulu.. and mwasa kapeya knows itambi, no excuse

  3. hahahaha! you can always count on PF people to give some of us a good laugh. In my house, the only comedy we wait for on TV is ZNBC news coz we are assured of such statements.

    • @Dudelove

      I also just burst into laughter when saw the Kapeya ‘s head line.

      The minister of lies and misinformation at it again;lying through his teeth under the cover of darkness. Maybe he thought only PF s.t.u.p.i.d bloggers will see the article on LT.
      Oh my God !what did we get ourselves into seriously.

      I told Sata several times to fire this good for nothing minister of lies and misinformation.

      PF is a useless party thats why they only rely on giving brown envelops to force people to support them. Some government workers have not been paid for several months while they are busy dishing out money to win votes in brown envelops.
      PF has no ideas to win people’s support apart from bribing them.

  4. Do not believe anything until its been officially denied….so goes the saying.Yet in the same vein this govt finds its ok to block GBM from accessing a radio station.Who is lying here bcoz action always speak louder than words?

  5. At that age of Ba Kapeya wearing purple glasses? Ama designer glasses ba PF minister, awe kuli kantu ku Zambia with eye-glasses, everywhere.

  6. Some people have really taken this platform as a way to campaign for there prefered men and parties. Well well well. What has really changed in some of these parties, when not very long time ago, you were saying only someone from some region can head this party, really how do we come on board. When people from other regions voted for one great man, Mr Mazoka, may his soul rest in eternal peace, were did they go wrong when you felt that know Mr Mazoka is going carry the day by chanting in the streets of Lusaka, “mwanya muzaciwona ba bemba”. Can someone remember this and help me in case I’m missing a point or two.

    • I understand your apprehension @Superman.
      Rest assured you aren’t alone in that boat. The only point I see you missing is that we are in s*it right now, all of us, together. We got here by choosing tribe over sense. Ironically, only sense can get us out of this mess we find ourselves in. Fellows that continue to push for/against one tribe are NOT wise.
      The tribe tag will only sink us deeper. We will all languish and burn together until we realize that we need the Lunda, Tonga, Tumbuka (God bless my in-laws), Bemba, Luvale, Lozi, Chewa, and what have you. We are one people whose destiny is so intricately tied together. With that understanding sense will have one. But as long as we keep fighting over tribe supremacy, we a digging the deep one for us and our children.

    • Sata and his government’s failures are NOT more painful to one tribe or the other. He has miserably failed all of us. To scoff at the Bembas due to Sata’s saga, is to act unwisely. We shall all burn or rise together.
      It’s like a man who, from a distance, sees a house on fire. Thinking it’s a neighbors’ beyond his that’s on fire, with indifference, he laughs and pocks fun at the look of things. But as reality sinks in, he discovers it’s his very own house engulfed by the inferno. What the wail! And who can bear?
      Just come to think of it. From time immemorial, we have done and shared an inexhaustible list of things together. It’s no use antagonizing one another. Let’s feel for every Zambian. And come together as one and choose wise leadership recognizant of our oneness and…

    • It’s no use antagonizing one another. Let’s feel for every Zambian. And come together as one and choose wise leadership recognizant of our oneness and indivisibility.
      To that effect, anyone reading this, we owe it to ourselves to rise above tribe and let good sense prevail. In so doing we shall be truly loving our children, wives, husbands…our only Zambia.

      Happy Holidays y’all.

    • Zambia does not need a messiah. It needs Zambians to rise up collectively. HH will also end up the same – a big disappointment. He is not want to give up the presidential powers willingly. No one will. Remember that Kaunda was in the end forced to accept multiparty democracy. He did not want to accept it. Similarly, the new constitution and much needed political reforms will remain an illusion as long as Zambians sit back and leave things to politicians.

  7. It sad to note that mwansa kapeya thinks he still acting in fyabukaya radio programe who he used to act different roles. Can for once say something senseable.

  8. This must be the worst job in government. So far all government spokes persons the country has had have ended up looking like clowns. I suppose clowning suits Kapeya very well, given his background in the media.

  9. I never listen to what GRZ officials and Ministers say. They are consumate and shameless liars. I see and feel what they do and state what they have for for or against me. I suggest that nobody EVER take government says as fact. They lie whenever they can. The steal, pilfer, con, cheat, fib and generally are as trustworthy as an ejaculation.

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