Sunday, March 16, 2025

President Sata swears in newly appointed Cabinet Ministers


Home Affairs minister Ngosa Simbyakula and his family with President Sata after the swearing-In-Ceremony at State House on December 30,2013 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
Home Affairs minister Ngosa Simbyakula and his family with President Sata after the swearing-In-Ceremony at State House on December 30,2013 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA

Newly appointed Minister of Home Affairs Ngosa Simbyakula has today been sworn in by President Michael Sata at a ceremony at State House.

Speaking during the swearing in ceremony, President Sata said he was confident that Dr. Simbyakula had the capacity to serve in his new capacity as Home Affairs Minister.

Mr. Sata jokingly stated that those who said Dr. Simbyakula had no capacity should have been present at State House to witness his swearing in ceremony today.

Dr. Simbyakula was deputy minister of Justice before his appointment as Minister of Home Affairs last week.

He took over from Mr. Edgar Lungu who is now Minister of Defence, a portfolio which was held by Geoffrey Mwamba until his resignation from the position a week ago.

And President Sata has introduced and welcomed Dr. Simbyakula and Mr. Lungu to the cabinet meeting at State House today.

Mr. Lungu and Dr. Simbyakula were attending the meeting for the first time in their new positions.
The President encouraged the media to follow the two ministers at their own time to find out their plans in their new positions.


    • Get a life my friend, It’s just a matter of time for you as well. Nothing is guaranteed in life, you may go before him. Some people mwandi are bitter to the extent of wishing someone dead. Why do you hate him so much.

    • Sata is really losing weight, I wonder why? Look at the trousers carefully, and Kabimba too looks swollen. The woman in the middle looks too shy as if she is being proposed by the two disgruntled politicians. Anyway, Dr. Simbyakula is a good choice.

    • awe shuwa!! sivintu,,people in that photo taken today 30-12-2013 except for the ladies,,, look like they have serious diarrhoea issues…

      Please mwebantu, `put in tomatoes leave`,, its a good remedy,

    • Why cant you be Engineer in Zambia. Australia will not give you the Best. Come home the Old Man is building Roads he could give you one. If the old man dies, it is not you who will become President. and it might be you to die first.

    • We want a big funeral. Not tumalilo twa njala. At the the fuberal i will mourn the loudest for lossing my friend.

    • Its NOT hate,,, but the symptoms of diarrhoea showing in the photo which are raising eyebrows…
      I strongly recommend tomatoes leaves be `put in` to save life

    • the good thing about dearth is that you can not hide it when you are dying… its there for everyone to see

    • Only God determines our days of departure. Illness can take you, accident can, robber can, or die in unexplained circumstances.

  1. SOrry it was just a direct swarp of one Bemba with another, I thought somebody mentioned that the new Minister was from Southern Province , but with that name NGOSA..I doubr it

    • UPND cadre can not be appointed Minister… may be eputy… so it is not just looking at Southern Province… even Garry can be Home affairs minister but he is UPND

    • Ngosa is from Southern Province grew up in Lusaka…was in sciences on campus dropped out in second year went to ZIT did an engineering diploma re-entered law school rose Dean. Has a SJD in taxation law…..was hounded out of Ministry of Justice after a sterling job as PS CB, by one retired female PS because she wanted his job and got it….he was threatened by the same PS to chose his party properly before going as Director to Zaile….he chose PF lost his job and now he is full cabinet Minister…was a good lecturer in criminal justice…..

    • @Peter

      Who cares whether the Ngosa buffoon hails from southern or not. What matters is the character he is portraying by associating him self with a bunch CNP.

      I said it so many times that tribe does not matter at all. What matters is the ability to do what is right for the Zambian people irrespective of where you come from.

      If we dwell too much on Mmembe’s divisive political rhetoric of labelling prudent men and women capable to lead Zambia to greater heights as tribalist then it will be too late to by the time we realise that Zambia is destroyed by these bunch of in government.For once lets debate issues without involving tribe in it. Right now major Zambians don’t see any capable leader to reverse the damage being done to Zambia every second apart from HH…

    • the legendary Farah Aidid that used hunger as a weapon of choice in Somalia, died miserably of Cholera….
      Noticably these men are on heavy dietary and immuno-suppliments!

  2. Iwe Sata, one of these days it will be EVERYONE who won’t be be able to stand seeing you and not just some of us. Seeing you just ruins my day mwandi and I feel murderous. I do not like you AT ALL sir. I hate what you are doing to my beautiful country, I hate your attitude and arrogance and I hate that you think you have ultimate power. I hate that you are uneducated and incapable of rational thought and I hate that you are my president. i hate that I know that you will continue driving us down this path and I hate that 2016 is not tommorow. Please people, please! I appeal to your objective minds! Forget this tribalism nonsense and think objectively! Vote HH when the time comes! I mean how worse can things get even if u ushered him in?

    • Sata and his bunch have already shown you what direction a country takes when you have uneducated clueless people at the helm. where you have a whole minister say that the mealie meal increase is coz of demand in maize seed? where in the world? Please people take time to scrutinize UPND members. These are not only educated but capable of strategic thought. HH was a managing partner of an accountancy firm which is no small feat. Running an audit firm requires a person capable of strategic thought coz most up-coming companies run to audit firms for business plans and all sorts of other projections. what position has sata ever held that required him to think strategically? And pliz, do not bore me with ‘HH stole during privatisation’ where the heck is the proof??

    • HH did not steal. What he did was what any business man would do and that was to grab a business opportunity that had presented itself. if he had not, then he would have been a useless businessman and a hopeless managing partner. He had no moral obligation at that point because he was carrying an assignment which were instructions from his client, the government. His terms of reference did not require him to look into the well-being of the retrenched miners because that was MMD’s job. He has come back now and his terms of reference as president of this country will be different. UPND has a point to prove and that bene Sata are hopless. The only way this point will be proved will be for them to raise the standards of living of the people! This will only happen if you vote them in.

    • @dudelove

      I hear you loud and clear my fellow concerned Zambian. Even me, the mare mention or sight of Sata the VSTC makes my blood boil.

      Look at him, from instructing his stupid minister to lie to us about why meali-meal prices have gone up to what he only knows best, swearing in more and more of his stupid fellow stooges. He has taught of them the art of promising today and then invent a lie to sugar coat the unfulfilled promise the next

      Seriously people need to start thinking objectively and forget MMEMBE’S TRIBAL CHEAP DIVISIVE RHETORIC AND CONSIDER RALLYING BEHIND UPND AND HH.
      UPND and HH ‘s team are the only people who have the plight of all Zambians at heart. Its the only team that will reverse the damage caused by these PF bunch of liars


  3. Uumh, non-stop swearin- ins for over 2 years; work in progress through and through. We are busy breaking our own records in the Guiness Book! Ala Mandela watisiya muma problem, shuwa.

  4. A closer look at the girl standing between Sata and Simbyakula; the hem of her dress seems to have gone haywire or is it fashion, lol.

    • @Tuboya

      You are worse than what I leave in the toilets your leaders SATA used to clean.

      How can you bring the issue of tribalism here. Is there any Tonga tearing the PF apart? Leave the TONGAS alone for God ‘s sake. They are not any good or worse than any tribe in Zambia.

      The issue at hand has nothing to do tribe but with the stupidity of your leader Sata and his bunch of retards he is leading.

      On another note Zambia is reaping the benefits of recycling poloticians.

      Zambians wake up before your country is completely destroyed.

    • Tuboya, mula tombana na Haleisa Halenya te? You speak the same and I remember he told me about you. He says the only problem he has when he fcuks you up the butt is that ulapolomya when he pulls out. Ni zoona ayi?

    • ka wanzelu,

      Have you seen how deep rooted you are in tribalism and thats why you reacted so stupid to my collegue Tuboya.

      For as long as sata is at the helm your souls will never rest just because he is not one of you. your stupid inert characters will never take you anywhere, tell me amongst all these self proclaimed party carders you have whom do you think qualifies to even lead even a small group of tonga prostitutes?

      Talk of HH, very young urgly chap and his urglyness dipicts the level of ignorance. Check the way he comments or express himself, he is so unproffessional and he is ever crying over trivial issues that doesnt even deserve to be brought on the podium.

      If i was given an opportunity to help extinct a tribe, i would go for you chaps..You stink chaps.

    • @Munyo

      Your name describes exactly who you are. Zonda uzalema, UPND and HH the future government and president.

      For now just enjoy tu ma brown envelop money while its available. From next year tamwakaimone bwino. You will just be receiving insele in your brown envelops from Sata.

      PF KUYABELE. UPND and HH are the future for Zambia.

  5. After all that is happening in northern province where he deployed 50 police men he can not utter one word about it ….we as Zambians only have ourselves to blame as we are too docile and are far more interested in discussing useless personalities like GBM than bread and butter issues. We need to wake up…..Sata can get away with this because we tolerate this selfsame mediocrity.

    Wake up!!

  6. is that mrs simbyakula???? Thats just a girl who has stolen. Shame on you. Mrs simbyakula just came back from a mission in burundi and she is not young. The kids yes…

  7. 2016 ni pa Bwato… keep your degrees. Ken grade 9 built University of Zambia. Michael Sata whater level of Education he is building Universities… tell me which Profesor built even a College. 2016 pa Bwato leave the theiving Opposition leaders.

    • @chambishi surely lDoes it make sense to construction more universities when existing ones lack basic needs to function properly. This what we call chibwi no plan just playing to the gallery. The universities under construction will be white elephants.

  8. Some of you gentlemen in the diaspora write as if you are not privelledged working and living in developed countries.There are thousands of your friends back home who would want to be in your pisition.

  9. Point of correction dear LT, Hon Edgar Lungu was became a member of Cabinet when he became Minister of Home Affairs. He only moved seats in Cabinet from that occupied by Minister of Home Affairs to that of Minister of Defence. It is Hon. Dr Simbyakula who was new to Cabinet. No worries, LT. Just sharing knowledge.

  10. Bane bonse, kanshi icisungu mwasambilile kwi? Bunda bwa kutukana fye ifimasele, amano yena yalimibula. Nchita nga nabelenga icisungu cintu mulemba ne nsele shonse, awe no bulanda bulesa. WHAT THE HELL HAS HAPPENED TO THE PROPER ENGLISH THAT WAS TAUGHT IN OUR ZAMBIAN SCHOOLS?

    Mwe fipuba mwe! Just converse in Bemba, do not pollute the Queen’s language.

  11. President Sata Reveals Kambwili’s Negative View On New Home Affairs Minister;

    President Micheal Sata this morning revealed how Sports Minister Chishimba Kambwili expressed a negative view on newly appointed Minister of Home Affairs Dr. Ngosa Simbyakula as being unable to perform in his post.
    The President said this at a swearing in ceremony where Kambwili is said to have conspicuously been absent.
    The President further challenged Lukashya PF member of parliament Alfreda Kansembe Mwamba to resign her position as Deputy Minister if she so wished.
    This is contained in a news bulletin on Radio Phoenix monitored by Mwebantu New Media.
    So when this new Minister and Kambwili start confusion with each other, ninshi who started the confusion?

  12. Correction: Hon Edgar Lungu was not attending cabinet meeting for the first time, maybe as Defence Minister. He has been attending as Home Affairs Minister

  13. This president wants loyal pipo, my father is very educated and this president has ignored giving him a job becoz my father is very wise….

  14. I wonder why some people talk about President Sata’s poor health. There is nothing unusual about the poor health of any person above the age of 75. If anything, he is doing well for his age. In addition, he is among the few-age mates who can bear the pressure in the office. I always thank God for his mercy and love for our president. All he needs is our support spiritual and moral.

  15. I am congratulating Hon Ngosa Simbyakula for his outstanding contribution to the development of the nation. I think that he will leave MOHA a better place than he found it. I expect him to handle issues of intellectual property generally and traditional knowledge in particular with the flexibility that is required.

  16. You reporters should do your job. Give us some statistics. This is the “most swearing in” President Zed has ever had. Isn’t that so? Which President has presided over so many swearing in ceremonies?

  17. People who are well meaning here ;haven’t u proved bloggers like Australian engineer,Ndobo,Wemupuba or wanzelu,Nostradamu nafimbiko fima demon?l pray in Jesus’ name that their wishes will never work. 2016 nipa boat!Pf rise up!

    • You are the demon Osmore. Sata is doing more harm to millions of Zambians than the bloggers you have named. How many Zambians have access to Internet and to that extent read LT? Very few but how many people are suffering because of the PF’s lack of policies? Millions. People can’t even afford mealie meal in Zambia. Farmers are not been taken care of and you still support your *****ic president. You are the demon.

  18. It is increasingly becoming hard for sane people to contribute meaningfully on many sites including Lusaka Times. What has become of us all of a sudden – Why cant we maintain a conversation to its logical conclusion without lacing it with poisonous venom? I feel ashamed to have been cut from the same material as most
    bloggers here. For once let us write sensibly!!!!

    • @Chitalu, Its really a shame. I wonder what type of homes these guys grew up from. One can actually tell from the way they blog.

    • Godfrey

      The is nothing wrong in wishing nature to take away evil…. don’t not assume we all subscribe to your Godly belief which you are entitled to.

  19. a timely advise to the president, sir buy enough talktime in your phone never should you use george chella’s phone many of your ministers will resign. GBM was not happy when he discovered that you used chella’s phone. it is like you, you refused to be copied letters hence firing efrone lungu. otherwise all is well waiting for 2016

  20. PRESIDENT Michael Sata says he’s ready to defeat ministers that resign from his government in a by-election.
    And defence minister Edgar Lungu yesterday staggered out of the state house auditorium shortly before President Sata arrived.
    President Sata said this while greeting home affairs deputy minister Alfridah Kansembe, who is also Lukasha PF member of parliament, during the swearing-in ceremony of home affairs minister Dr Ngosa Simbyakula.
    “Imwe twaumfile ati mwalefwaya ukucita resign mailo (Sunday). (You, we heard that you wanted to resign yesterday). I will be very happy to campaign there because I know your constituency very well,” he said as Kansembe looked down, crestfallen.
    President Sata proceeded to greet other ministers and upon shaking hands with lands minister Harry…

  21. yes she is wife snatcher,and they are not legally married and enjoying were she did not sow.same on you!go and find a man of your own,even your gilrs you are standing with will be just like you

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