Friday, March 14, 2025

GBM New Year’s Message


My dear friends.

As we prepare to enter the New Year 2014 I wish to offer a wish, from my family to yours, for joy, prosperity, and good health in 2014.

To me and my family, 2013 will be remembered as one in which I had to make to make a very principled but painful decision to choose between my family and a job in government as Defence Minister. Family values are very important because strong families produce strong and responsible individuals, the building blocks of any great nation.

I urge all friends and Zambians at large to find time to spend with your families and loved ones on this New Year’s Day.

In 2014, I urge all my friends and Zambians in general to continue the unity and peace we enjoy and reject the temptation of dividing ourselves based on tribe, class, political affiliation, race, and religion. We are One Zambia One Nation, a Free Nation under God. We are stronger when we are united, and weaker when we are divided. Remember united we stand, divided we fall, and a house divided against itself cannot stand. I am also certain that with the continued grace and protection of God Almighty, with the resilience we Zambians have, we will be able to make it through whatever difficult situations or turbulent times the future may have in store.

As we welcome this New Year 2014, with its infinite promises and possibilities, we also welcome the new blank page that it offers us. I call on all my friends and Zambians in general, especially my youthful friends, to play an active part in nation building: taking ownership of this country, and joining in the authorship of its story, which is our collective story-both young and old.

As we march towards 50 years of political freedom, let us, acting together—as one people and one nation— work together to build a better nation which future generations will consider the most pivotal and inspirational of them all.

Thank you for your friendship and support.

May God continue to bless our leaders and may He bless Zambia.

Happy New Year!


    • I do not understand Zambians. Was GBM not part of the same government that, borrows like there no tomorrow, a government without a plan, intimidates people, arrested Lozi’s, insulted here and there, Disrespected other tribes not just Bemba, arrested political opponents, nullified seats and the list is endless. Today he can postulate, that he is stepping down because of principles i.e leave my shilubemba alone. What about the rest of the country? where was he when all this was going on, why did he not step down then? I’m sorry sir, but i am not phased and neither am i amused. I am pleased you did it for your family, but politically, I will not respect you. You have hurt us as Zambians and you have contributed to our destruction. Gone are the days of lying to Zambians.

    • @pardon my french..
      Masebo was once a sworn bitter enermy of Sata and his PF, the same day Masebo left MMD, Sata and PF fell in love with her,,,so your case is not strange,,

      GBM is a holly angel at the moment!!

    • Pardon my french…. You are wise. How can a person advocate for peace and
      Unity amongst Zambians when he divided Zambian’s. We applaude him for standing
      Up for his family but were politics is concerend he does not have a heart for
      Zambians. I think this is being double standard. I think UPND Is the viable solution. Atleast i have looked at them critically and i can say the look like they have a better plan. We are ready to come back and work for free if you need us to. But never under this govenment or any of it’s branches. Mr president Hh i am waiting for you new years message.

    • @Ndobo
      Indeed! what shall we call this “the angle of the moment” (ndobo et al. 2013) more like “angle for my family alone”. Although i think the term ‘angel’ is far too kind. Maybe “Baby serpent” or he might actually be a full grown serpent. Go in peace Sir GBM, I mean I too would defend my family, however, what’s good for my family should also be good for my extended family (Zambia), that sir GBM is the definition of the term Principle.

      At Great,
      I am looking at UPND with an analytic eye! A few tweaks here and there but far better than the rest. I can confidently say that this regime has lost even the little credibility they had left in my eyes. Just praying that we make it to 2016 as Zambia, at this rate, I feel we shall end 2016 whilst crawling to the finishing line.

    • We should blame Sata the devil for everything! Ama Zambians you do not listen Chanda Chimba warned you now it is time to complain and yawn!

  1. Gbm thank you.stay strong,I know you ve giot a vision.they will be hurdles along you way,I hope there’s enough steam in to handle them.good luck.

  2. Starting to like GBM, and I think his got what it takes to inspire especially young Zambians that ” it’s possible”. I like your principles because that’s the bedrock of a better Zambia.

    Glad to know benaLubemba are with you, that covers Northen, Luapula, Muchinga, Copperbelt, Lusaka and to some extent Central provinces.

    Am with your GBM, in the light to reclaim what’s rightly ours.

    • ok- but in his bid to serve the nation, where were his principles? is he incapable of focusing on the larger picture (zambia) and only acts when his family or tribe (sorry- lack of better lingua) is dragged into the fracas?

  3. Behind you all the way GBM pamo naba Chama.I respect you for standing out for a right.God bless you and have a happy new year with your humble wife.

  4. Question Authority’s New Year’s Inspiration

    Character counts.

    What the New Year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the New Year.

    • Your mentality can lead the whole nation to destruction. It is not disrespect to correct “your father” when he is wrong. You are the kind of the people that make elected presidents feel like gods. Zambia deserves better, responsible and accountable leadership!

    • Looking at your photo, one would say what a wasted graduate, your comment shows not an iota of critical thinking or analysis, & your persuasion is abnominable; But as I have no evidence that you actually graduated – i take it it was just a pose for the photo!

  5. GBM is trying hard to out-do Sata. Now this is what we call ‘parallel structures’, one president for Kasama and the other for Lusaka. Wait, we ain’t seen nothing yet. GBM has resolved to haunt and humiliate Sata on a daily basis and soon it will get nastier.
    Sata should just throw in the towel and endorse GBM.

    • This is funny!! mwe menso yaku LONDON, let me have a day to be back with the JUDGEMENT that fits your political analysis.

    • I was also wondering in what capacity he is writing this trash!
      One thing for sure is he is trying to get sympathy from us!
      No way.
      He should just keep quiet and await his tough days ahead!
      PF has a lot of explaining to do after 2016.
      More beans will spill over all contracts awarded under PF, especially RDA, FRA, ZAF A1 Jet fuel, military Uniform, Arizona, Post newspaper Copper transportation, single sourcing for fertilizer from China and Saudi Arabia, looting of Eurobond money, kick backs from all contracts awarded to the Chinese and Indians, money stolen following the failed constitution making process…The list is quite long.
      The right thing to do in 2014 is to impeach Sata and PF before they Finish Auctioning our country!

  6. No recycling of leaders this time!
    We need to bury GBM with his PF.
    We do a reverse DONCHI KUBEBA on them!
    Don’t fall for their smooth talk and alleged values and principles.
    The truth is they have none collectively as PF.
    GBM should have treated the BRE the same way he wants Bashilubemba to be treated.
    We have not forgotten how he sent military aircraft to fly over the Litunga’s palace.
    Yes we know some good things you have done in your constituency but I think there are better Zambians who can do a better job for Zambia.
    We want true change for the better this time!
    No vote for you!
    I just hope you have no presidential ambitions.
    We’ll see more splits in PF in 2014!

  7. Former great bag of maize ati ba GBM today simply for showing temper tantrums against the presido. The hatred you have for Michael Sata will follow you until you repent. God is watching.

  8. Dear Godfrey,

    Your message and position is clear ‘you put family first’! I really wonder whether it includes the woman you thump like she is not human. That aside! So for you it’s really not about the nation. It’s about your stomach, your blood and tribe. Form a party and see how popular you really are!

  9. Is he forming a new party? Because he wouldn’t do be addressing the bloggers.LOL.coz I wouldn’t say he addressed the nation

  10. I will only see u as a principle person,if extend what u did concerning bemba land be extended to other tribes of zambia,anyway 4 making us understand that there is a problem in PF

  11. I will only see u as a principle person,if extend what u did concerning bemba land be extended to other tribes of zambia,anyway THANKS 4 making us understand that there is a problem in PF

  12. GBM is likely to form own party if he feels he has no chance of taking over PF. From his actions I can tell that he is positioning himself for ‘President’ of a party in hope of clinching the ‘real one’ plot ONE! He knows how Sata did it and he is trying emulate him.
    My worry GBM is – say you become President and your family member murders a person or steals, is your GVT going to arrest that person since the person involved is a family member?

  13. It’s a fact that GBM has very, very few friends, let alone supporters, at any level, be it political, social, etc in Zambia, and it has always been like that. It is shortsighted of him to think otherwise. He would lose badly, not only in Kasama Central, but elsewhere as well, if he were to make the mistake of standing as a candidate on any party ticket, as things stand.

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