President Michael Sata’s press aide George Chellah yesterday went ballistic and verbally abused a Daily Nation reporter and threatened him with unknown consequences over a story in which he had failed to give the position of the president on the cancellation of former Defence Minister Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba maize transportation contract with the Food and Reserve Agency (FRA).
The reporter attempted to get a comment by voice phone call and letter through the short messaging system (SMS) all of which went unanswered as they were ignored.
When the Daily Nation published the story, Chellah in his lack of respect and courtesy in communication ignored formal greetings called the reporter and attacked him for wasting his time and writing false stories.
Chellah, a former Post Newspaper reporter could not listen or give a chance to the reporter to explain went on with the attacks and abuses charging that the reporter had even failed to finish his journalism training.
Chellah told the reporter that his journalism was adolescent and that he (Simwaka) was just excited with his small job.
President Sata’s press aide failed to explain why he did not answer calls from Simwaka when called to comment on allegations Mwamba made that that President Sata had terminated maize transportation contracts he had signed with FRA.
On Sunday, Mwamba revealed that President Sata had ordered the cancellation of his FRA contract and as a matter of objectivity and balancing the story, the reporter called Chellah three times but his calls went unanswered.
The reporter latter sent Chellah SMS but by press time he had not responded to the text message. But yesterday, Chellah called the reporter and accused him of not having considered his comment which the reporter had not received.
When the reporter told Chellah that in fact, he had not received his message, the State House spokesperson said the reporter was a liar. Chellah’s SMS to the reporter was only received at 11:10 hours yesterday, soon after the verbal attacks and even then, it could not be accessed as it came blocked.
“Why should I waste my time talking to you when you write false stories? Your journalism is adolescent and you are just excited about your small job. Your writing is very poor and pathetic and may be you did not finish your journalism course.
I know you and we have been together but let me tell you that you are not a journalist,” Chellah told the reporter
i think i have spotted that guy in grey
jacket behind the man holding hands
with the president here in kasama…
what does he want here??????????
George Chella nakalipa, he is behaving like Judge Ngoma, his new barber.
So being Presidential spokesperson is a very BIG JOB, going by Chella’s rantings.
Or is it that he thinks he is something merely because he now gets his pay regulary unlike at the post when he got piecemeal and only pa 50.
Cheela – You are nothing my boy, and your Job is no better than any other spokesperson… Nothing more with no special qualifications needed.
There we go discussing people in photos and the issue at hand….are we allergic to debating issues?
Wake up! !
*…and not the issue at hand.
Ka Chella is just a useless journalist with a small brain but a big mouth.
Oh! what a pathetic political slave chella is. I some how think he is the Luapula premier vomiting a lot of rubbish here on LT.
George, calm down!!!
Governments come and go, don’t create a lot of enemies my boy. Even if you’re aggrieved, there is a better way of solving any misunderstandings. How about a polite chat with the journalist involved? You will need your colleagues, especially journalists when you leave that post.
George Chellah is so useless! We’ve had more credible people serving as Presidential Press Aides before, some of them are: the Late John Musukuma, Jack Kalala even Richard Sakala managed FTJ’s PR more professionally than this M’membe stooge!
He should actually ask GBM. GBM now has turned to private media because all the vuvuzelas including the past newspaper are against him. Watch your mouth young boy George.
Chellah is stupid boy. He is thinking that PF will be in power forever. The boy doesn’t control his emotions just like his boss who equally does the same!! Chellah, calm down, the world is too small to make a lot of enemies. One day you will vacate that office even tomorrow and we shall see if you will use the same government machinery you are using now to intimidate innocent citizens. Remember that Zambia is for Zambians and not PF alot!! Cool down boy!!
The people who go into that office become so big headed you cant understand why? Chellah refuses to remember that once upon a time there was Richard Sakala in that very office who forgot all his colleagues and started acting like he was His Excellency. Then there was Dickson Jere who barked at anything the President pointed out. Fetch the stick Chellah at least the watchdog knows its a dog.
spot on
Sata will soon be admitted to Chainama, not even Indians take mad men and women for treatment!
In fact he needs to be sectioned under the mental health act right now to save Zambia from a calamity.
Here goes boy George again and thinks beyond any restraints morally, ethically or legally. People have not forgotten when he took the law in his own hands by locking taxi drivers in Woodlands police station at Woodlands shopping mall. Those innocent hard working drivers were dehumanized, abused and arbitrarily locked up because boy George is from state house where laws mean nothing to ordinary Zambians. We await to see when boy George will be sued for unlawful detention and loss of business once PF Sata will be out of state.
Anyway both are hopeless journalists. Chellah is an arrogant turncoat who doesnt know his current job description and anyone who works for the Daily Nation a paper owned by a thief must be ambitionless
You want him to work for Membe? I would rather work for the Daily Nation than any government papers or Membe. Who is not a thief heading any paper? Sata? Membe?
No I dont want him to work where you want me to want him to work.
Allow me to divert you from above subject matter to talk about something else. I have come back to Zambia to take up a Nursing job with the Ministry of Health. I’ve been away from home for the last 15 years.
I shipped Truck-load of personal effects for my entire family. The Truck sailed via Walvis Bay in Namibia and laden with house-hold ‘junk’ you could imagine; TVs/PCs,/Clothes,Kitchen-wear, toys/bikes for my children etc. But when the Truck arrived in Namibia, Port workers had a field day ransacking everything I have worked for the last 15 years with great impunity. It was like there was a War.
Has this happened to other returning residents before? What then is the Zambian Govt/Embassy in Namibia doing about it? I thought this is the job of Embassy to protect its citizens?…
go back ukatombwe futi,we are too preoccupied here trying to underdtand ukwa’s leadership dynamics.we can’t spend tine on your poopoo
Why not ship directly to Zambia and the container will not be openned in Namibia or Tanzania, until it gets to Zambia. It can be more expensive monetarily but cheaper in teams of headaches
Try ensuring goods in transit next time
Sorry to hear what happened to your katundu in Namibia, it was very unfortunate i know a lot of people who brought things through Namibia and they had no problems.
You said you came to take up a nursing job back here after 15 years in US or UK, Wow… this is like making ten steps forward and then you make 100 steps backwards. I take it you worked as a nurse where you came from….would have thought you should open your own private clinic now …just saying
It’s so disappointing that in this modern day and age, one could use such crude language to someone who has politely put a decent question across.
@ Gotti Mbudzi
I heard of similar story where a colleague shipped a container from UK which contained a car. He put some suitcases which contained valuables (including items which money can’t buy) inside the car in order to utilise whatever available space. At Walvis bay, they ransacked everything which was inside the car. As others have put it, it’s better to use agents who can ship the container directly to Zambia, but the damage has already been caused. But the port officials must be held accountable somehow.
Chellah, we are watching you, Sata and PF will one day leave office and Zambia will seem very small to you. You think you a very accomplished journalist when you are not… you are only a certificate holder.
This boy just who the heLL does he think he is. This is what it does to be headed by a headless chimpazee.
poorly written and unedited, LT as usual.
Serious 2014 Predictions
1 PF to disintergrate
2 Zambia to hold Presidential Bye Elections as Sata will be declared unfit to work
3 UPND and Elias Chipimo and Father Frank Bwalya plus one unnamed party to merge and contest elections as one party
4 UNIP and MMD to merge
5 New constitution to be rejected
6 Nkana FC to face demotion
Chella be a man time to say sorry its not now, continue attacking them, you are in government. Zambia where warned by Prophet Chanda Chimba III not to vote for Sata. But people like GBM withdraw bilions to defeat the then powerful MMD now where is GBM. prophet Chanda chimba III, i need your tapes about michael they are educating. I want be comparing what said and the current position of Sata and his crooks.
Mr Chella be a man time to say sorry its not now, continue attacking them, you are in government. Zambia where warned by Prophet Chanda Chimba III not to vote for Sata. But people like GBM withdraw bilions to defeat the then powerful MMD now where is GBM. prophet Chanda chimba III, i need your tapes about michael they are educating. I want be comparing what said and the current position of Sata and his crooks.
If the President’ s PA is upset with you then you are doing a stellar job, pat yourself on the back…immature Chellah and Me’embe know what I mean!!
I see similar things happening but as per my card reading it is RB ascending to Presidency in 2014. Sata’s relatives will be refugees and begging for mercy.
It is clear that nearly all stories carried by LT and others are based on unverified and unauthenticated extracts from the Daily Nation Newspapers, hearsay!
The Nation is the one that attempts to seek clarification. If they fail, everyone simply rush to print as is. No wonder the news headlines, by title, content and context are the same word by word at LT, ZE and ZWD.
As for the Nation, how could you seek clarification after you have already published the story?
I sympathize with Chellah. How can any reasonable professional react when the following is presented to us everyday on both online or via the Daily Nation Newspaper as news – unverified copy and paste news stories from one source!
Lusaka Times : Zambia signs for fresh loans from China : The Zambian and Chinese Governments have today signed two multi -million dollar bilateral agreements to accelerate development in different sectors of the economy…..
Zambian Watch Dog : Same…………….
The Daily Nation : Same………..
That’s Zambian journalism for you!
They are NOT even ashamed with the blatant “copy and paste” nonsense they are churning out as news. It is like; read a story in one so called ONLINE NEWS BLOG and you shouldn’t even bother reading the same story in one or two another online news blogs for a different perspective/detail because they all “copy and paste” from the same source. No effort to even disguise the r@bb!sh.
If it is rumor and innuendo these people are after, at least try to compete for it than simply “Plagiarizing” each other’s so called NEWS. This laziness is really killing Zambian journalism and news media. And I mean “REAL NEWS” that people can trust to inform their opinions; political or otherwise—not tabloid cr@p!
At least The Post tries—hate it or…
chellah you are a f.ools boy.