Saturday, March 15, 2025

HH’s New Year Message



The year 2013 has had its own challenges. As a political party and as a people, we showed a lot of resilience to fight some of the injustices in 2013 that were at the behest of people we entrusted to run the affairs of our nation, the Patriotic Front (PF). The price of mealie meal went up to unaffordable levels, freedoms of movement were curtailed and political persecution was rife in some instances even resulted in deaths. The human rights records were appalling and efforts by many citizens to advise government fell on deaf ears In short 2013 was a nightmare in many scores.

As we go into 2014, I am urging the PF to put their act together and work for the betterment of the country. Zambia needs affordable Mealie Meal and not unnecessary by-elections. Zambians need jobs and not a bloated government. Zambians need more money in their pockets as per campaign promise and not new promises.
Zambian needs economic independence.

I am urging Zambians to be resolved and resilient as we face the challenges that 2014 will bring forth.

I take this opportunity to thank everyone for the moral, material and financial support that was rendered to the party. As we continue with the fight for a better Zambia, I am calling on all to embrace the spirit of volunteerism and sacrifice.

I am wishing everyone God’s Blessings in 2014.

Hakainde Hichilema


    • Zambians need to wake up and take hold of their destiny. PF is stealing our childrens future’s.Forget the current time its screwed already but we shouldn’t allow them to steal our childrens future.VIVA HH and other progressive Zambians.Abash Sata and PF

    • You dont even know the meaning of president. Your sense of understanding is beyond belief, you are not even ashamed to make the kind of comment you have made, reflect, the name Chinyama is for wise people…. reflect. Wunantiyishi nsonyi, Kalunga amihembi/

    • Happy new year to every one.

      Thank you HH for an honest message that befits a president. Your are seriously the one Zambia needs right now to correct all the social ills PF has unleashed on innocent Zambian citizens.
      2013 has truly been been a night mare for the poor majority Zambians who up now are struggling to budget because they don’t what the the price food will be the next day.
      Having entered 2014 on very sad note, I hope Sata and his government will take stock of all the social injustice they unleashed on the poor majority and try hard to redress the situation. Sata can make a good president if and only if he learns to listen more to the cries of the people and act on them. Unfortunately he is too preoccupied with increasing political power at the expense of the poor…

  1. @ iwe ka chinyama do u knw hw to read if then u dnt jst understnd wat he very disapointed with u boi..any way u seem to come frm muchinga village..

    • Neshina line anti pulamba. He signed ati President. Where, of his village? That is impersonation for we have only one President. Let him specify then they will be no quarrels.

  2. HH and UPND is the only way to go, I guess I was right not to voted for PF. I had MMD.

    I wished Dr. Kenneth Kaunda our first Republican President can comment now the way he castigated opposition that time, even saying iwe mambala.

    May God deliver this country for the sake of our children.

  3. Can someone please tell me what’s wrong with HH vying for president? The letter is from UPND and so there is no need to indicate party again. I will certainly vote for UPND next elections. If the reasons for not voting for HH is tribal then its misplaced but if its based on ideological reasons then its valid. HH you also forgot to mention the rate of borrowing to such an extent that IMF are worried

    • Borrowing for consumption is very bad. However, the opposite is true for development. Borrow money n buy a ticket and go to Zed n see what’s happening. Please don’t forget to fix you papers as most of you are illegal immigrants.

    • By the way, club president hh did not forget but knows that the country is borrowing to fix the infrastructure. I guess he is not a third rated economist for nothing.

  4. Democracy is all about elections.These elections are building blocks for rooting in a young democracy.These elections will be appreciated 50 years later by generations ahead.We are still a young fragile democracy, that’s why we have a lot of political parties instead of two or three.Zambians now are very up each word produced is subject to scrutiny.

  5. Here is a good example of a good end-of-year message from a leader to the people. The message looks back at 2013 and takes stock, then it looks ahead into 2014 with a vision and sets course, and it carries with it an inspiring and unifying message. Very very good. Now, compare HH’s message with Sata’s and make your own conclusions.

    • ….And I urge young people and students on this blog, who are the future leaders of our beautiful Country, to take note from HH and learn how to deliver an effective presentation. It compares well with Obama’s presentations, with Angela Merkel’s presentations, with Bill Gates’s presentations, etc. Let it not be said our young people did not have a good role model.

  6. thank you zambians my name is HH enclave bantustan with no hope of becoming president coz of my under5 strategyles political life. I vomit anything from my mouth.

  7. Thank you Mr President.Continue leading us we are behind you.Atleast am driving a good car and not in povert.Congrats for the care.Continue to care nefipuba fyonse pantu pansaka tapabula cimo.May the good lord take care of you beyond 2016 to shame prophets of doom.

  8. HH ati chi President! My Foot, he is the most silly Tonga man who in his riches is so dullo. Dullo like his Uncles Munkombwe who does political prostitution

  9. politically Zambia is run by hyenas,jackals,frogs, yea u a one by visionless PF. Rallying behind and with HH is a great relief one feels free as a person only HH to redeem Zambia.

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