Saturday, March 15, 2025

Mufulira DC Collapses and dies during New Year prayer service


Mufulira District Commissioner (DC) Beatrice Miti collapsed in church last night during overnight prayers and was rushed to Malcom Watson Hospital where she died.

‘She collapsed whilst she was preaching the New Year Gospel at Chawama Hall in Mufulira,’ said a church-goer.

Other sources indicate the DC died after Inhaling the toxic emissions from the towns running mine that are occasionally released in the atmosphere.

Some Mufulira residents have for some time now complained of health complications from the unmitigated pollution the mine in the district has had.

Sometime in mid October 2013, Miti collapsed after allegedly inhaling the sulphur-dioxide emission by Mopani Copper Mines (MCM).

Ms Miti who was asthmatic, is said to have fainted soon after she inhaled the toxic sulphur-dioxide emission which had just been discharged into the atmosphere from the MCM’s plant in Kankoyo.

At that time she was taken to the hospital unconscious where she was admitted and put to on oxygen. She was discharged after some days.

Meanwhile President Micheal Sata has expressed deep sorrow and regret at the death of Mufulira District Commissioner Beatrice Miti. In his message of condolences to the Miti family, President Sata said since her appointment, Ms. Miti had played a pivotal role in promoting local development and upholding unity among various interest groups in Mufulira and beyond.

The President said that the passing of Ms. Miti would be felt by many especially the Patriotic Front [PF] family.
“On behalf of the people and the Government of Zambia and indeed onmy own behalf, kindly accept my heartfelt condolences and sympathies.May the Almighty God grant the Miti family fortitude and comfort during this painful period,” President Sata said.

She is survived by a husband and four children.Funeral gathering is being held at 113 Kombe Avenue in Mufulira.


  1. when PF was in opposition, people used to evacuted, this life could have been saved… koma PF iza tivuta!!

    Rest in peace mama, even if your part of evil PF, at least you died in church God may forgive your sins

    • This is the most hopeless response you have given.

      For your information, medical evacuations require a window of opportunity. If the cause of death is the deceased’s asthmatic reaction to the chemical air pollution, nothing could have been done to evacuate her. You may also want to know that you cannot evacuate a person on the basis of asthma.

      Ask those of us who have had asthmatics in our families. Someone can be very sick (symptomatically) in a moment, and then be perfectly fine the next. Such is the changeable nature of the disease.

      This has nothing to do with the PF being in government.

      Lastly, what do you know about sin and forgiveness. You come across like a pagan. Don’t parade a holier-than-thou attitude in public. People can read you thoroughly.

      Our condolences to…

  2. MHSRIP. When will the zambian government deal with this irresponsible pollution of air and water in Mufulira by Mopani Copper Mine? I watched a video on youtube on how the copper mined in Zambia by Mopani Copper Mine is benefiting a town in Switzerland. The community of that town are so greed that they refused to plough back just a small amount of profits being made from Mopani to help victims of the environmental pollution caused by Mopani and It’s parent company Glencore. Google and watch the video. It’s also disappointing how Emmanuel Mutati is defending and protecting the obvious pollution I guess he is defending his employers so job can be safe.

    • It is indeed sad I have seen the video and really the mining industry is not benefiting the local people, we are better off shutting the mines in Zambia. After a few we will have nothing to show but deep dangerous holes meanwhile someone in Switzerland is living a comfortable and health life with money made from poor Zambia.

  3. Please report the truth. She did not collapse in church nor did she die of sulfur dioxide poisoning. A poison canister was placed in the ceiling of her home and when she came back from a government function, she smelt the poison and got sick. She did not collapse. She was taken to Malcom Watson Hospital were she was immediately transfused with contaminated blood and died within minutes. She was killed by Shawi,and Geloo. This is a JERABO hit just as happened to Mwaba Chisala and her Father. The canister has been collected and some boys that placed it there have been identified. Now, it is up to the President to solve this JERABO nonsense once and for all.

    • @John Tembo, was the poinous gas in the canister so selective or there were no other people in the house before and after she came back? Where were the Hubby, Children, Maids etc


  5. So sad my neighbour. I feel sad for Mr Miti, children and neighbours. We shall greately miss you. May your Soul Rest In Peace.

  6. M Y S R I P mama! Its a pity that we loose lives such as madam miti who have Time for GOD.

    “Heavenly father receive her spirit”

  7. God hates pretenders, deceitful men and women and liars. This is 2014, The count down has just began. One day, God will answer the people’s prayer in full.

    • God does not hate anybody. Please stop lying to people.

      What’s wrong with people today – everyone is a pastor, is reverend, is a preacher, etc. Why can’t you just say what you want to say without smearing the name of god on it. Yaa!

  8. BaMwansa, what is the meaning of your message? Its always sad to lose a life. A mother, daughter, Aunt soul mate etc. But its not good to speculate on death. it just brings divisions, hatred, fights etc. so lets wait for Medical professionals determine the cause of death and our ZED CSI will do their thing. Rest in peace mama we shall surely miss you.

  9. She was a good person. Mrs. Miti the best DC ever in Mafukeni. She was always there 4 the underprivaleged. MHSRIP.

  10. Can malcom watson hospital manage a patient in severe Asthma attack really?
    The place has no equipment, no appropriate medications and questionable personal.
    Who is to blame? Can this be an eye opener? Next , it may be your close relative.
    Sata lost his daughter in Lusaka in 2001 who was between 22 to 27 years of age from severe Asthma attack too. Some deaths are preventable.

  11. We have lost a caring mother of the District and a woman of God who brought a narrow gap between politics and Christianity. We’ll surely miss her. MRSRIP

  12. Was this sulphur dioxide so selective that only she inhaled it? How come we are not seeing the other 125,336 (population of Mufulira according to Wikipedia) are not dropping dead? Last time I passed through Mufulira in the 80’s, the smell of that gas was all over the place but here I am, still breathing (clean air I must add).

    • Ba Ricky muli kapuba.
      So dont u know that different people would react absolutely different to a condition? U should be a big failure in what u do to expect the entire Mufurila to be swept by SO2 emissions in one night. Also, U should be a very disappointing father/mother for you to compare the 1980 emissions to the 2013/14 emissions!

      Cabipa sana bana Miti ifi bafwa.

  13. Its sad to lose such a dedicated worker, a good christian too.I first met her during conference at easter last year in Chingola.Her message was so simple and to the point and she loved her God.May God almighty comfort the family, its so disheartening to lose such a person suddenly but God must be glorified in everything.

  14. Thanks for your comments all of you.
    But we should all know that no one knows where we come from, how it looks like and no one knows where we go when we die only the dead knows where they are, wht we know is that there is only one doorway of coming to this earth with several doors of departing from this earth, some depart through sickness, some through accidents, others by suicide and others using doors you may think about…….

    We don’t know which door you and us will use when departing from this earth. G.O.D bless you.
    we loved her

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