FORMER Sports, Youth and Child Development Deputy Minister Stephen Masumba has given an explanation of the circumstances under which he discharged the fire arm on News Eve.
Mr Masumba was on New Year’s Day detained at Kitwe Central Police station for alleged unlawful discharge of a firearm, but was released on police bond on Wednesday.
According to Mr Masumba who is Mufumbwe constituency Member of Parliament narrated that on New Year’s Eve, he was travelling to Ndola where he was scheduled to officiate at a church function the following day.
He said he first went to Mufulira to see a relative who was admitted at Ronald Ross Hospital and on his way from Mufulira, he noticed a vehicle trailing him and flashing lights at him.
Mr Masumba explained that when he reached Sabina police check point, the vehicle was no where to be seen hence his hesitant to inform the officers at the check point.
As he was proceeding on the Kitwe-Chingola dual carriage way, he noticed the same vehicle moving at a high speed and continued trailing him until he reached Kitwe.
He narrated that he drove into Freedom way and when the vehicle continued moving at a fast speed, he drove past the traffic lights and decided to seek refuge at a public place but the vehicle drove ahead of him and blocked him.
“The vehicle was trailing me and moving at a high speed and because Iam not very familiar with Kitwe, I went and parked at the drinking place and the same vehicle drove ahead of me, blocked me and two people came out of the vehicle.
“I got scared and I gave a first warning shot and the two men ran away. I then started looking for Honorable Mwenya Musenge’s mobile number to inform him of what had happened and in the process, police officers appeared,” he said
Mr Masumba said he was relieved to see police officers and accompanied them to the police station where he stayed for two hours and gave his statement.
He said he was asked to produce documents to determine the legality of the gun and was scheduled to produce the documents yesterday (today).
Which is a true story? He said he did not know whether he was in a pub and that he is on a police bond.
How can criminals trail someone until at a drinking place driving at high speed.
How possible that Gun shorts concided with exactly time when the year started?
Can someone on bail be issued with a police bond? while others on similar office denied Police bond(6 KASAMA)…
Too many questions?
That’s Sata’s Zambia my man!!
The story is hollow and not convincing to any sensible human being.
Not even his children would believe this convict’s story after telling lies before the courts.
for once, tell the truth please
when you are trailed by a suspicious vehicle, do you rush to a police station or a night club?
He seems to be saying the truth
I believe him, the man’s life was in danger
No case here, give him his ministerial job back, Masumba should sue the government and innuendos who are spreading chitchats and damaging his character
People dislike him , like William Banda for no reason at all.
these are very intelligent questions. why dd he not go to the police. there is mindolo police along the kitwe chingola road and the main police in the town? why did he no phone ba musenge while being trailed or even the IG? AT HIS LEVEL, HE MUST KNOW ATLEAST A SENIOR POLICE OFFICER IN THE COUNTRY HE WAS GOING TO ADVISE HIM WHT TO DO? when you r being trailed, its not easy to just stop anyhow and anywhere, if u did you wil always run for safety or protection? i have reservations for his argument
Sata’s offspring
High speed at a drinking place…!!! Masumba was also at high speed..! Finally the gun also produced a bullet at high speed, to mimick fireworks..!!! Nonsense..! Just cage him for putting people’s lives in danger..
If Masumba was being trailed at “high speed” for so long, how fast and how far above the speed limit was the dishonorable convict driving himself? And if driving at these high speeds because of being trailed, his claim about not wanting to alert the police at the Sabina roadblock is no more credible as his one about the “diploma”.
And why call the “honourable” Mwenya Musenge to report what happened? Isn’t it the job of the police to take this kind of report? Or maybe the convict was still hoping for special treatment because of his party affiliation?
I also like this: apparently the one place Masumba is “familiar with” in Kitwe to run for cover is a drinking spot…… not a hotel, bank, or even an ATM that would have a guard sitting next to it. Great!
He must have noted the registration plates of the car that blocked him Can he tell us without saying it had no number plates which sadly is rampant in Zambia
He was suppose to go at Mindolo Police post being the nearest and it is next to the road.
Stop telling lies you play boy
why didnt he seek refuge at the police instead of a drinking place? there are so many police posts in the country……………why are these pf members full of lies like this sure mwebabtu
Masumba is not mature, he is still as childish as before, in my opinion he was just over excited about new year and childishly unleashed. that gun has to be grabbed away from him before innocent lives are lost.
I do not understand the whole story. He thinks he can f o o l everyone. It was when fireworks were been blown, then him decided to fire gun shorts that left everyone scampering. Anyway, in Choma, police also fired and short people
That is what his lawyer has told him to say
This masumba boy sacks mwe its everyday masumba this masumba that why can’t the chap behave for once. Am tired mwandi nakamene aka ka masumba
The story comes across as plausible.
Th only question is whether a convict can posses a gun legally.
Plausible? You mean like 90-days?
….Sorry, I couldn’t resist.
Breaking News!!!!! Masumba has been spotted in Matero trying to photocopy gun ownership certificates.
I know Musamba has lied before and hence people cannot easily believe him because of his lying record on his shoulders. But if you have been trailed before especially in a place you don’t know so well, it’s difficult to make the right decisions and people will always speculate. The chap has enough problems to get himself into more! I believe him this time!
First thing you call your wife or close relatives, who can call police. This gay was DM and he knows 199 to let the police.
There is need to make it mandatory to breathalyse the driver at the scene …. to rule out alcoholic intoxication. Why didn’t he inform the police at checkpoint he was being trailed? He is a high ranking official like it or not unless he had something to hide.
I had my doubts about Musamba’s version esp his reason for not reporting to the police at Sabina. Knowing which pub he went to in Lusaka can also help collaborate his story considering he says that he does not know Kitwe very well. Did he go to one which is just along the main road?
Very interesting.
Appallingly lazy journalism in Zambia at it again. .. you have the police’s vision of events, the boy’s vision BUT you forget the eye witnesses’ vision.
Apparently he was ‘relieved to see police officers’, yet he didn’t think of seeking their help in their help in the first place. Nice try Mr Masumba.
Hey Mushota you are missing issues, the case that prompted his dismissal of his ministerial position is different from the this gun shots case. So n he can’t have his job back (yet).
In Zambia its not safe to run to the police post for safety u do it at your own risk coz our cops scamper for dear life seeing thieves in their territory. So Musumpa you sharp! The disco is wher to run too
Well put, Iwas once trailed from UTH to Northmead, when the thgs finally blocked me, I reversed and they gave chase up to Northmead police and the police there where shivering and the the thug pretending to be a police was commanding them around until he realized my cousin was calling 911 did he leave the police. Rush to the police at your own risk, they work together! I have learnt my lesson.
Whatever. Anyone who knows Zed will know carjacking is no joke, you go straight to the nearest busy place. A police station might be poorly attended and the car containing 4 Congolese with machine guns and sharpened teeth
Fake side of story,why didnt he report the matter pa sabina police check point or to mindolo police station?????
This New Eve is it a new thing in Zed? New Eve? Ive never heard of it before
News Eve? What is News Eve? Ichisungu! Did you mean new year’s eve?