ACTING Chief Justice Lombe Chibesakunda has urged Magistrates to avoid corruption and ensure speedy delivery of justice when handling cases.
Ms Justice Chibesakunda said corruption was destructive to the effective dispensation of justice saying where there is corruption there is no fair administration of justice.
Ms Justice Chibesakunda said there was a perception that adjudicators were corrupt and that it was disappointing and disheartening when some Magistrates begin to indulge in corrupt practices.
“I am seriously beseeching you to avoid corruption in whatever form. Corruption does not pay. I am sure you are aware of some of your colleagues that have lost their jobs and ended up in prison due to corrupt practices. I do not think you want to end your career that way,” she said.
Ms Justice Chibesakunda said this yesterday when she addressed Lusaka-based Subordinate and Local Court Magistrates in separate meetings at Lusaka High Court premises.
She observed that Magistrates were key to the dispensation of justice in the country.
She said issues of corruption, delay in delivery of judgments and non-adherence to guidelines contained in the Magistrates’ Handbook were painting a negative public perception about the judiciary.
The acting chief Justice said her meeting with the Magistrates was intended to be a platform to review the past year and forecast on improving the Magistrates’ performance in 2014 and ensure that delivery of justice was enhenced.
“It is important to underscore the fact that, as Magistrates, you are very key to the dispensation of justice. You should always remember that you are the face of the judiciary because you come across every litigant. members of the public run to you for the resolution of their disputes,” she said.
She encouraged the Magistrates to balance their work to avoid unnecessary adjournments and ensure timely delivery of well-reasoned judgments as “justice delayed was justice denied” and at the same time “justice hurried was justice buried”.
it so painful to read this article
Open up a tribunal so that we report most of these Magistrate who are corrupt especially in small towns.
By the way, we should go Singapore way, any person found guilty of corruption death sentence or minimum of 50 years with hard.
Corruption is more serious than rape……..
the pot calling the kettle black
Chibesakunda the injustice and corruption in Zambian courts starts with you and Sata the one who appointed you.
Masumba was convicted of a crime and yet he is still holding on to his seat while Dora at el have not been convicted of any crime but their seats have been nullified. Chibesakunda, you are the chief architect of double standards.
Its shocking how you can come out and lie to us that you are fighting corruption and yet you and your nephew Sata are busy feeding and fattening the corruption beast.
Shame on you . Your retirement will be painful just like Sata’s and its coming soon and very soon.
UPND and HH the only way forward.
Madam, live by example. When are you delivering judgement on Dora Siliya and others? A number of constituencies are now without representation in parliament because of your failure to timely dispense justice.
Problem is when Sata injects his own version of corruption to defeat the justice system you all excuse it and call it a different name.Same monkey,different forest.
She/he looks like James Brown! Any relationship?
It is a painful thing to hear the Acting Chief Justice articulate such issues while Mutembo have this issue of DBZ, how do you look at corruption? Is that not corruption on the part of appointing authority? This I mean appointing Mutembo as DPP whilst there is this issue of Development Bank of Zambia.
Masumba was dropped, was that to do with government functions? If yes, the reason he was dropped. If Mutembo with DBZ issue is to do with government function, then…
I am lay man please advice me, is it possible to appoint someone who is facing court cases or any related issues before the court of law, or be appointed to government running positions or positions of influence in government?
Sad indeed to read this. She was talking without realising that she meant herself. If you mean well on justice, resign because currently you are the Chief Injustice! The people you were talking 2 are doing better than you. You need that they teach you. Get out of sebana wikute life. You ‘ve destroyed yo legacy.
You are a shameless old lady. How do you speak about corruption when you are a perfect example of corruption. You are the most corruption chief justice to ever held the position.
You are a shameless old lady. How do you speak about corruption when you are a perfect example of corruption. You are the most corrupt chief justice to ever held the position.
Oh please just shut up with your hypocrisy you are a nasty old troll go back to lord of the rings or the hobbit you dont need any make up you ll go there as yourself scary
by the way for how is she going to act????
4 as long as sata is in power and there is still more seats to nulify. they are *****s.
by the way for how long is she going to act as Chief Justice??!
Hahaha, when a mafya sees twig in another mafya and tell them to remove it when they themselves have logs and trees in their eyes. I wish people could have morals and talk what they practice
Remove the LOG from your eye first, madam.
For those of you that can remember, think back to the movie “Robo cop I”. Remember how it looked without its helmet.
Now look at the picture above.
Maybe we have a programmed “Robo judge”
This lady is shameless and typical of how the legal profession has degenerated in Zambia; the once noble profession is now littered with low-lives masquerading as lawyers in GRZ appointments and shamelessly sucking up to the appointing authorities with impunity.
Ba Phylis naimwe- ba your former colleague baNgulube was eating akanono from FTJ, ngaimwe? Or you have had enough from ba bukwe!
don’t even avoid corruption ; don’t simply do it1 full stop! You are the judges, judges are supposed to be independent mwe bantu!!!
We have stubborn *****s around. Rhupiah Banda aletinako sometimes. Not aba bakoswe. People have been toking but they cant listen
This woman is not only shameless but extremely very DULLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She has the least IQ at the Supreme Court and it is sad. ChiSata nacho……………………
How and why did this unmarried woman allow her PF Govt to corruptly misuse our tax payers’ money to maintain a mercenary Judge Chikopa live in expensive hotels for such a long time? I guess the Bemba Chiefs have a formula to sort out the Chibesakunda- clan.
In this vain we strongly advise Senior Chief Kopa of the Bisa to keep a long distance away from Sata vs Bemba Chiefs saga.