Friday, March 7, 2025

FRA officials shocked at how classified information on GBM to the president leaked to the Post Newspaper


Food Reserve Agency (FRA) officials have expressed shock and surprise at how classified information requested by President Sata on Saturday about the operations of Arizona Transport, the company belonging to former Defence Minister Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba, was given to a named newspaper.

Officials from FRA have told the Daily Nation that the President requested specific information about Arizona Transport and its dealings with the agency last week but that it was surprising that the information had found its way to a daily tabloid aligned with the ruling party.

The official said although FRA was not in a habit of releasing classified information to the public, they had no option but to give State House the information requested stating that it was surprising that the same information had been published in a daily tabloid that is believed to be part of the cartel holding President Michael Sata hostage.

This was after Mwamba, popularly known as GBM threatened to sue government and FRA if they did not revoke the cancelation of the maize transportation contract he had signed with the agency.

The officials said that the information published about Arizona Transport was correct but that FRA owed the company huge sums of money in transportation contracts which they had failed to be settle in a long time and that there was nothing sinister about the transactions because Arizona Transport had fulfilled all its contractual obligations.

“We are shocked that the actual information we sent to State House has found itself in the media. We compiled all the information on the transportation of maize by Arizona Transport and the money we have paid the company so far and how much we still owed the company. The boss also wanted to know the nature of the contract we signed with Arizona Transport. But we said that there was no actual contract but loading orders,” said the official.

The officials said that the amounts paid to Arizona Transport were correct as they had accumulated from away back.

The officials said that it was shocking and sad that some people wanted to mislead Zambians that Arizona Transport was paid dubiously or that the company was paid without doing its work.

“Even the time we directed our people in various depots where maize was being transported from, we had about over 40 trucks with trailers belonging to Arizona loaded with maize and we were ordered that the trucks be offloaded. We still owe them a lot of money over K1.8 million,” said the official.

The official said that they were shocked that the directives they received only affected Arizona Transport and not any other company transporting maize for FRA.

“Actually people should not be misled that it is only GBM’s company transporting maize for FRA, we have over nine companies doing the transportation and we have also paid huge sums to all these companies , in fact more than what we have paid off to Arizona and there is no need to raise non-issues about this,” said the official.

And when contacted Arizona Transport managing director Muma Mwamba confirmed the revocation of the loading orders saying his company was remaining with about 7 districts to finish the haulage of maize.

Muma said that it was sad that people were now creating an impression that his firm was not genuinely awarded the contract to transport maize.

He warned that he would not allow his company to be dragged into some unknown political battles just because his father is former defence minister. “I am the MD for this company and we shall not allow people to drag us into politics or make us join in these political issues. We are transporters and shall participate in all businesses as long as we have the capacity. We have more than 40 trucks and why should we not bid for transportation tenders?” wondered Muma.


  1. BA Sata go easy with pipo like Mmembe, nchito, kabimba, mmembes wife homo chella, Ala you will be burnt. Mind you you are not dying now. Mukalabutuka nga Mobutu, and look the way he died. These pipo have an agenda which does not include you sure, stop harrasing your your tribesmen. MUKALAPILA. Elo mukachusha a Ana nabeshikulu.


    • The moral of the story is: DO NOT SIGN PACTS WITH CARTELS.

      A very big lesson to all of us. Koma ka Chela (Chellar, Chellah, or whatever)

    • The presidents powers need to be curtailed.He has no right to demand information from organisations just for the sake of victimizing opponents and worse still giving classified information to his friend Mmembe.What right does a president have to demand information from organisations.People should stop fearing and learn to say no!

  2. FRA said, “said that there was no actual contract but loading orders.”

    But Mwamba jnr

    “said that it was sad that people were now creating an impression that his firm was not genuinely awarded the contract to transport maize”.


    • Ba mpundu trust I think nimwebo who doesn’t understand. Mwamba Jnr is actually not mistaken. In a standard organisation, contracts are signed for capital expenditure like eg building Silo’s in FRA’s case. In the case of operational expenditure, eg hauleage of maize, the procedure is usually that a purchase order is raised in the name of at least 3 suppliers. This goes through several levels of aprovals (depending on amount) at which end a purchase order (PO) is issued to the winning bidder. PO’s can be issued to different companies depending on the route. There is nothing wrong with this if Arizona had the best (best quality at lowest price) bid.

    • NB: a purchase order can be terminated within a specified period of time if the supplier does not deliver the prescribed quantities or fails to deliver at all.

    • And do u know a contract? A contract can be implied or expressed. Do u know the difference between the 2? Now tell me why did they pay if no maize was transported? Thus y u are pf c oz all pf and I mean all are dull including ur master. It just doesn’t make sense…nearly everyone whose contract u terminate has grounds to sue u.

    • @Mpundu trust
      Please not that every farming year the FRA require all transporters to submit an application together with a fee of approximately K150 before you can receive loading orders. It can therefore be implied that receiving loading orders in any given farming year means your application and fee have been accepted and a contract entered into for that farming year. But then again one can argue that parties to a contract are entitled to “relief” should one party fail to deliver the obligations and I’m not sure that FRA do seek or are entitled to relief in the failure of a transportor to execute a loading order. I think they simply cancel and re-issue to another transporter. However, that the role of the courts to determine whether or not a contract exists

    • A purchase order is a document sent to a supplier or vendor, authorizing shipment of a product to the customer at a specified price and terms. The creation of a purchase order creates a legally binding contract which cannot be changed without the consent of both parties.

  3. FRA, A bunch of retards and scared cockroaches !! Before you agreed to offload GBM’s already loaded trucks, you should have been brave enough to ask why, and to explain to whoever ordered you to do so, the implications or consequences. Learn to stand up to such orders. Don’t Kutina1

  4. Easily done. Cut, copy, paste then utter the word oops when pressing the send button… Also helps if the recipient is the newspaper owner or editor. Might try it one day but have nothing to send….

    • Most likely a politician just a few Miles away for fear of ‘Ukusebana’ because poor Ruth would not agree to abort the child. Ask ‘Bingo’ The Watchdog.

  5. @bee

    From my limited knowledge of law, the word ORDER is merely a form used to request merchandise, services usually from a wholesaler, manufacturer, supplier etc.

    The order document is essentially a form which captures all the information required by the consumer without being difficult, time-consuming, or confusing for the consumer.

    It is NOT a legally binding document.

    The Mwambas could only seek redress (minimal) if the trucks had already been moved to a site of loading and not for loss of business unless the trucks were bought with the sole purpose of hauling maize for FRA or if Mr Mwamba could prove that FRA’s action was politically influenced. Otherwise a consumer had all the legal right to cancel orders.

  6. The loading orders, as they stand individually, do amount to contracts. Some bloggers are envisaging a contract that says, for example, that Arizona will transport FRA maize for a period of three years at such and such a cost. Specific orders amount to contracts. There is an offer and acceptance to perform and provide consideration. In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the arrangements were impliedly long term. A contract may be implied from conduct or repetition. It doesn’t even have to be ‘sealed in stone, or blood’ like some of you think. It may be oral or discerned from practice.

    • Harold – Just shows you the calibre of these paid bloggers. Some things are so simple one doesn’t need much explainations as you’ve done.

  7. @Harold Muna

    Ba Muna

    If your business sends me an order to supply you with equipment, and I or you cancel the order afterwards for one reason or another, do you call that a legal binding document?

    In fact in certain countries, orders come with a disclaimer to the effect that the supply of goods or services are dependent on availability of either manpower or other raw materials i.e. ones capacity to supply at a given time. In the trucking business for example, haulage of goods could depend on factors such as fuel.

    My brother, GBM, could just be taking chances.

    • Boss, just to educate you our Supreme Court have ruled on the subject matter and unfortunately they do not agree with your school of thought as these are considered to be binding contracts. And the sad part about this whole fiasco is not the termination of the contract but the spirit of the termination. If Arizona was doing a splendid job why terminate the contract and risk a food shortage or whatever the consequences of delaying the haulage of the maize… we should just grow up as countrymen…

  8. Get qualified pipo to inter plate contracts for you! You may think there were contracts yet not! That’s why CIPS knowledge is best! Wina azaruza!

    • You are right Niche in Zambia people want to jobs they have no idea particularly procurement hence these problems. Only CIPS (MCIPS) holders should be left to handle such issues. You even wonder what ZIPS and ZPPA are doing.

  9. @Harold Muna

    You claim that, “The loading orders, as they stand individually, do amount to contracts.” Really? Purchase or service Orders mean what they mean? They are simply orders. They are not binding. One party can fail to fulfill them without any repercussions. Simple.

    If trucks were dispatched then GBM can only be reimbursed for time, Tyre and ware, fuel, time etc and not for the loss of business.

    In any case contract documents (if any) will always be referenced. Were any documents signed? We are just speculating.

    • A Purchase Order is a form of contract and is a legally binding document. A party that fails to fulfill it’s obligation can be sued for non performance. In this case ARIZONA have the liberty to sue. Please as we argue this case let us be referring to ZPPA Act of 2008 and not just guessing.

  10. When Zambian Watchdog tells you that Mmembe and Mahtani are cartel leaders you do not want to believe. Open your eyes!

  11. Sata being controlled by mmembe and the post.\ha ha ha what a dull president ever in Zambian history.Nchito and kabimba can’t win any case.ha ha ha awe tulinefikopo saana mu govt.we can’t wait for 2016 twalasebanisha.


  13. Expect more and worse!
    Where are all the movie script writers? Zambia makes such a good feed of great Synopsis for wonderful Thrillers!

  14. @chidume cha chipata – Purchase Order Cancellation Procedure

    A purchase order for either products or services is transmitted to Arizona, the order can be cancelled without any ramifications.

    You are right, a purchase order is a legal binding contract between FRA and Arizona. FRA or consumer is obligated for the cost of the product(s) / services listed on the purchase order until such time as the purchase order has been cancelled & an official notification has been sent to Arizona, the supplier. Prior to cancelling the purchase order, Arizona must be contacted by FRA to determine if the product(s) has been shipped or services have been rendered or received whichever the case.

    Please talk to Purchasing Managers for tips on simple procedures for cancelling orders.

  15. ATI,Food Reserve Agency (FRA) officials have expressed shock and surprise at how classified information requested by President Sata on Saturday about the operations of Arizona Transport, the company belonging to former Defence Minister Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba, was given to a named newspaper.WHY DO YOU THINK JOJI IS AT STATE HOUSE 4?WHO READS 4 HE?

  16. Ba @Bee

    I am not a cadre but some highly profiled individual with lots of business experience. My clients have cancelled countless orders at short notice, even after we have delivered the products.

    Can you force a client to buy or pay for the products or services when he has changed the mind at the last minute or when his/her accounts are dry?

    Please be objective and try to desist from being emotional or commenting on partisan lines.
    I feel for GBM but that is the penalty one pays for challenging the ruling class or the status quo in Africa.
    Why do you think genuine millionaires like Ndangote and Gates hardly get involved in politics?

  17. Loading orders imply that there is an underlying contract – alternatively the loading orders themselves constitute a series of individual contracts. Therefore to suggest that there was no contract between Arizona and FRA is to demonstrate disturbing levels of ignorance. How else was Arizona peforming the services and on what basis was FRA making payment ? They surely had a contractual relationshi – written or otherwise, based on the loading orders or otherwise. Ignorance , xti , xti ! !

    • I agree with you sir, in my haulage business a contract comes first before a purchase or loading order. That is we can not give you a PO if there is no contract. I am only speaking for my organisation.

  18. “FRA officials shocked at how classified information on GBM to the president leaked to the Post Newspaper????”

    Well, that is what “investigative journalism” at its best and is all about as opposed to LT and ZWD who rely on “fictitious reliable sources” only.

  19. @Rotten Teeth

    Please speak to Purchasing Managers if you have some at UPND on how orders for goods or services not yet delivered or delivered are deferred or cancelled.

  20. Whichever way contract or loading order, the contract with GBM is corrupt. He was a minister when he did jobs for government. That doesnt pass for fair business transancting. The sooner Sata is removed the better but where will we get a President that can fight corruption?

  21. @mpundu trust ..even a verbal contract is binding and if aggrieved you may sue,yes African presidents will act ruthlessly towards their persived enemies, ask should be independent from politics,,even bill tried with gates he didn’t engage for obvious reasons..I think even HH would behave the same once confronted with defections of this magnitude…ya! But we should desist from such obvious and unnesessary acrimony..

  22. GBM was the Minister, why couldnt they touch him then? If there was something wrong with his business deal with FRA, why didnt they cancel the contract then?

    The Executive Director of FRA is a Lawyer, why doesnt he take things straight? Politics or hatred? I dont know

  23. Mwe mbwa mwe bonse…. pantu tamuletontonkanya. Bushe ba Sata abo mwasalile mwaleti bakesa cita finshi? Li fontini kabili tabasambilia, can you se now how he is victimizing people? Mmembe will NEVER write a STUPID editorial about silly things like this because they are his bedmates.

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