It will be catastrophic if the Patriotic Front (PF) government will continue antagonising the traditional leadership in Northen and Western Provinces and fail to amicably resolve the problems that have been created in the two regions, senior Chief Bright Nalubamba has warned.
Senior chief Nalubamba has charged that it was only a foolish politician that would allow and watch the problems in Western and Northern Provinces degenerate into serious disagreements.
Senior chief Nalubamba said the problems in Northen Province where President Sata has refused to recognise Henry Kanyanta Sosala as the new Paramount Chief Chitimukulu and the never ending tension between government and the Lozi people of Western Province called for level-headedness and wisedom to resolve.
Senior Chief Nalubamba becomes the first to have broken the silence over the differences government and the Bemba and Lozi people among the traditional leadership in the country and said he had watched with great concern the sad happenings in the Bemba chiefdom and the Barotse Royal Establishment where government had decided to adopt antagonism as a way of resolving the problems.The House now headed by Chief Nkomesha has remained extraordinarily quiet over the impasse between President Michael Sata and the Bemba Royal Establishment and neither has the House commented on the events in Western Province where many citizens including the former Ngambela, Clement Sinyinda were arrested and charged with treason but were later released on nolle prosequi.He said in a statement obtained by the Daily Nation that it did not auger well that government was seen to be promoting chaos instead of peace and development in the the two regions.
He said Zambia did not have to wait for the intervention of the United Nation (UN) to resolve the problems in Western and Northen Provinces which had a potential to develop into a major catastrophe if politically badly handled.The traditional leader said Zambia was blessed with a pool of wise and prominent citizens who if properly called upon to resolve the problems of such magnitude, would amicably resove the differences between government and the traditional leadership in the two provinces. Senior chief Nalubamba has appealed to government to quickly and collectively bring together men and women from th church and the Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO), political parties and the traditional leadership to find a lasting solution to the problems in the two regions.
“…and so, it will be a foolish politician who will allow and watch the probles in Wstern and Northern Provinces develop into a civil war and such would be a narrow minded leader. Zambia has a pool of wise and priminent citizens who if properly called upon could easily resolve problems of this maginitude and avoid a major catastrophe which could be caused by the silence government has exhibited. Lokking at it from a traditional point of view, the problem in both provinces are no longer the concern of the PF government alone,” senior chief Nalubamba said.
He explained that he had decided to inlude political parties in his apeal for a lasting solution to the problems in Western amd Northen Provinces to because he realised hat Zambia belonged to all citizens irrespective of their political affiliations and could therefore not aford to be narrow-minded.
“We need peace and progress and development in this country. We lose nothing as brotyhers and sisters if we swallow our pride and arrogance and fight the devil dividing us. Political parties will come and go but Zambia will always be there,” senior chief Nalubamba said.
I have always said that this man is so unappreciated; so under-valued in Zambia. Such wisdom! I would go so far as to wonder loudly why Chief Nalubamba is Not President of Zambia right now. Unlike so May others I can think of, this man whenever he opens his mouth, only wisdom flows out! What a rare breed indeed amongst our traditional, political, government and even religious and other leaders today in our bolo veld country! Admirable.
Well, a lot more disasters have been created by the PF and he has been quiet because he was still eating with both hands. Now that he is full, he is begining to see the problems with PF leadership. He is therefore an just an opportunist. He will try to say has been very busy with the constitution but even when every jim and jake had realised that the PF are just thugs to reap off the nation and destroy every institution of governance, he was supporting the PF. These are people who should just be forgotten in politics. He has realised the wind is blowing in the opposit direction and that change in 2016 is inevitable, he wants to ride on the new train again. He is my chief and I used to be proud of him but since PF came into power, I have lost all respect for him.
Hmmm, @ Law 101, surely what this chief has said warrants him to be president of zambia? surely gentlemen, we should speak words which mean what we say. ati i wonder why he is not president of zambia!!! Am getting concerned with such utterances. what he has said has been said by nevers mumba, HH etc, why didnt you say they instead should be president. efyo mulufyanya mwe bantu!!!! Nalubamba kwisa? Am not disputing what he said but i refuse that mentality of some of us following up and saying he should have been president just because once in a while he has a few wise words to say. twakana, efyo tulufyanya ifi fiine!!!!
… called for level-headedness and wisedom to resolve.
which head can be level-headed? sata’s? i wonder …
let the confusions remain, so we can sort them out in 2016! they’ll surely lose nothern, western, eastern, southern …
Without killing the messenger, the chief should begin by apologizing to the nation for being one of the major advocates of this leadership – possibly paid for his loud mouth.
I am still not sober until February by choice but I am not running a country so I am not required to be a steady pair of hands. Most Zambians are choosing to live their lives and deal with their daily pressures so I have come to the conclusion a bored bunch of politicians like chess played with real lives and require a wake up call. Zambia turns fifty with our full potential still ignored. Creating drama should be left to successful fiction writers and the only reality show in town should be keeping the peace, calming troubled waters and actually dealing with the true dilemmas that exist without adding oil to the fire. Zambians deserve more from ALL leaders. Bicker now and suffer at the polls. Get the kids prepared to run digitally on a global level and they will undo DAMAGE 50..,
Foolish bright nalubamba you are of the *****s used by the pf leaflet to campaign for sata. You used to say a lot of rubbish things about the sober president for all zambians RB. You be next to receive the cobra venom.
@ Yondo Sister:
Leave the chief alone! Why blame him when you were the ones that voted for SataN? Use your head NOT your smelly unde.rside to think!
forsure u are Yondo sister, no manners.
If the chief has not been doing well, this writing reveals that he has come back to his normal thinking capacity. He is not only able to lead chiefs but to unite tribes very well. What do you need from our chiefs apart from this kind of wisdom?
Great to hear from you, your Highness. I have always enjoyed courage and wisdom, Ba Mwami. Kafuwa libungebunge.
Senior Chief Nalu,ndi panshi.
Agreed. Well said your royal highness. Only a fool will not heed your wise advice..
But these are the same stupid chiefs that supported the lunatic who is bringing this lunacy in the country.
Well spoken your highness.
One may ask, why would the House of Chiefs keep quiet over the bashilubemba issue? Taxpayers spend a lot of money on that House. Which Zambian, apart from the Chiefs themselves and the civil servants who serve that House can say what benefit that House is to Zambians?? Come one, I would rather sadly have Indeco established if asked to chose between the two…… If they cannot advise GRZ on bashilubemba and many other cases where the government has illtreated chifes, then what is the point of spending taxpayers’ money on that thing?
I meant “Chiefs” and not Chiefs and “come on” not “come one”.
Sorry folks.
Is he Lozi or Tonga chief….LT,LT,LT.
We’ll spoken chief. Many people like me including the chief supported pf in 2011 because it was the only party with the potential to remove the mmd from power. Most of us had grown tired of mmd honestly. I guess we all celebrated when mmd lost. However, within a short period of pf rule, I together with most of my compatriots who voted for the pf have become hopeless and disillusioned. In short, PF has lost my vote and the votes of many others.
Trouble is: now that you voted them in, they will manipulate your vote just like KK their mentor used to do.
Leaders are born. While it’s also true that leaders are made, the material out of which they get made is already within them. While a leader in his own respect, Mr. Michael Sata is not the kind of a leader who can rise to the challenge of these times in Zambia.
At best, he has and continues to copy Kenneth Kaunda, who I do want to believe is Mr. Sata’s greatest hero. Had he his own way, the incumbent would ere long have reinstated UNIP back into the saddle and appointed Kenneth Kaunda as his chief adviser! Welcome back to the Kaunda era.
I doubt that Mr. Sata will take seriously Chief Nalubama’s wise counsel. He simply doesn’t have what it takes to be his own man nor the capacity to establish his own legacy. The manual he is using to rule the country is Kaunda’s.
Now lets hear from the wise men from the East, Nanga mafumu uko ku mawa mukuti bwanji iyi nkani? we are all in this together!!
Just as the thre church mother bodies have done, to come together against the holding on to the constitution by the government, all the chiefs must unity against government’s intervention in traditional affairs.
What would be the real reason why Sata does not regard some chiefs or all of them as to publicly insult them, or chose the chiefs he really wants?. What do chiefs think about this kind of hatred to wards them by their own subject [Sata]? Is it constitutional? I need your guidance please. It really makes sense that we have them.
Our country is no more respected under the stone headed president that tìnks to be bossy is to be president. Where are the chiefs so quiet like midnight.
I meant where is the house of chiefs? This a proper issue for them to react to. Well done chief Nalumba!
The Clock is Ticking and it is running quite fast.