Friday, March 14, 2025

ACC terminates contracts of investigators and lawyers after they refused reduced salaries


THE Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has terminated the employment of 13 investigators and lawyers for disregarding the revised salaries and other conditions of service.

ACC Public Relations manager Timothy Moono confirmed the development in an interview in Lusaka yesterday saying the employees had been served with letters terminating their employment for refusing to accept the restructured salaries structure.

Mr Moono said in an interview yesterday that the employees refused to accept their new salaries, which were reduced following the harmonisation of salaries for government workers.

“The Commission has with other institutions under-gone the harmonization and rationalization of salaries and conditions of service as a Government institution and the process was completed last year,”

“We came up with a new salary structure and allowances but some officers were not in favour of the new conditions of service and indicated that to management saying if the Commission cannot revert to the old conditions of service, then they should be separated from the organization,” Mr Moono said.

Mr Moono said the Commission listened to the views of the workers and went ahead to begin the separation process.

He said the workers had been given up to March after which they would be separated from the organization.

The workers were served with termination letters on December 10, last year.

But inside sources informed the Times that the employees had sued the institution over the harmonization of their salaries and that the action taken had sparked the terminations.

The source declining to be named said the ACC’s decision to harmonize salaries was not in good faith and workers were not happy with the new development.

“Workers are not happy that their salaries have been reduced and have since taken legal action to address the matter and this is what has caused the organisation to terminate the employment of those that have taken the matter to court,” the source said.


  1. Even the ACC has been hit hard. Well, what do you have to say for your sorry selves? You are busy defending the government in the courts of law without realising that you have equally fallen into the trap of satamania. I hear the deputy chief justice has just tendered in her resignation, could it be that her emoluments have been cut by half? Just wait, the worst it yet to come, you will feel the pinch just like the nurses.

    • Uko, PF has spend all the money on by elections.Even the paramilitary who were sent to Chitimukulu have not been paid their allowance and are feeling cheated by PF.

  2. Salary harmonisation should never result in an employee earning less than what they were earning before or being worse off than they were before the harmonisation. That is the cardinal rule of salary administration. At worst such an employee’s salary can remain unchanged while those of others are adjusted upwards to attain parity. It is only under the PF that we have seen salaries reduced under so-called ‘harmonisation’. Anyway, this is what you get when you put an arrogant and dictatorial Grade 7 in charge of a country, especially if he refuses to take professional advice and fills the gvt with relatives and cronnies.

  3. Winter Kabimba fuel has been rejected. The power is in the hands of civil sevants to bring down sata. Unite and frustrate in every way possible.

  4. Of course, when he was chanting “More money in your pockets!”, he only meant Kaponyas’, so everyone who has been to school proper & in legitimate employment, just accept with our “AWARD WINNING DOCILITY” & our solace in prayers, try to take it by the chin!!

  5. Harmonization is good ….let people get what is worth their qualifications as they are employed by the same GRZ. How can the two degree orders in Maths get different salaries and yet they work for the same GRZ? Equal qualifications must attract equal salaries in GRZ period.

    Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.

  6. Moono should act professionally, the matter is in court and the Court has ruled that the employees should be paid as the terminal benefits in full or maintained on the payroll until the matter is resolved. By the way Boma said increasing now why are nurses, lawyers and others complaining! Ministers should also harmonise their salaries with PS and Directors!

  7. Thank God am in Production and not a service provider.

    The salaries if these educated people they call themselves, they could adjusted these salaries upwards and not to reduce the salaries and call it salary harmonization, where can one accept such a thing?

  8. And ACC expects to fight corruption by paying peanuts to their lawyers and investigators….anyway we all know that they hardly use them.

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