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Home NAREP demands the immediate release of Father Frank Bwalya

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    • SATA – ULI CHUMBU Munshololwa. Let me also add that ULINKULUNGWE WALYO MWAKA UMO.

      Not only me, glad even your minion GUY SCOTCH knows you cannot teach a DOG new tricks when refering to you.

      Regardless YOU ARE FIRED IN 2016. You’ve been a waste of my VOTE.

    • @Nostradamus
      where is Nostradamus my bemba friend??, am inviting him for lunch,,, i`ll buy him ifi umbu musholulwa( bend potatoes) and chicken from Nandos..

      in fact its an open invition to all bembas,,, as long as its the issue if ichumbu… or is it chumbu no plan(CNP) now

    • Let him rot in jail.A father is not supposed to be using words like that.Its disgusting ! I used to like father Bwalya but now that has gone into the bin.Smh

    • father bwalya natununa na menso, only a few more years to go. get used to it buddy. i mean we campaigned and voted for the man, lets stick it out until 2016 and perhaps and perhaps with the slightest chance, that the zambian electorate will chose otherwise. but i doubt it, umwina zambia lol, paliba incito. so maybe its not a few more years but 7 more years to go. Mukose ba lumendo.

    • @1.4 Bo ndobo,
      My mouth is watering for that nandos chicken kono wahesu ha u sika ni eza invite kwa malyalya, anyway nika eza gate crush. In setswana we say, ‘ re biditswe ke mokgosi o mogolo wa dijo’. Happy New Year sichaba!

    • @Ndobo, I was busy explaining to Sata the meaning of word “sturbon” whihc does not mean “Chumbu munshololwa”.
      CHUMBU = Sweet potato
      MUNSHOLOLWA = Can’t be straightened.
      That is exactly what I told Sata 23 minutes ago, that he is like a tough hyena. Who never have friend among animal kingdom, except fellow hyenas. That is not stubbornness, but ukutumpa fye.

  1. This is pure dictatorship! The same thing that used to happen during MMD has resurfaced in PF. The same way I used to hate MMD is the same way I am feeling about PF. In the interest of saving my country and the future generation from further misrule by MMD, I ended up voting for PF, alas not knowing that these guys were hiding in sheep’s skin. What a wasted vote! Please release my farther!

  2. If a viewpoint disagreed with is worth arresting someone then bloggers here could have each other arrested daily. The ability to publicly disagree has become impossible for the overly sensitive it is echoed throughout society and has crept online. The need to be seen as right all the time does not supersede the right for someone to believe you are wrong or stubborn as the case might be. Selective arrest for radio access is not a good sign but neither is grandstanding for votes with no election in sight. Grow a thick skin and allow multiple viewpoints. It is healthier than the alternative – agree or face my wrath…

  3. ba NAREP havent you learnt that the president cannot comprehend statements. like someone said, “we cannot solve problems using the same way of thinking we used when we created them”…so to you the opposition, think out of the box in finding a solution to shove this shameful leader, and i mean think waaaaaaay out of the box….noti fima statement.

  4. Zambians are being taken for a ride by PF govt. Zambians should take their country back from these thugs that placed themselves in power through lies and deceit. Restore democracy NOW!!


  6. Iwe Chipimo stop that crap.I`m bemba too “chumbu mushololwa” is not an expression a person of Bwalya`s status as a clergy should use in reference to an elderly person and his elected leader for that matter.I just find it weird why political differences(Which is basically having different opinions and views) makes people to lose their sense of rationality.People you have 2016 to change things but in the meantime give your elected president the respect he deserves.You may not like or agree with him but atleast just have the sanity to show him respect.Hope this is not too much too ask.I know this comment will be thumbed down and i accept that because we don`t share the same views.Politics are funny and raises emotions ,but the last thing you have to do is to lose your balance rationally.

    • Really, you think chumbu munshololwa is inappropriate? I think Sata is also a chitongo – how about that?

    • You can use any words or terms you like but it still doesnt change the fact that we should have respect for elders.You are just using those words because your political views differs from his(which happens everywhere and normal but disrespect iyayi baba).Anyway i have a presentation to give in two hours.I`m out of here.Good day yal !

    • @Saulosi, think before you write (talk). Who refered to Mwanawasa as “cabagge”? Was that person arrested? In your world, was that respect for elected leadership? What goes round comes round. Even as a die hard PF suppoert, at least look at the track record of the person you are defending otherwise you are losing the little credibility you have, if at all you had any. You are showing double standards bwana.

    • Soulosi

      Its unfortunate that you still live in the stone age era…
      Governing a country is not like a village were chief rule by being respected. This is a country not a village. If your dear Ukwa needs not be respected he first needs to respect himself…
      I can bet you that Ukwa’s end is very near. Am sure you are too your to tell when the wind of change starts blowing.
      The hallmark of how KK was kicked out in 1991 are everywhere to see of which you seem to be blind

      I have always and i can bet anyone on this blog said that the first Zambian president who will land up in jail is Ukwa. KK was forgive out of goodwill

      The people telling UKwa that he has clothes will be nowhere just like KK was left alone when the time of reckoning arrived

    • Ba Saulosi

      How-else did you want the father to call him? Cumbu Munshololwa is not an insult whether directed at an elderly or not. Prior to 2011 the father worked closely with the President and when he uses certain expressions we must believe him because he knows him better than you. He knows his traits and attributes.

    • Am bemba but grew up among the bemba friends and Am to a bemba woman who likes to use alot of bemba adages or idioms.When Fr Bwalya referred to Rupiya Banda as Amano wa buwelewele Sata and Mmembe were in the forefront supporting Fr Bwalya that the term Umuwelewele is not an insult but a bemba word meaning useless thinking or acting.Now what is more of an insult to be referred to as Cumbu mushololwa or Amano wabuwelewele?

    • Saulosi, you make me sick with your blind loyalty to Sata who is turning out to be the worst leader Zambia has ever produced. Didn’t Sata refer to Mwanawasa as a Cabage? Didn’t he refer to RB as Nyama Soya? It makes me cringe everytime I read your comments. It’s like your mind is warped and can’t make up a grownup opinion of what’s right or wrong. Is calling someone stubborn an insult? Would you rather everyone sings praises to Sata no matter how wrong he is? I’ve got to got and throw up. You and your Sata are nauseatingly dull.

    • Due to his failure to listen to advice, Sata is not only a “cumbu Munshololwa”, he can also be compared to “umwana ashumfwa uwaile na mashinshi ku buko”

  7. The police have a job to do. How many other inocent people have been arrested and no one speaks on their behalf. Cheap politics that is why we must think before say anything. Too bad Fr Bwalya is slowly becoming a jail bird.

  8. Defamation because it is true?!!! He is an i d i o t. Am I going to get arrested too? Sata is the worst president ever!!!! It is NOT OK TO DETAIN PEOPLE FOR THEIR FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!!!

    • chinyama i can now understand yu better yu a PF die hard suporter who can remain in house which as caught fire.pliz read what is writen on walls .It is clear someone is mis using his constitutional powers,because he has failed to govern de nation.

  9. The Lord
    God Almighty says, beginning from this
    year 2014; many of these African leaders
    who have been oppressing the poor, the
    orphans, the widows and the fatherless
    and He has given them time to repent but
    have refused to repent will face His
    judgment beginning from their
    households. He said many will die
    unceremoniously and suddenly; He will
    kill some through plane crashes; heart
    attacks and incurable diseases, their wives
    He will kill at their primes, their children
    He will inflict with strange diseases and
    many He will disgrace publicly both at
    home and abroad.

    • I agree with yu.I also had a dream last week end.This year someone is dying .Zambia will be healed soon dont wory.Since Childhood my dreams have been true,even our familly the Know that when i won someone it will come to pass.I dont understand were i got these psycic powers.Mark my words 2014.

  10. Chipimo is absolutely right in stating that Sata wants to intimidate all Zambians into submission and never to question his ways. He will not succeed. But my greatest bone of contention is the Zambia police force or whatever you call them. How can they allow to be used like a vigilante group. Are there no ethical standards to follow in their procedure? People have accused them of being a PF militia but of course they have denied this But there is more evidence emerging that the are a compromised, unethical, unprofessional and an immoral force. They have legitimately become a target in this political struggle to regain our democracy in Zambia.

  11. What goes around comes around. this man was very busy insulting and throwing red cads at RB and the MMD. now the snack that he praised has now bitten him!

  12. ndobo that term means a sweet potato which can not be straightened when it loses its shape in short uncotrolled creature. Am not bemba and its not an insult to say cumbu whatever.

    • Use your imagination. If you are a true Zambian, you must have eaten sweet potatoes at one point in your life. I am in England and I buy sweet potatoes from the local market and guess where they come from – Uganda.

  13. You rarely see the snake till it bites. The snake still has vernom and. Winter and membe are yet to get a dose of vernom. You cant charm the african cobra. Kill it and crush the head.

  14. The Holy Spirit says the days of long-
    reigning African dictators are over as two
    of them will pass away this year. There will
    be two coup attempts in two African
    nations this year; one in a tiny West
    African nation whose leader himself
    seized power and legitimized himself
    through democratic process.

  15. @ Sandra! You need to know that whether a “Father” or catholic priest one has the right to express one’s freedom of speech. We need people that can call a spade a spade and if the president misbehaves someone has to tell him or let him know it doesn’t matter whether he is a 100 yrs. To be a leader of the people and a good leader for that matter one has to listen, and listening to your subjects does nt make you a weak leader but rather it makes it possible to lead. By the way Frank Bwalya is no longer a priest please get your facts right. Anyway, our President has proved a disaster!!! Those cells are dirty!

  16. NAREP has mobilized legal support for Father Bwalya according to radio phoenix news. In all fairness I support the idea as opposition political parties are suppose to be helping one another in situations like this one. VIVA NAREP and ABZ.

  17. Frank Bwalya has always been like that call him anything or any name he is a person who has always spoke his mind. Am sure some people are happy that he has left priesthood because even as a priest he always spoke his mind if he saw the injustice in the church (church politics). I wish he had remained a priest because we have leaders in the church who are just like Sata, they know everything and everyone else has to follow!! Shame. I wish you well Frank…, whether you will be a president or not we need your pressure!! That’s my opinion!!!!

  18. Since u all r sayin come 2016 PF will go,my question is hav u taken a look @ the opposition leaders?so whose goin 2 beat HEMCS? Is it HH,chipimo,mumba,bwalaya or nawakwi? Am sorry to dissappoint u bt all these guys r too weak to be presidents.thez mo 2 being a president than jus ranting lyk inchinkula Fr Bwalya

    • @Chille

      HH is stronger than even Sata. You shall see come 2016. With his un comprising nature he will lock up these PF thugs until heaven comes.

    • chile 1 may i remaind yu that HH got more than 500,000 votes in 2011,half of what sata got to win.Currently apart from MMD he has largest network at grassroot level in 6 provinces.Chipimo got less than 70 000 votes in 2011,but did well than Milupi,This means they is promise in future for him,but 2016 will be trick for chipimo,since he has not even won a single byee election at constuency level.I see HH consolidating his gains as de issue of tribe will not over shadow his campains bcuase most Zambians now know it was Meembe,s gimic to blind Zambians form HH,s Potentio.I presidencial byee election in 2015.2014 Zambia shall morn again.


  20. He’s, it’s obvious this dictator is cumbu munshololwa
    he’s bossy, intimidating illiterate dictator!

  21. It is derogatory phrase. Frank Bwalya knew the feeling he intended to send. He is Bemba. Don’t blame the police; mind you there are Bemba policemen and women as well. Moreover the phrase was careless used in Bemba land.

  22. He has been arrested fot calling Sata Mushumfwa ati: “Chumbu Mushololwa”: The Bemba term literally refers to a sweet potato that breaks when it is bent and is used to describe someone who does not heed advice. Afuna si afuna Sata, his new name is now Ukwa Chumbu Mushololwa!

  23. That chap you call father is just a fake priest who is just a politician from another school of “We demand” just graduated from the school of”We condemn”..Those are the pure games of politics. It’s only in politics where people can get it that easy so long you can talk like inkaka.

  24. I don’t think Fr.Bwalya is setting a good example as a potential leader. There is absolutely no genuine reason for him to travell all the way and spend a night in jail. Please those close to him, advise him to avoid spending a night in a police cell as gone are the days when people became popular because of being arrested. Ba Bwalya you are old enough to filter your speech.

  25. Really is there a debate on this issue? Is calling someone ‘stubborn’, an arrestable offence? And why keep him in detention anyway? Charge him and release him. Then the court can decide whether those words amount to defamation. For me, this is a waste of police time – and a police force that has been compromised to no end by a regime that has placed Zambia onto the heap of political garbage.

  26. I support the father 100%, I am actually thinking of sending him some white chickens for use at his next public appearance.

  27. Another reason why a peoples constitution is highly recommended …believe it or not some of these laws still exist. …but most oppostion politicians (Sata included when in opposition) only choose to complain (or complained) when the sh@t hits the fan. This circle will always continue until us the people wake up.

  28. LT admin go to BBC Africa website, they have carried out a detailed article of what Father Bwalya said on radio putting all our shambolic online websites to shame. Why can’t you people show a bit of passion in your work.
    Wake up!!

  29. Jails are not built with all our tax money to keep someone committing such a misdemeanour. Jails are supposed to be for serious crime. Felonies. Sata is misusing state buildings, machinery for his own petty squabbles. Lets give him the red card

  30. Fr Frank Bwalya will be Fr Frank Bwalya as long as he wants to be. That is the way GOD works. Even in prison if need be.
    Now SATA CHUMBU MUNSHOLOLWA is not a bad name the humble servant of GOD has given you, just accept it.
    It is GOD’S plan that you are what you are: SATA CHUMBU MUNSHOLOLWA!
    C U IN HELL!

  31. So muno mu Zambia ni munwe pakanwa? This kind of politics is scaring me now. What of 2016? Is there going to be peace when this time just to use a metaphor is a criminal offence. Please boma spare the Penal Code Cap 87 of the Laws of Zambia. You are now abusing the statute. Mwanyanya…! Viva Padre Bwalya. Talk padre about cumbu cobenda.

  32. Sata has always been a bully. Not surprised he’s kicking off because someone has called him out on his character. It’s embarrassing.

  33. Poor Police officers! they are just being used like toilets. Fr Bwalya is very correct in or outside dirt cells, dull politicians improve even state of the the country look at the buldings of the cells how dirt they are, you cant be ashamed that apa mulebika ifiko ni pa internet. Mwilatusebanya , play your dirt games inside.

  34. Your route to Presidency, characteristic of Zambian politics. You are almost there but a few more stints and you are in.

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