Sunday, March 9, 2025

President Sata has not dumped me, he is still my Daddy


Stephen Masumba reading a statement during a news briefing at his residence in Ibex Hill, Lusaka
Stephen Masumba reading a statement during a news briefing at his residence in Ibex Hill, Lusaka

Former Sports Minister Stephen Masumba says he still envoys a good relationship with President Michael Sata.

Mr Masumba said he still considers himself a favourite of President Sata contrary to online media reports that President Sata has dumped the Mufumbwe MP.

He has also lashed at some online publications of spreading what he called fabrications regarding his relationship with the Head of State.

Mr Masumba who was recently convicted and sentenced by the Lusaka Magistrate Court for obtaining pecuniary advantage in the matter regarding the NIPA Diploma said he is a member of the PF and has no intentions of joining the UPND.

He was speaking during a news briefing held at his Ibex Hill residence in Lusaka.

“It is an insult that I’m going round spreading stories that I used to smoke dagga with the President. How can we Zambians allow such insults against our own President?”

[pullquote]“It is an insult that I’m going round spreading stories that I used to smoke dagga with the President. How can we Zambians allow such insults against our own President?”[/pullquote]

“For me President Sata is still my Daddy. I love him and respect him a lot. I know I was one of his favourite Ministers, he made me the youngest Deputy Minister in his government and am thankful for that,” Mr Masumba said.

He said the amount of lies and innuendoes peddled by some online media outlets is becoming sickening.

“They are simply sickening. How can they come up with such a blue lie that I smoke dagga with President Sata? These people are liars who should not be trusted,” he said.

He said,” You know these people are promoting hatred among Zambians but I want to warn them that their days are numbered. Government is seriously closing in on these people that publish falsehood.”

Mr Masumba said he does not have any intentions of crossing over to the UPND.

“The PF is my political party, remember I was with the MMD and I decided to dump the MMD and went to the PF when things were very difficult for the PF in Mufumbwe but God prevailed and I retained my seat under the PF ticket.”

He added, “I have heard some people saying Masumba is defecting to the UPND. I have no such intentions and if I ever decide to dump the PF, I will make it official and call for a press briefing the same way I have called this one.”

[pullquote] There is nothing strange about me holding on to my seat whilst facing court cases, there is a precedent already set in Zambia where Rev Nyirongo and Dr Katele Kalumba continued serving as MPs whilst appearing in court[/pullquote]

On the shooting incident, Mr Masumba said he had to fire a warming shot to scare away people that were trailing him.

“Contrary to what was portrayed, my life was in danger. Those people wanted to kill me or grab my vehicle and I had to protect myself,” he said.

“I had to fire in the air to scare them away and police came in and held me over night for protection. I was never arrested, I have not been arrested for that issue and yet the media tried to paint me as a criminal on the loose.”

He said most Zambians would find it difficult to believe his version of events when he fired a gun shot unless he was killed.

“Unfortunately, that’s the nature of us Zambians, if I had been killed, that’s when people would say his life was in danger. The truth is that some people were trailing me and I had to protect my life and my vehicles.”

Mr Masumba also complained about some of the names that he has been given.

“Some people find it fitting to call me Jumping Castle and all these other names. Its not fair because if I love dancing, why should it bother other people? Some people love beer and I love dancing, it’s unfair to judge other people’s moral standing because people are different,” he said.

Mr Masumba further commented on the ongoing wrangles in the ruling PF.

“These fights are not good for our party. Let’s promote unity, if its GBM or Wynter Kabimba who are fighting, let’s bring them together as a family and resolve the issue than fighting in the media. For me, I don’t belong in any camps and I don’t believe there should be any camps in the party, lets love each other.”

On the status of his parliamentary seat, Mr Masumba charged that he is not affected by the decision by the National Assembly to withhold his emoluments in the wake of his conviction.

He said he did not become Member of Parliament in order to be drawing a salary from National Assembly.

“I’m not affected by the withdrawing of my emoluments. The people of Mufumbwe asked me to represent them and that is what I will continue doing. There is nothing strange about me holding on to my seat whilst facing court cases, there is a precedent already set in Zambia where Rev Nyirongo and Dr Katele Kalumba continued serving as MPs whilst appearing in court.”


    • Seeing masumba’s house arrangements tells me more about the man himself. pali problem iikalamba pali ba tata aba. you might think its age, buti awe, seeing his house and what he was saying about his land rover 3 or whatever just made it for me. We are dealing with an ignorant prick here!!!

    • no the question is what is that small speaker doing on that subwoofer? ninshi did he know what he was buying when he bought those speakers or was he just looking for something expensive and not fully understanding how to use it efficiently?

    • looking at the dimensions of that house and the speakers doesn not make much sense. flambouyance,just because everyone is buying them. remember sound was never meant to be seen but to be heard. if you read carefully the instructions manual of those speakers, they will tell you that for the dimensions of that house, they would only be effective (quality wise) if they were played at maybe 40% their maximum output. then why buy such for that house?

    • But chilalila in that Masumba house, with those “bar” speakers!! with amplifier.
      I like that flower pot made of leather… watering in a leather flower pot, awe sure these PF has brought development.

    • Masumba ! I bet those speakers churns out a lot of good sound.I can see a sub-woofer,tweeters,coaxial speakers en all.Am sure chilalila umu mu bondi.

  1. “The PF is my political party, remember I was with the MMD and I decided to dump the MMD and went to the PF when things were very difficult for the PF in Mufumbwe but God prevailed and I retained my seat under the PF ticket.”

    It’ s unfortunate the world and Zambia in particular has bone such kind of f.o.o.l.s. So he crossed the lines in order to eat and not to serve the people who voted for him. ”politics of poverty and ignorance” no wonder it will take ages for Africa to develop – what a shame.


  2. Money or no money, Stephen Masumba will work, what an encouragement. Still Masumba you need money to feed your family, make things work, take your children to school and so on and so forth. People in whatever they do, let them do that as if they were doing it for the Lord Jesus Christ and not for themselves.

    What you really need now is to reflect on the your life and consider to totally turning to the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. Let Jehovah transform you and your life will never be the same. Find a true pastor and true bible believing church.

  3. Pessy Gore @ # 2; please allow me to comment on your last statement “that no wonder it will take ages for Africa to develop- what a shame”. You have been very diplomatic in you statement. I think Africa will not actually develop if its citizenry continue doing business as usual. There is need to introspect and change the mind set of us Africans and do things very differently. We have all the resources but instead of settling to work hard, do good and make headlines for the right things, we seem to be doing the opposite. It pains to realise this and imagine a continent our children will inherit. We are irresponsible.

  4. Is he “high” on something? maybe weed. We are not fools forever. Keep on trying asking Sata indirectly to forgive your criminal activities. Anyway, he has surrounded himself with thugs and former convicts for importatant rolls like state house security, infrastructure development, etc and you have a high chance of forgiveness in a banana republic.

  5. ….hahaha..’Jumping castle’….I delayed posting my comment for almost 30minutes bcos I couldn’t stop laughing. Nearly every adult has a nick name either from children or from students, subordinates, etc…usually related to who u are…no need to cry foul mate. With those acrobats in a boxing ring.. what do u expect….to be nicknamed ‘Princes’…noooo. He did not mention ‘playboy’ meaning he prefers that one to jumping castle…hahaha..?

  6. He looks suicidal to me!!!. Please watch him closely, coz he is on the verge of swallowing ‘tumankwala twaba koswe’!!!

  7. Most of these bloggers on this one are st upids.Yes, dull !No one has debated in any logical manner.When a lie or any evil is done to any human being its still evil no matter how u hate that being.So whoever lies about Masumba is wrong.

  8. The Future 2023 Kalubale President Masumbu, i like his stupidity though, hope he continues with this kind of stupidity till he becomes ZED presido.

    • why tribe please? God never one tribe to be all stupid – even in your family they are different cases. some encouraging others not so much – the bembas have a saying that mumunda ni mucabu. i really dont care about tribe but for the content of someone’s character.

  9. What does he mean that SATA is his DAD, also SUNZU that HR is his DAD this is total nonsense, the fathers to these boys must investigate their spouses, though for SUNZU HR cannot put his on a black woman

  10. the truth will always come out. so if really masumba was being chased by robbers, he had every right to defend himself. but he goes on to say that he was not charged. at what stage did the police decide not to charge him? immediately they knew it was him or when? secondly, it is incumbent upon yourself masumba to sink or or swim youve been given a chance to reedem yourself as you are awaiting the outcome of your appeal. please better ‘disappear’ from the limelight than being a headliner for all manner of reasons. remember, if we heard that someone like Miyanda fired warning shots, most people would belive him than your story. why because people have a perception of who you are (rightly or wrongly).

  11. the labelling theory exists to everyone living in various communities more so if you hold responsible position you are in the limelight your honour..whether you know your label or NOT it will still justify your interaction with honourable stephen dont bother about people calling you something-but if your conscious is not clear you can defend yourself as you have done.enjoy your youth and worry less.

  12. [b]”I have heard some people saying Masumba is defecting to the UPND” [\b]
    Oh come on, you think UPND are desperate for dunderheads like you? What a joke.

  13. “I have heard some people saying Masumba is defecting to the UPND”
    Oh come on, you think UPND are desperate for dunderheads like you? What a joke. You are not welcome. Remain in the Panga Family

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