Friday, March 14, 2025

GBM not under probe, we never said we cleared Kabimba and GBM, we just closed their cases – ACC


Justice Minister Wynter Kabimba and Defence Minister Geoffrey Mwamba
Justice Minister Wynter Kabimba and former Defence Minister Geoffrey Mwamba

Former Defence Minister Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba is not under probe by the Anti-Corruption Commission, ACC public relations officer Timothy Moono has now revealed.

Responding to journalists who wanted to know whether ACC had instituted investigations against GBM after former defence deputy minister Davis Mwila made calls to have him probed, Moono said that the commission was not investigating Mwamba on any corruption related issue because they did not have any information against him of any wrong doing.

[pullquote]“I did not say that we had cleared them (GBM and Wynter Kabimba). I cannot remember using the word cleared them actually I don’t use that word. The position is that we have closed the investigations,” he said.[/pullquote]

Moono said that the only information they had were media reports suggesting that he should be probed for abuse of office in the manner he was managing his business.

“I will respond to that question just now. We are not investigating him. We have not instituted investigations against the former defence minister. What we have so far is media reports suggesting that we should probe him. But we don’t act on media reports or any hearsay, we do that in a proper manner,” said Moono.

He also said that ACC had last year closed the investigations where they were probing Mwamba and Justice Minister Wynter Kabimba on allegations of corruption.

When asked to state the clear position of the previous investigations linking Kabimba to Trafigura and Mwamba to Zesco, Moono said that at no time did the commission state that they had cleared Kabimba or Mwamba of corruption investigations but had closed the investigations.

“I did not say that we had cleared them (GBM and Wynter Kabimba). I cannot remember using the word cleared them actually I don’t use that word. The position is that we have closed the investigations,” he said.


    • Mr Moono, you haven’t explained the meaning of “Closed the investigation”. I guess you’re using the word “CLOSED” in the same way that students do when they say “SCHOOL HAS CLOSED”. So, what’s the reopening date?

    • That’s one big problem I have with LT reporters: they don’t ask the obvious and necessary follow up questions when building a story or interviewing someone. As such they end up giving us half cooked stories replete with unanswered questions.

  1. Governing the country may be as great a challenge as delivering services to the people of Zambia replete with “big thoughts” consultant’s galore. But as things stand now with PF government questions raised are: can comedy series ever match the absurd reality of uncontrollable wild PF?
    The mockumentary continues with Sata taking advantage of the docile Zambians over corruption legacy he navigates with subtlety on his senior PF ministers at the core of corruption and cleverly controls the ACC as a whip to be used on selected Zambians. ACC never told the nation on the conclusions on Kabimba and GBM then, today its activities are revived on the two with interest on one of them.

  2. Ba Moono you may have a short memory but this is what you said on the 24th of April 2013,
    Mr Moono said the two ministers’ cases were thoroughly investigated but were unsubstantiated.

    “The ACC investigated the corruption allegations against Mr Mwamba and Mr Kabimba but we found no evidence of corruption against them and this is why they were cleared,” Mr Moono said.

    • Thanks aKopala. What this boils down to is that the interviewer was unprepared for the task. That journalist failed. A glance at the list of questions, prior to the interview, and a little bit of research, would have squeezed every bit of truth and exposed every lie from Moono. Our journalists should take a leaf from successful boxers. Good boxers will do all they can to pin their opponents into a corner. What’s more?…half the fight is done before the fight.

  3. Look as long as Kabimba is in government and Fred is in control of sata, nothing will happen. Sata has no say over Fred because he captained for him and the reason he appointed a lot of them from this paper into foreign mission and other government institutions.

  4. How do you close a case without clearing the culprits? Re open and finish with the 2. Kabimba with oil 1. He admitted t5hat he was offered money and he didnt report the corruption case which is a case against him. By the way what did he do with the offer? its better the ACC thing is scrapped as it is a drain on national coffers through investigations

  5. This is a clever way of saying the ACC can now re-open investigations now that GBM is no longer in government!

  6. For how long are we going to be CHEATED.You won elections through LIES & u want to continue ruling with Lies.As far as the nation knows, ACC told us that GBM & Kabimba were CLEARED.

  7. Hahahahaha, selective fight against ‘corruption’. so Moono is planning on opening GBM’s case hahahaha. thats fine for now Mr Moono , we will instruct you to open Kabimba’s as well in 2016.

  8. PF spin docs trying to be obscurantist,obfuscators,ambiguous prevaricators just to beat the justice system courtesy of the cumbu.They know most zambians aren’t much educated to smell a rat in their fancy wording.

  9. OK ba PF with your deliberately misleading wording.Come 2016 we won’t slap you,we’ll just define the painful act as high fived your ugly faces.

  10. Really laughable these are the entities you want to entrust your SIM details…they have forgotten that back that they told us these two thugs were thoroughly investigated today the wind direction has changed its a different story.

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