Thursday, June 27, 2024

We have information that Politicians have bank-rolled the constitution crusade to embrass and undermine Government-Kapeya


INFORMATION Minister, Mwansa Kapeya(L)
INFORMATION Minister, Mwansa Kapeya(L)

Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services Mwansa Kapeya has said that Government is aware that the recent crusade on the constitution making process is being bank-rolled by politicians. In a statement released to the media today, Mr. Kapeya, who is also Chief Government Spokesperson, said that it was regrettable that a noble process to produce a new constitution had been hijacked by certain political elements and selfish individuals whose objective is to embarrass, humiliate and politically undermine the sovereign will of the people.

Below is the full press statement.

Republic of Zambia
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services


Government is aware that the recent crusade on the constitution making process is being bank-rolled by politicians.

Government is in possession of credible information that money from well known political parties and leaders has exchanged hands to fund the current campaign on the constitution making process.

Identifiable politicians have released these funds to specific civil society leaders to champion this cause.

If pushed too far, we shall name and shame the culprits involved as well as show the trail of how these funds were channelled for this purpose.

As Government, we wonder where this desperation is emanating from if truly the proponents of this campaign are genuine.

Indeed, it is regrettable that such a noble process has been hijacked by certain political elements and selfish individuals whose objective is to embarrass, humiliate and politically undermine the sovereign will of the people.

We would like to assure the Zambian people that Government will not surrender this dignified process to opportunistic and reckless individuals with concealed motives.

Be comforted that we are alert and the current political schemes and ill-intentions over this process will not go unchecked.

We shall defend and protect the interests of the masses from those that have hijacked this decent process.

As Government, we are convinced that the constitution making process can only succeed if it is devoid of narrow partisan and sectoral interests.

Hon. Mwansa Kapeya, MP

9th January, 2014


  1. How does Mr Kapeya qualify to hold his position?

    I am sick and tired of reading the statements that have broken English, and had made mockery of his majesty

    Get rid of this man and Chellah

    They are embarrassing the integrity of the president


    • There is no need to bank-roll a crusade to embrass the PF govt,,,,, these PF chaps embrass themselves day in day out!!!… chumbu no plan!!!!!

      That constitution should have taken 90days only as per promise in the first place

    • mr kapaya, why worry about people who are not in charge of the process? you are in charge so give us your roadmap and release the draft to the zambian people, the owners of the document. its nonsense to say people who you cant mention have hijacked the process, is the document no longer with you? this is 1diocy of the worst kind

    • Kapeya the minister of PROPAGANDA and TOTAL CONFUSION, why don’t you just say PF is trying hard to bribe the civil society to support Sata’s dodgy plan but are failing because the civil society have realised that you are about to doctor the constitution to make Sata your King.

      Please spare us your rubbish because even your children and wives know that your schemes regarding the constitution are all dodgy.

      Please publish the names of those gallant men and women who have Zambia’s plight at heart, unlike you useless bunch of with no clue of how to govern in modern times. We shall exhort those sponsors high and call them heroes .

      This is typical potato mentality!

    • Does this F.OOL realise that the people who paid for the constitution want what the paid for?

      So what if someone pays people to ask for what belongs to them?

    • @Ndobo, 90 days or 90 yrs doesn’t matter. What matters is honesty and transparency.
      Again Kapeya is holding a SECRETE of politicians who are funding the crusade. Just say HH paid so much on that particular day to Gen. Miyanda, and then Miyandu shared with Chipimo & Fr. Bwalya so much…

    • Kapeya or whatever you call your self.

      This is not Ifyabukaya, not a comedy. Stop being a comedian, be serious and shut your stinking mouth if you’ve nothing to say..

    • For the first Mushota has made an intelligent observation……..truth be told these two are an embarrassment to cabinet and the office of the president

    • Sata is panicking and has sent DEC and police officers to search HH ‘ s residence and to arrest HH for questioning.

      Fortunately over 400 hundred people are guarding his residence and prepared to respond in what ever way should the police resort to the use of force.

      I am liking this because its just be the spark to start a revolution people were waiting for.

    • Mwansa Kapeya and his President at State House should merely scrutinize what terms of reference they gave to the Technical Committee on Drafting the Constitution.Let them ask themselves if they have followed what they instructed the TC.CSOs depend on donations which can be foreign or local.There is nothing to be ashamed about if a local entity is able to support an NGO.Why cry ba Mwansa Kapeya??PF is embarrassing itself for not keeping to the terms of reference they set for themselves.No need to accuse others.

    • I want to give credit where it is due! You really sound dispassionate and sensible. Please, uphold this sensibleness eventually it will be part of your character and life.

      Do not disgrace yourself by appealing more to your emotions than mental power. Viva Girl Power!

    • Mushota, there’s something common between everyone you’ve mentioned (Sata, Chella and Mwansa Fyabukaya Kapeya) and yourself – they all DON’T HAVE ANY INTEGRITY!

    • Iwe Mwansa Fyabukaya Kapeya, this ‘crusade on the constitution making process’ is to EXPOSE the injustice that your boss and cabinet are subjecting Zambians to. It is also to NAME ANDSHAME YOU THE OPPRESSORS! When you as government name the so-called FUNDERS of this ‘crusade’, you’ll actually be naming people whose role is like the one played by NELSON MADELA, OLIVER TAMBO, ROBERT SOBUKWE, ANDREW MLANGENI, ALBERT LITHULI, WALTER SISULU and many others who put up a struggle of huge sacrifices to fight against an unjust system of racial segregation called APARTHEID. If I were one of these “funders” I would really love to be “EXPOSED”!

    • I would rather not have a marred constitution than push pf to produce one which is against their pf manifesto and 90days promise campaigns..

    • What is surprising is Mwansa fimofimo is crying that the constitution has been bank-rolled by politician when on the other hand he claims its them having the mandate to do what they want, why then can’t he show to us the true owners by releasing it to us. We need this document so much. Infact it is a matter of urgency that this thing be given to the owners (Zambians).

  2. I agree with you Mushota 100 percent. Not only that there is need for civility on the handling of the constitution making process by Sata’s poorly equipped government.

  3. I have a feeling most of us give absolutely not one sh!t about what you have discovered Mr. Kapeya old chum, so why don’t you make like a corpse and die?

  4. I really do not understand Kapeya’s statement!! Is he insinuating that some politicians have sponsored people to go and secretly grab the draft constitution from Sata who is keeping it under his armpits? Or is he saying that the civil society organizations, church mother bodies, politicians, LAZ want to grab the draft constitution and edit the contents?

    • Under his smelly armpits… He should watch out it may reach his urine bag and make a mess of things. Sata is, I am really sorry, a stupid old man. Imagine he even locks up Frank Bwalya for his opinion that he is a chumbu and yet he didn’t take issue with Scott when he said in a Parliament that he is an old dog that can’t be taught new tricks…muzungu anikonde.

  5. …I am surprised that government is complaining yet they are the one’s who are undermining the Zambian people by hiding the constitution and showing to the President and his cabinet ONLY so they can doctor the constitution to suit themselves forgetting that they shall too be out of power, then in the end they will claim innocence and say it was the people they appointed to work on the constitution.The government has to be transparent. …

  6. Mr Mwansa Kapeya, be serious. It is Sata who promised that he would give the people of Zambia the constitution within 90 days. Now that people are reminding you of the 90 day promise, you call it desperation. Can you define the word ” desperation”? Sata was actually desperate to get to plot one. Desperation caused him to give the 90 day promise. Zambians do not need to be funded by politicians in order to push for a new constitution. Who funded Sata for him to promise to deliver the constitution within 90 days?

  7. Ba Patriotic Fools just release the Drift copy to the public. We know u very well. U don’t want this constitution this time around until after 2016. Useful *****s.

  8. Who has hijacked the draft constitution and its process? A or B

    A. Sata who is currently keeping it to Himself alone

    B. Civil society, churches, LAZ, politicians who want it availed to the public now

    • how many times are you going to see, come 2016 PF will win again and no doubt about this issue. therefore I can assure you that hh will and he shall never become a president of this country called-Zambia full-stop!!!

    • @siphilicy
      I have seen 1diocy on this site but not to an extent of becoming a false prophet. keep your hate for an individual to yourself. I do not think people are interested in knowing who will or will never be president. all upright thinking people are looking for a leader to get us out of this rubbish we brought to ourselves in 2011. muleke akalumwa. just work hard you can also be like the person you passionately hate

  9. Off Topic but still in line with PF Nonsense:
    Do you people know that the British pound is selling at over 9 pin?
    Do you people also know that there is a shortage of dollars in the country???

  10. The issue of say the constitution making process has been hijacked is a lame excuse and a laughable one for that matter. We are not happy with the way this regime is handling this very important matter. First the grz did not respect the terms of reference of the constitution making process of releasing the draft constitution simultaneously to grz and the public, and they are saying they are not in a hurry to give us a people driven constitution, We complain, they say someone is flushing money? ridiculous!

  11. People easily forget,just 2years ago sata was the noise maker crying foul on the constitution and promised to spend up the process,Tc tried to convince govt that it had promised the public it will be a simultaneous release of the draft but pf who is on the wrong side of history,pf or the Zambian people.when u are up their don’t forget your friends(majority of Zambians)who are down.

  12. so what if the pound is over 9 pin. that is as a result of a rising demand for the Pound. Chaps like Nick and Mushota have money and keep buying more and more pounds. Zambians have money. Just pass through Portico, Times, Raphsodys, Smugglers, KCC, East Point etc etc and see how much beer the chaps are buying. We now have ALR registeration on the roads which is yet another sign that even with the Dollar at 5.53, chaps still have the money to import cars. PF is working and Kapeya is right.

  13. Even UNIP/Kaunda/william banda/alexander kamalondo- everyone told us that they have the best intentions for the masses. They all seemed caring to the people of Zambia. This also includes Cobra – THE BEAST /Chiluba during the third term campaign, he kept reminding us that president Chiluba knows what the people of Zambia want and like.

    How can anybody trust you since you have lied before?

  14. PF was not voted for by the majority of Zambians but are in power now because of bad laws.They have no claim to represent the majority.So what if the opposition is bank rolling the crusade do you expect IMF to do it?

  15. A good title on any subject should not be more than 20 words. Secondly, does this man refer to information or evidence? I’m saying so because I also have information but NOT evidence that he is lying.

  16. I am now praying for father bwalya to come back in his senses before he direct himself to madness of which he has started, am get tired of this nonsense of opposition criticising GRZ every time please grow up without tangible solution.

  17. “We would like to assure the Zambian people that Government will not surrender this dignified process to opportunistic and reckless individuals with concealed motives.”

    So we should trust you instead? Like we did on so many things in the 90 days scam? You are the master of donchi kubeba and you have done that to us already so no bwana minister. We dont trust you. You are not dignified enough to handle a dignified process.

  18. Mr Kapeya can you answer the questions below here and tell whether this was PF pronouncements or not.
    1) Was handing over the draft constitution simultaneously to the president and public part of the terms of reference to the technical committee drafting the constitution?
    2) Who said that the draft document will be handed simultaneously to the president and the public.Was it the opposition parties and the PF President?
    Can LT please reproduce what the president said during the swearing of commissioners for the technical constitution review team.

  19. “Mwansa Chumbu Munshololwa” – Your boss told me I will have a new constitution in 90 days. It’s not funny.

    Do not think we all as as dull as YOU. I will not be used by an opposition politician, I need the constitution now.

  20. Is it against the law to fund a campaign to influence speeding up the constitution making process? Don’t all campaigns organized demonstrations require money?

    What is so different about this one?

    PF promised the constitution within 90 days by themselves. How are we wrong by peacefully reminding them about making good on their promise?

    2016 is around the corner and we will not forget this.


  21. I strongly agree with what Chanda Chimba the 3rd said that the greatest enemy of Sata is his mouth.

    who promised the people of Zambia a constitution within 90 days?
    If you know the politician why not list them now so that the country knows them?
    Bufi,this how PF is loosing popularity.Lusaka,copper-belt,Northern and Luapula this is your man of action you voted for.This time you proved that urban people are not wise but unseless people how do not see the future

  22. This is such a shameful statement from the government. Mr. Sata you are older than Zambia – you are approaching your 80th birthday while Zambia is only 50 years old. Why can’t you contribute to strengthening the growth of Zambia by coming up with a great constitution – a constitution determined by the People, for the people…? Awe mwandini bane mwalishupa!!!

    Opposition leaders are Zambians too – and they have every right to demand for a constitution. You set up a committee, it has completed its work, why are you accusing the opposition of hijacking your process? It is you who are failing to meet your end of the bargain and Zambians, including opposition leaders, are demanding that you become honourable men and women whose word is worth something by releasing the constitution to them.

  23. PF thrives on lies and people’s ignorance.
    I am happy that their slogans have since become obsolete. Try shouting, “pabwato” in a market place especially on the copperbelt. Or ” more money in your pocket”. I fear you might receive punches for such utterances from kaponyas. They too feel duped by cumbu mushololwa

    To flourish further pf has to maintain manufacturing lies as is the case above.

    Say it whatever “haleisa halenya” truth is “haleisa hakateka”

  24. A potato and anaza potato, oh two potato ah from mupika!!!! Ha who got a peeler, we go peel two potato, den we deep fryer, maybe taste good after fryer? Ba kapeya this is not comedy, be serious!!!!!

  25. Tension is being created by PF and it’s minions for not releasing the draft constitution, sorry for supporting these F.ools I thought I was doing good to them kanshi mafifye yekayeka. I have u turned now I was under the control of the devil.

  26. That choice of language or tone frm the dirty mouth of kapeya is a copy or similation of his master’s voice, the ailing dictator himself whose tone is devoid of wise rebutal let alone wise counsel. Those funding the groups who are opposed to govt insincerity,arrogance, poorest leadership style cannot and will never be ashamed by kapeya’s childish outburst if anything they are men and women of integrity and honest which qualities are lacking in state hse.

  27. Mwansa knowing the kind of leadership with “loose mouths” in PF you wouldn’t have hesitated to disclose the politicians financing the NGOs. Just disclose, as you did with the unfounded disclosure of K3 trillion printed by MMD! Lexus vehicles procured by RB etc. You promised us a constitution “in 90days” we have given you over 2 years, you told us October 2013 the draft was going to be released! again you moved to December 2013! After failing to meet your own deadlines you even have no shame to tell us that some politicians have hijacked the process. These are bad signs at your age seriously. Don’t allow the politician to hijack the Constitution making process by giving us the Zambians what you promised. The NGOs are pressuring because your president is on record of need a new…

  28. I like the way chilufya reacts when pipo nick-name him…Chimbwe Mushololwa – Fr F. Bwalya Locked up, Chimbwi No plan – HH locked up….So if u wana get Locked up dare come up with one…

  29. Kapeya and all the PF minions and demons both in and out of GRZ, take note, when the time comes and the masses are hanging you by your balls and tits in a few short years, that you had a choice to do the right thing and YOU chose poorly. MCS isn’t standing behind you with a gund to your head or that of your lobved ones either.

    YOU are the greedy pig, scoffing down as much as you can at the expense of the masses. MCS simpy is usining your greed and fear against you. You will answer some day. Kapeya, YOU WILL ANSWER! Our children will know your greed and trechery. MARK MY WORDS.


  30. A government of statements!! Unfortunately, they are statements from the wrong people; it’s either from Kapeya or Chellah and never from the person everyone expects to hear from directly – the president. No, he is missing in action! But even more annoying is the pathetic quality of those statements!! Broken English, poor usage and choice of words, uncouth, undiplomatic and outright crude language not befitting either ministerial or presidential status, and the list is endless.

  31. please *****s of pf stop insulting zambians with you dullness no one is going to believe you with your lies zambians dont need a polictians to pay some one to champion for the constitution sata said 90 days now you *****s hijack the constitution to try and blame some one else for what you have failed to do because you want to manipulate the the proccess you dull *****s grow up or just die

  32. Ifyabukaya or s**t like that does not sell. Bed time stories trying to get away from reality and the real facts. PF is like that. Full of……..

  33. The Zambian tradition says “with age comes wisdom.” But in other words it is actually the real opposite with our granny politicians. At his age Kapeya should be brave enough and notice that it`s actually the government which wants to hijack the constitution….but he`s playing politics of the tammy. These old guys are deliberately ruining our economy because they know that they won`t be there to pay the debts…..they don`t care…..and the law may not even catch up with them coz they are too old to live till trial! Very useless old men!

  34. It is an insult to Zambians to claim they are being influenced by politicians when they demand what they deserve. Zambians don’t have to wait for politicians to demand what they deserve. It is just as foolish to claim civil servants are being influenced by the opposition when they demand better conditions of service. Kapeya should just ‘name and shame’ those leaders instead of wasting space.

  35. Embarrassment & Humiliation is what u the govt are feeling because of ur falsehood & abrogation of terms of reference made by u.

  36. It seems the so-called intelligentia are not able to digest that a man with humble background with astute dexterity and understanding of reality on the ground has ascended to the highest office of the land. NGOs feel neglected as they no more get brown envelopes that they are used to from Chiluba and Rupiah.

    Sour grapes.

  37. Sata is a fulunyemba(a chameleon). Watch him carefully as he changes colours.

    Please assist me with the name for a chameleon in your first language.

  38. Sour grapes. No more brown envelopes are making NGOs make noise. Earlier they realise better for them that the days of Chiluba and Rupia dishing out brown envelopes to Chiefs, NGOs are long gone.

  39. PF government is sleeping and constitution is hijacked. wake up from slumber and redeem the constitution if you are worth your salt. Stop crying little children and stand up as men for what is right and good for mother Zambia

  40. So what if politicians are bank-rolling or funding the process of questioning the government’s ill attempt to hijack the noble Constitution making process that was well-intentioned? Why is he so concerned about who is funding the process, rather than what they idea they are fighting for? Trying hard for reverse-blame and divert the attention of the real problem. It’s the govt that is trying to bulldoze the entire process. They went against their own terms of reference.

  41. Mwansa kapeya is killing Sata politicaly,i beg all Mps to resign today it does not matter u are pf Upnd or Mmd let us fight for Mother Zambia

  42. I am on my nees beging all of as who knows an mp to convince them to resign today so that we can have general elections within 90 days,Zambia has been left behind in development becouse we have no good leader

  43. This really beats me . Assuming this is true , what is wrong with someone financing the civil society organisations to advance this cause ? Isnt that what is supposed to happen ? If you support a cause shouldnt you fund its activity. PF there is nothing wrong with anyone bank rolling this cause. It is not an offence. If anything, anyone bank rolling this should be proud and commended.

  44. What is wrong is bank-rolling something you believe in and you consider the right course… it there a law which forbid people from funding such legitimate activities!

  45. its an insult to right minded Zambians to say that their decision to stand up for their rights and for the right things was not our will but that of some puppet master with deep money bags.

    Mr. Minister, since you have all this info, bring 1, 2 or 10 people that can prove that they were paid. Bring, Miyanda, Grillo, NGOCC, EFZ, CCZ and a few more. Parade them and let them tell us how much they were paid, when, where, by whom and why they accepted the money and showed up?

    Otherwise, shut your stinking sewers you call mouths and just go back to fvcking little girls the ages of your great grand daughters!

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