Friday, March 14, 2025

Church dismisses constitution hijack claims by President Sata


Bishop Joe Imakando and Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia president Reverand Pukuta Mwanza (l)  confer
Bishop Joe Imakando and Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia president Reverand Pukuta Mwanza (l) confer

Church mother bodies have dismissed assertions by President Michael Sata that the constitution making process have been hijacked by individuals whose objective is to embarrass, humiliate and political undermine the sovereign will of the masses.

Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia (EFZ) Executive Director Reverend Pukutu Mwanza says there is nobody outside government with the capacity to hijack the constitution making process as is being insinuated by the President.

Rev. Mwanza adds that government is in control of the entire constitution making process.

He explains that the Church and Civil Society Organizations have only raised concern following abrogation of the terms of reference by the Technical Committee after government directed that only ten copies of the final draft constitution should be printed.

He says this is contrary to the original terms of reference the Head of State had set for the technical committee upon completion of the final draft constitution.

Rev. Mwanza states that the Church is suspicious of what government wants to do to with the final draft constitution.

And the Council Churches in Zambia says it is not in the interest of the constitution making process for Cabinet to first go through the draft constitution before it can be released to the public.

CCZ General Secretary, Reverend Susan Matale says the draft constitution should be made available to the Zambian people to whom it belongs simultaneously.

President Sata in his recent statement contended that with the current political schemes and ill-intentions, it will be highly irresponsible for government to authorise the release of the document before it goes through Cabinet.


    • The only person(s) to give credit to the voices calling for the release of the constitution is Sata himself (Sata is PF and PF is Sata). Therefore to claim that opposition political parties are “hijacking” the process is an insult to the Zambian people. It is indeed a fact that the only person hijacking the constitution is Sata and as usual blaming innocent people for it.

    • To all our colleagues in uniform,this NEW constitution is yours too.It’s about your economic rights and freedoms-These Ideals we share and fighting for are your ideals too-a better constitution, a free Zambia from poverty and oppression. Time has come for all our colleagues in uniform to defend posterity-enactment of a new constitution.It’s Sata who’s hijacking it and betraying own PF manifesto check page 42.Don’t defend this one person(the liar, deceiver and betrayer of our TRUST and that social contract –the promised PF manifesto),but rise to the higher moral calling-defending enactment of new constitution.To you all uniformed who don’t believe in oppression and tyranny, rise and defend this cause.It’s a revolutionary act in times of deceit!I.We demand a new constitution!!No more lies!

  1. sata just used the word hijack without knowing its meaning otherwise he would not have used it. the process of the constitution making is solely in the hands of govt and to say its hijacked when they are still in control of it is absurd, utter nonsense

  2. What is Sata hoping to achieve by shunting the Draft Constitution through his Cabinet? What value addition will the cabinet add? Who would stand up to him in that spineless cabinet? Of course these shenanigans are aimed at the government being a step ahead by preparing arguments against what they percieve will handicup the current government’s prospects. This is the very action that has lead to still-births of previous attempts at delivering a new constitution. Developing cold feet at the last minute when the government of the day takes a selfish view of self preservation as opposed to the good of the country for generations to come.

  3. @Mushota, I think you are just as mad as your so Satan…wekalihule we,swine! Wafyopa ifibwamba ifya mbwa 10000 and that is why you can trust a deranged so called president!We mwan wa mubuchednde iwe!!

  4. Isn’t it absurd that the one who has hijacked the process is accusing the rightful owners of hijacking it ? Sata must be existing in a parallel universe, for how else are we to explain his behaviour ? Here is a man who takes the people’s constitution, stuffs it under his armpit -all against the Term of Reference which states that the document should be simultaneously released to the public. And when people want their constitution, he accuses him of hijacking. Who is the hijacker herev, isnt it Sata himself ?

  5. @ Mushota why are you always living in the negative world with different negative opinions from others, I think you are a fool, when we talk about important matters you always brag in a negative way, honestly how do you trust an individual at the expense of the church.

  6. lmao mushota please you try too hard lmao you are irrelevant in all this your opinion is only for your ***** friends here at LT but continue with your to ma demonic statements will see if you ll say the same stuff soon

  7. Mushota is right on Church but wrong on Sata. I donot trust that institution that has been in the forefront of supporting and encouraging colonisers to persecute Africans and take our ancestors from Mozambique, Senegal, Liberia, Nigeria, Ghana, Ivory Coast etc. as slaves and built Europe and America. It is chiefs like Sata who sold us to the mercenaries and tyrants. Sata sold freedom fighters, Church sold its conscience and brought slavery to Africa.

  8. HE MC.Sata is right the Constitution making process has been hijacked by Winter (as a politician).
    Let’s help HE Sata free this Constitution so that it can be available to Citizens and i suggest all those who were commissioned to work on the Constitution should be arrested for abuse of Authority. The Terms of reference were clearly given by the President, so why have they failed to follow through. ACC arrest them they are embarrassing the Nation.

  9. Kettle calling the pot black.
    Kapeya is talking in the mirror while reading the prepared statement from state house.


  11. If mushota was she would quit like GBM, now she looks stupid throwing her
    Intellect and lowering herself to the uneducated , how do you trust a
    Serpent instead of the church and you expect the church to bury you
    Not only that you don’t run to Sata when you have issues , he will lock you
    Up and he has no time listening to you.

  12. @ Yami Vision
    What do you want to achieve by your inciting statement. If you dont have any thing to do its better to keep quite

    • It’s not a question of “don’t have any thing to do “, the key point is whether or not the contents of the constitution embody us all-the uniformed!! Are we happy that the high prices of goods and services are increasing unaffordable regardless of whether one is uniformed, are we happy that 50 years after independency us the uninformed are used like tissue paper against innocent citizens, where is RB and the Western province massacre, where is JFT and the Kabwe-KK assault etc – why should we be subjected to such barbarism at the expense of development. Zambia’s archaic treatment of the men and women in uniform is inherent in this useless colonial constitution –all powers in one person.

    • To all uniformed who don’t believe in oppression and tyranny, rise and defend this cause. It’s a revolutionary act in times of deceit. If we had a truly new democratic constitution-all uniformed will treat our society with dignity and respect, the same will be reciprocated to us- do you get it why this new constitution is so important to us all -our freedoms and rights regardless weather or not uniformed??? We demand enactment of new constitution in accordance with PF manifesto page 42, nothing less!!

  13. Lets face it Sata is mediocre, PF is mediocre and we have a mediocre government. We were warned by so many people about Sata but because the country was fatigued with MMD, it voted for anyone who had legs. Chiluba warned us, RB warned us and although I am not in favour of one man Tornado Miyanda, he warned us too about the constitution. Miyanda raised the issue of the legal framework of the constitution long time ago. Kabimba called him names but look at the mess Zambia is in at present? I feel like crying. We have been had. Sata, Mmembe, Wynter and Scott have messed up big time. Whats worse is that the other three have Sata in a bind, that they guy does not know the way to chitulika village. That’s how absurd it is. HELP, HELP!

  14. The people: can we have the draft constitution as promised please.

    Chumbu Mushololwa: you are not having, that would be irresponsible of me to release it.

    • Like everything else there, in Zambia it will take decades before this is accomplished, in the mean time the corrupt *****s are siphoning money in droves out of the system.
      South Africa only took 2 years to draft and finally approve their new rainbow constitution, which is even more progressive, inclusive and more civilized. It even allows for dual citizenship, and people are free. Modern and developing well.
      Presidents come and go (unfortunately some die) in Zambia, and they all did something to this process, without achieving the end. This goes to show how slow we are even in everything else this is why development in Africa, moves behind a snails pace. How can you talk about the constitution making process for more than 10 years?….Crazy, mwefipuba mwe….you will never get anywhere.

  15. HEMCS, dont be pressured by no brainers. A constitution is not something you handle with a mentality of bitterness,envy or looting from privatisation. Take your time mr president, we want the best constitution not one forced on us by a bitter person and his puppies. Frankly speaking, wished we had you(sata) since 1964….

  16. EXCUSE ME…


  17. I wonder whether funding of CSOs to demand a people driven constitution amounts to wrong doing against any standard. I belive that should be encauraged as it supports what the masses want who are the real owners of the constitution. Such a move deserves praise if anyone or political party is doing that because it is a people driven constitution being demanded for and not a constitution to only serve the party in government.

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