Pressure is mounting for Justice Minister Wynter Kabimba to voluntarily step down to allow for comprehensive investigations that will allow his juniors including Solicitor General Musa Mwenye to give evidence without intimidation.
Kabimba has been asked to emulate former Transport and Communications Minister Dora Siliya who stepped down to pave way for investigations in the case of alleged misconduct and abuse of office under the MMD government.
Acting Lusaka Province youth chairman Julius Komaki said that youths have given the ruling party secretary general 48hrs to immediately resign from his position or be forced out in the interest of justice.
Komaki said since the Kabimba tribunal was already in place, it was incumbent upon the Justice Minister to relinquish his position to allow for free investigations to clear his name.
“He is Justice Minister, so he knows that it is in the interest of justice that he resigns to allow for investigations over issues raised against him. In fact, two former deputy ministers Ronald Chitotela, Labour and Agriculture’s Rodgers Mwewa were dropped pending corruption investigations,” he said.
And Open Society Foundation executive director Sunday Chanda has said that Kabimba has no choice but to step down now that a tribunal has been constituted to investigate his alleged abuse of office and misconduct on his part.
Chanda a supporter of PF policies and government said that Kabimba must respond to the allegations leveled against him.
And Alliance for Democracy and Development (ADD) president Charles Milupi says the constitution of a tribunal to try Kabimba is long overdue and must be supported by all well-meaning Zambians.
Komaki said PF youths in Lusaka have organized mass demonstration in protests against Kabimba’s continued stay in office despite the establishment of a tribunal to probe him.
And Milupi said the constitution of a tribunal was a most welcome development which must serve as a lesson to other overzealous PF ministers.
“The constitution of the tribunal is welcome and we support it because the allegations levelled against Mr. Kabimba are serious.
He said the tribunal should act and serve as a lesson to all other PF government ministers and Members of Parliament who felt that they were above the law and could do anything with impunity.
Petitioners Brebner Changala and Lucky Mulusa want Kabimba investigated on whether or not the letter copied to Justice Chibesakunda and President Sata constituted interference in the independence of the judiciary as guaranteed by the laws of Zambia.
The matter arises from a ruling in which MMD president Mumba was charged with contempt of Court.
It was revealed that Kabimba had used government legal opinion on a PF letterhead which letter was copied to acting chief justice Chibesakunda and President Sata over the nullification of three parliamentary seats held by the opposition.
PF the most unpopular political party to rule zambia… UNIP and MMD went for at least 20years before they became unpopular..
And wynter if you have ears not like chumbu, step aside, these things will come after you when PF loses power.
Keep quite you Komaki thug !
Let him speak, he has every right to just has you and all PF faithfuls do. The one thing that is increasingly becoming undisputable is that fact that MMD was leading this country in the right direction and has been the most successful political party in Zambian history. Siliya resigned to pave way..this moron won’t resigning without being forced. We had freedom of expression (you called Mwanawasa a “cabbage” and RB “soya something” and no one was arrested for defamation. You held rallies at your convenience and even appeared on radio and TV without people loosing jobs or being arrested. Development was encouraged in the private sector while Govt was building forex reserves. But Mm’membe had to protect his debts and sold you this gabarge of a Govt. complete resersal gear.
Can Winter resign on his own??? Pipo we have witnessed a very unsuccessful crusade like that before!! Kabimba wamupampima kwati ninda, nangufye lunshi pamafi!!! No morals at all!!! GBM aleti “ndeloleshafye”
Feel sorry for Winter, he has nowhere to go. A failure of a lawyer and a total failure of a politician.
Or the President can send Kabimba on indefinite leave, pending the findings of the tribunal.
If he is found to have no case to answer he can simply be reinstated from his leave.
Can he wynter step down I don’t think so
Why should he resign? Is he guilty, m******!
Poor reasoning. you cannot even analyze the differences among The Winter, GBM, and Masumba cases. Think and don’t insult.
Did Masumba resign throughout his case? Kabimba was resign only if he is found with a case and is convicted.
@Mwembeshi, if you dont see anything wrong with these people resigning while they are being investigated, then you have no understanding of jurisprudence. Kabimba is Justice minister and calls himself a lawyer and studied jurisprudence at UNZA in 4th year, he ought to know that for there to be an unobstructed investigation over his conduct, he needs to vacate the office and not to be seen to intimidate any officers in the Justice ministry who may be summoned to give evidence for or against Kabimba without fear of victimisation. Such acts are a whole mark of good governance.
exactly especially as his “acquittal” is a foregone conclusion.
Komaki if you don’t remove this Kabimba fellow from office now, you will not get another chance.
Does it mean there is democracy in PF or it is a matter of indiscipline by a Junior member.
@Joe Peters, my analysis is that the former is a manifestation of a lack of democracy and good governance in PF. Had democracy and good governance existed, Kabimba would have stepped aside (or listened to the grass root). Its the frustration of “the big fish” feeling they are above the law which is frustrating the junior members hence them taking to the street in protest and carrying mock coffins of their leadership. Whether this is acceptable or not, is a question of what comes first, the chicken or the egg (good governance or descipline). As the man who was councillor, then ward chairman, governor, MP, Minister and then President. Unless one holds these offices, we are incapable of questioning things.
Sorry meant the latter is a manifestation of a lack of the former – in your question
Let’s wait
@Mfumu, then “Mr Clean” should step aside.
Wynter is so naive that he does not need enemies to bring him down.Right now he is trying to manipulate the constitutional making process.He has been the subject of attempts to throw him out of the party but he is the same person working against a progressive constitution.Very soon he shall find himself out of power and at the mercy of Sata appointed Police IG,ACC DEC etc.That is when we shall see him running to Let The Pipo Talk to complaign.Even online media will soon be an outlet for his frustrations.Think Wynter think.
So on this one the president will keep quiet, but if it was another minister chela could have already released a press release of laying that minister off.
A precedence was made by Doras Siliya so red lips kabimba has no alternative but to pave way. Komaki job well done
The guys can not show up because Winter has not been dropped as Justice Minister. How can you probe him when he is active? He will use his authority to threaten the tribunal. The President must drop him immediately.