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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Sata’s remarks over the constitution disappointing -YALI


Young leader’s African initiative (YALI) has challenged government to clearly explain how the constitution making process has been hijacked.

YALI President Andrew Nthewewe told QFM News in an interview that the organization is very disappointed by president Sata’s remarks on the constitution.

Mr. Nthewewe said that it would have been better for the president not to have constituted the committee to draft the constitution than waste so much money on it.

He said it is not right to accuse the civil society organizations and the opposition political parties to have hijacked the constitution when the technical committee had all the time to go round the provinces and collect submissions to the draft constitution.

He stressed that it is unfair and unacceptable to accuse innocent organizations that are only helping to speak for the voiceless.



    • @ Ba Osmore,
      I think it’s within their right to make noise right now, that means they care for the future of our land, read my post below, you will get it!

    • @Cindy

      Please educate some of these kids confused by easy PF brown envelop money. They don’t understand where Zambia is coming from, where it is now and what the future should be for our next generation.

  1. Zambians I don’t want I can call us. Stupid,silly or dull. Sata knows that if he can confuse and take the attention away from the constitution,these fools will take the focus on what I will say. And its happening. Everyone in the media is just responding to Sata’s statements about hijacking the document abandoning the demands of releasing the constitution. And thats exactly where he wants our focus to be,away from demanding the release of the document. How stupid can we be?

  2. Every section of the zambian community is complaining about this pf gvt.Even amongst themselves pf nothing is going on earth can Sata give a deaf ear to the nation.Hope voters have learntba lesson.Never give PF a sngle vote in 2016

  3. Whats the fuss all about? Honestly speaking I try to understand why everyone has been sounding the gong over the Constitution, at times it gets on my nerves as it becomes too much, but then again I start to think, ” mmm wait a minute, maybe it’s ok for the people to scream now before it’s out so that there is time to make changes instead of crying foul when it’s all sealed”, so with these my thoughts I actually understand what the “fuss” is all about, so I applaud you Yali for screaming at the president, infact let the people do it more often, it helps to move someone sitting comfortably on their sit or doubting to move the Queen at a certain time when crucial threating moments arise in the game of chess!

  4. Let’s not waste time commenting on the lies of a liar mr CUMBU. The man keeps on lying and lying without shame and its like lying is just part of HIM ( John 8:44)

    Let’s keep on pushing for the realise of the constitution and not answer to their lies. These are just tricks so that we stop pushing for the realise. MR KAPEYA or what ever they call u and MR PRESIDO please don’t lead us into temptation. please we are feed up with this nonsense. Give the people what you promise period.

  5. The Fourth Republic must arrive in style. This involves government occupying the driving seat and members of the public engaging government in a civilized way. Politicking will be rebuffed by government. With hindsight, one proven and experienced retired judge or law professor would have been more effective than the Technical Committee. Why not complete the work before schedule? Why ask for ism and controversy?extension? In a constitution all legal questions are critical but why waste time on sensational and controversial issues? Be calm and national consensus will prevail. Any demagoguery must be resisted.

  6. @Cindy l like de way u come out.l would rather hear u than uyo who call himself @ Wanzelu but he appears more of the opposite of his name.Wen u approach oders like dat u expect de same.luck 2 him i can’t c him he cld b hit hard where it matters.

  7. Does anyone know how much has been spent on this constitution? Why did Sata n spend so much on it yet he doesnt want to release it? Taking us for fools not so Dint he say he would have it ready in 90 days? What is his story now?

  8. I guess the “DON’T KUBEBA” slogan goes way beyond winning the elections but still in use the way PF is operating. This slogan is now showing that the PF have something they are hiding. Do we really have to beg for the constitution to be brought out to the public? something is fishy here!!

  9. It doesn’t take very high qualifications to explain or understand what H.E M.C. Sata meant by saying that the constitution making process has been hijacked. The other party was in power for 20years,no constitution was given to you .At present the powerful PF party in leadership within the shortest period in power the started the process effectively and completed. The process is not yet complete where formalities are concerned, of course after finishing the draft it must be presented to some people then government of course ,cabinet to see the document before taking it to the public. This is the procedure,mwishinsha ubuteko tabulapwa mulimo bane….HH and friends for sure you are power hungry you have even confused the senior bachelor…Frank…ni tukakwata kateka umushimbe mwa..

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